
Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

Anonymous Hackers Attack Websites Government of Indonesia.

Catching hackers or hacking the official website of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) is by Team Cyber ​​Crime Police Headquarters provoke a reaction from leading international hacker group Anonymous.

They also declared "war" against the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to subvert berdomain sites '.'. One by one, falling government websites and the main target again paralyze the President website.

Since Tuesday night until Wednesday morning, no fewer than seven domains has been disabled and partially in-deface alias replaced the display contains a warning message. These sites are already paralyzed include multiple sub domains on the Commission website, BPS Embassy in Tashkent, Kemenkumham, Social Affairs, and Kemenparekraf, even

"Government of Indonesia, you can not arrest an idea NO ARMY CAN STOP U.S. # Anonymous # # FreeAnon OpFreeWildan," a statement on the hacker site Twitter on Tuesday (30/01/2013). Roughly means, "the Government of Indonesia, you can not handcuff a thought. Whatever No force can stop us."

Wildfire called the name of the President official website hackers. Previously, Tim Cyber ​​Crime Police Headquarters catch man with the initials WYA (20), a resident of Jember, East Java, da was secured to Jakarta.

"It is true WYA arrested by a team of police headquarters," said Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Jember Jayadi, as reported by Reuters on Monday.

He is a graduate of Vocational High School (SMK), which works as an operator of internet cafes (cafe) and a computer technician at one of the cafes in Jalan Suprapto Jember Lieutenant who had worked for two years. which became one transmitter of information and news about the activities of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono told people had been hacked by a group calling itself "Team Jemberhacker" on January 9, 2013.

When hacked, the page displays a black background with green writing at the top of the "Hacked by MJL007", as listed below a logo and the words "Team Jemberhacker" white.

Editor: Tri Wahono
Source :, Wednesday, January 30, 2013, 3:09 pm

Senin, 21 Januari 2013

Know the Living Legend Indonesian Army : KOPASSUS



Official video release from KOPASSUS

Special Forces were shortened to Kopassus is part of the Main Command (KOTAMA) fighter owned by the Army, Indonesia. Kopassus has a special ability such as moving faster in every field, shoot accurately, reconnaissance, and anti-terrorism.

Main Function Kopassus: 
  1. Handling Terrorism
  2. Sabotage
  3. Hostage
  4. Separatist movements eradicate group
  5. Information Gathering Intelligence

Kopassus soldiers can be easily recognized by the red beret bears, so the force is often referred to as the red beret troops. Kopassus has a motto of "Courage, Right, Succeed".

History Kopassus

Hymne Komando Kopassus

Special Forces Command (Kopassus) has a long history, it started in 1952, to obtain the name of the Special Forces in 1986, Unity underwent several name changes, complete with all the dynamics that happened makes Kopassus troops into elite infantry troops the best number 3 in the world, a brief history of the Special Forces can be found in the following article.

  • 1952: Kesko TT III / Siliwangi

On 16 April 1952, Colonel AE Kawilarang establish unity Territorium Army Command III / Siliwangi (Kesko TT). The idea of ​​unity of command comes from experience quell the movement South Maluku Republic (RMS) in Maluku. At that AE Kawilarang with Lt. Col. Slamet Riyadi (Brigadier General posthumously) find it difficult to face the RMS commandos. AE Kawilarang aspires to establish commandos who can move fast and agile.
Mochammad Idjon Djanbi

The first time was commander Idjon Djanbi. Idjon Djanbi is a former captain KNIL Dutch-born Canadian, whose real name is Captain Rokus Bernardus Visser.

On February 9, 1953, Kesko TT diverted from Siliwangi and directly under the Chief of Staff of the Army (Army Chief of Staff).

  • 1953: Korps Komando Angkatan Darat (KKAD)

On March 18, 1953 Headquarters of the Armed Forces took over command Siliwangi and later changed its name to the Korps Komando Angkatan Darat (KKAD).

  • 1955: Resimen Pasukan Komando Angkatan Darat (RPKAD)

Dated July 25, 1955 KKAD organization upgraded to the Resimen Pasukan Komando Angkatan Darat (RPKAD), which is still led by Mochamad Idjon Djanbi. In 1959 combat elements moved to Cijantung, east of Jakarta.

In 1959 it was also an extension of the Special Forces Regiment was changed to the Army (Special Forces). At that time the military organization has been led by Major Kaharuddin Nasution. At crackdown DI / TII, the first commander, Maj. Idjon Djanbi injured, and eventually replaced by Major RE Djailani.

  • 1966: Pusat Pasukan Khusus AD (Puspassus AD)

On December 12, 1966, Special Forces turned into centers also Pusat Pasukan Khusus AD (Puspassus AD). This AD Puspassus name only lasted for five years.

Actually, until 1963, RPKAD consists of two battalions, and battalions of the 1st Battalion 2, all of which is headquartered in Jakarta. When, battalion first deployed to Lumbis and Long Bawan, when the confrontation with Malaysia, while the second battalion also suffered also in Kuching, Malaysia, the current commander of the Special Forces, Lieutenant-Colonel Sarwo because of its proximity to the Army Commander, Lieutenant General Ahmad Yani , proposes two battalions 'Banteng Raider' formed by Ahmad Yani when combating DI / TII in Central Java upgrades Batujajar, Bandung was in Special Forces Battalion, each Battalion 441 "Banteng Raider III", Semarang was ordained at the end of the 3rd Battalion RPKAD tahung , 1963. Following the 436th Airborne Battalion "Banteng Raider I", 2nd Battalion Magelang to replace two old battalion shortage in mid-1965. Meanwhile, the 454th, "Banteng Raider II" remains a battalion under the auspices of the Diponegoro military command. This battalion later traveled around Jakarta and involved shoot-out with the 1st Battalion Special Forces in Hek.

  • 1971: Komando Pasukan Sandi Yudha (Kopassandha)

Dated February 17, 1971, the regiment was afterwards named Komando Pasukan Sandi Yudha (Kopassandha).

In operation in East Timor's army played a role since the beginning. They conduct special operations in order to encourage the integration of East Timor into Indonesia. On December 7, 1975, the army is the main force of the first to Dili. This forces assigned to secure the airfield. While the Navy and Air Force to secure the city. Since then the role of these forces continue to form part of the power of moving air (mobile) for hunt Fretilin leaders, Nicolau dos Reis Lobato in December 1978.

The achievement catapulted the name of Special Forces operations are now hostages are the crew and passengers of the DC-9 Woyla Garuda Indonesian Airways hijacked by five men who claimed to be from the Islamic extremist group "Jihad" led Imraan ibn Muhammad Zein, March 28, 1981 . The plane that was flying the route-Medan Palembang had landed in Penang, Malaysia, and finally landed at the airport Don Mueang, Bangkok. Under the leadership of Lt. Col. Sintong, Special Forces troops were able to free all hostages and shoot down all the perpetrators of piracy. Casualties of the operation is Capa (posthumous) Achmad Kirang shot dead hijackers and pilot Captain Herman Rante who was also shot by the hijackers. Imran bin Muhammad Zein arrested in the incident and sentenced to death.

In 1992 the catch successor Lobato, Xanana Gusmao, who hid in Dili with supporters.

  • 1986: Special Forces (Kopassus)

With the reorganization in the military body, the date of December 26, 1986, the name changed to Special Forces Special Forces are better known as Kopassus until now.

Forces conduct further realignment of the unitary group Kopassus. So the unity container and education are combined into Group 1, Group 2, Group 3/Pusdik Pasuss, and Detachment 81.
Since June 25, 1996 Kopasuss group reorganization and development of the three groups into five groups.
  1. Grup 1/Parakomando - located in Serang, Banten
  2. Group 2/Parakomando - Kartasura located in Central Java
  3. Grup 3/Pusat Pendidikan Pasukan Khusus (Pusat Education Special Forces Group) located in Batujajar, West Java
  4. Group 4/Sandhi Yudha - Cijantung located in East Jakarta
  5. Group 5/Anti Terror - Cijantung located in East Jakarta

Detachment 81, the anti terrorist unit Kopassus, abolished and integrated into groups earlier.

Unit Group 81 - Counter-Terrorism (SAT 81 - Gultor)

Unless Pusdikpassus, which serves as an educational center, Group-Group has a function other operational (combat). Thus, the structure is different from Group-Pusdikpassus other groups. Each group (except Pusdikpassus), subdivided into battalions, for example: Yon 11, 12 and 13 (from Group 1), and Group 21, 22 and 23 (from Group 2).

Kopassus Unit Structure. 

Different organizational structures Forces infantry unit in general. Although the terms of the corps, members of the Special Forces primarily from Infantry Corps, but according to its particular, the Kopassus creates its own structure, which is different from other infantry units.

Kopassus deliberately not to be bound to the general infantry units, this unit looks at the so-called Group. Group aims to make use of the terms of their existing units to avoid the standard infantry unit sizes in general (eg Brigade). With this unit, Kopassus be flexible in determining the number of personnel, can be more than brigade size (about 5000 personnel), or less.

Simulation Group Kopassus (Kopaska) in Indonesian waters

Due to a special forces Kopassus, then in carrying out combat operations, the number of personnel involved relatively little, not as much as the number of regular infantry personnel, in other words do not use a conventional ranging from platoon to battalion. Kopassus rarely (maybe never) operations involving the power of one battalion at a time. Unlike the units in general, units under the battalion is not called the company, but the detachment, unit or team. Kopassus rarely involves many personnel in an operation. In order not to be bound by the size of the company or platoon standard, the Kopassus need to have a separate designation for the unit, to be more flexible.

Rank of commander.

The term for the leader of the Special Forces also improved ranking Kopassus Commander Commander Brig Gen (Danjen) at the rank of Major General Kopassus conjunction with this reorganization.
  1. Group Commander rank of Colonel,
  2. Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel,
  3. Detachment Commander, Teams, Units, or Special Task Force, was an officer in the rank adjusted for load duty (from Lieutenant to Major).

Currently, Special Forces led by a Commander General (Danjen) at the rank of Major General. Currently Danjen positions occupied by Maj. Gen. Agus Sutomo, S.IP.

Achievement Kopassus

In the course of its history, had solidified its presence as Kopassus special forces are capable of handling heavy tasks. Some of the operations performed by the Kopassus are:
  1. Crackdown DI / TII,
  2. Military operations PRRI / Permesta
  3. Operation Trikora
  4. Operation Dwikora
  5. G30S/PKI crackdown,
  6. Act in West Irian,
  7. Operation Lotus in East Timor,
  8. The operation to free hostages in the airport Don Muang-Thai (Woyla),
  9. GPK operation in Aceh, the operation to free hostages in Mapenduma

Kopassus The operation to free hostages in the airport Don Muang-Thai (Woyla)

Due to the mission and task of confidential operations, the majority of the activities of the task rather than unit KOPASSUS never be known thoroughly. Examples KOPASSUS operation ever undertaken and unknown to the public such as:
  1. Infiltration into Vietnamese refugees on Galang island to assist in gathering information for Kordinasikan with the United States of America (CIA),
  2. Infiltration border of Malaysia and Australia
  3. Operations patrol distances (long range recce) on the border of Papua New Guinea.

Kopassus, the elite top-3 to the world.

In the Discovery Military Channel about the best special forces in the world (Top Elite Special Forces In The World). So when it's all special forces in the world rated performance with certain parameters, and of course also gathered the opinions of the various military analysts and historians.

According to the Discovery Channel broadcast was seen results quite encouraging our beloved homeland Indonesia.
  1. The first position is occupied SAS (UK),
  2. Ranked second MOSSAD (Israel),
  3. Ranked third is KOPASSUS (Indonesia).

The narrator of the Discovery Channel Military special forces explain why the United States did not enter the rankings. Apparently because they are too dependent on the equipment based on super-advanced technology, accurate and versatile digital.

Meanwhile, according to the judgment that a great special forces troops are perfectly capable of achieving quality in terms of individual ability. Of course, including the ability to self-defense, survival (survival), camouflage, strategy, endurance, guerilla, making traps. And so forth.

Capabilities that are not overly rely and depend on advanced technology and have the skills above the average of other foreign elite to be a plus for the Special Forces. Maybe because it was also the expression that 1 Kopassus soldier is equivalent to 5 regular soldiers. And maybe also because of the greatness of Kopassus were also likely to lead to around the 90's so objectionable America, and Australia became frightened when Indonesia will increase the number of members Kopassusnya.

Stages of Education Forces Command. 

Maybe you wonder, why are we so special Kopassus troops? 
  1. You need to know, all members of the Army Special Forces soldiers are all the best choice of all units of the military, with very strict test.
  2. All troops are super hard in practice, with a very comprehensive range of materials, including:

First Phase (Basic) - 10 Week Training: 
  1. Exercise Individuals in Batujajar
  2. Shaping Attitudes and Individual Personality
  3. Filling Technical Capability
  4. Tactics Operations Command
  5. Battle of Individuals
  6. Basics Battle City
  7. Supporting Knowledge
  8. Managerial Field
  9. Ability Test Inland Navigation
  10. Test the ability of Individuals

Second Stage (Mountain and Forest) - 6 Weeks training: 
  1. Forests and War Fighting in Situ Lembang
  2. Strengthening Forest Observations
  3. The ability of individuals in the Forest
  4. Basic Techniques Battle
  5. Ability to work in teams and groups in the Forest
  6. HTF Forest
  7. Application Long March (PPJJ)

Third Stage (Wetlands and Marine) - 4 Week Training: 
  1. Emphasis Operations Command
  2. Swamp Battle Tactics in Cilacap and Nusakambangan
  3. Stabilization of Wetlands and Marine Observations
  4. Ability Patrol
  5. Swamp Field Studies
  6. Endurance Test CAMP

Complete with educational materials such as the above, we can be sure all the Forces Kopassus is man-super TNI, who are ready to die to defend the sovereignty of our beloved Indonesia.

Dark history of Kopassus.
  1. In 1998, Kopassus had tarnished the name associated with the activities of the accused Rose Team is responsible for the activities of life abduction and pro-democracy activists.
  2. Kopassus name tarnished after the incident back in May 1998, when a lot of research independent fact-finding team found a well-structured organization within the military who intentionally and purposeful sparked rioting in Jakarta and Surakarta (coincidentally both cities is the base area / Kopassus headquarters, namely Cijantung-Jakarta-Surakarta Menjangan Cage).
  3. In 2007 Tim Rose's back problems sticking to the surface the fact that 11 soldiers were involved (6 of them fired in 1999), it was not so fired but still pursue a career, a promotion and some unknown holding important positions such as commander of the rank of colonel . TNI chief said only one of the six officers who actually fired.

Photos of "action" Kopassus

But behind the ferocity Kopassus forces in their hearts remain embedded high human values, here are some photos Kopassus forces while helping flood victims in Jakarta a few days ago.

Kopassus Official site :

Souce :, Yohanes Gitoyo, S Pd. di 1/20/2013 12:41:00 AM .

Jumat, 18 Januari 2013

Story of a Child Soldiers ...

Blood Flowing stripes.
Camouflage color combination of green and brown are also bright red like blood
As long as blood is still flowing in the person of a soldier, during the same We stood loyal to the motherland ...

That afternoon show at 13:00 pm, 103 Cijantung school building looks deserted. Teaching and learning activities have started. A father of her little daughter looked out of the window class. Blood Flowing dressed in full camouflage with field service shoe and striking red beret, eyes smiling warmly toward the little girl with curly hair.


"Papah, doing? Kaka's already great! no-needs to be seen the same look on Papah. Kaka already be home alone, Pah!" So said me to Papah.

At my age it's just turned 12 years old. Our family recently moved to a small village Cijantung from a military training area named Pakatto - about 3 hours drive from the city of Makassar, South Sulawesi. Having long served in the military command Wirabuana VII - Sulawesi, my father pulled back into the Kopassus headquarters by Mr. Danjen who at that time held by Mayjend TNI office Prabowo.

My father was an infantry soldier, the other is the opening battlefield soldier, a person standing in the front line when the country was in a state of emergency one, a soldier who was adept at guerrilla fighter and combat strategies town, someone who is also required to sniper fire, as well as parachuting and skilled martial arts and has a high level of physical endurance. My father is someone who stands in front of army combat intelligence and concurrently give execute commands. In his official clothes are license Seroja Star, a decoration of the Republic of Indonesia for his services after the war in the name of Indonesia in East Timor.

My father is on his chest attached license Command, a wing of the highest in the ranks of the army because of his training the most brutal and heaviest known worldwide, to obtain the license, my father and all the other selected soldiers risking their lives in the jungles of Nusa Kambangan for months!


My father is someone who has the qualifications of 1-10, a soldier who has trained commandos to beat 10 people at once in a matter of minutes. My father was an abusive sunburned face, a gunshot wound on his arm there, which the legs are scarred. My father was an executor of the Sapta Marga sacred vows, someone who upholds the Red and White in his blood, a person who stands for the name of Indonesia. My father was a black soldier with the body straight and look fierce.

But lately, my father is no longer fierce the first. Maybe it's because I'm now not a kid anymore. I've been in junior high school, it was practically a little girl. He may also not fierce first because all the bustle of this move. This is the school's move to the 6th time! Being a child means the army must be prepared to live with the consequences of nomadic, constantly moving to follow sprin KSAD - Warrant Chief of Staff of the Army that are specific to all TNI soldiers, not to mention also for my father.

Today is day 14 I went to school in Jakarta. The school principal told my father that a child needs a strong foundation in learning, if too often moved, feared the child will experience delays due to absorb the lessons must first adapt to the environment. Looks like it really made my father worried, so he pays more attention to their children. Every day, I saw my father often came to see me to learn from my classroom window. He wanted to make sure that this little girl is fine. Understandably, first because He is responsible as the Deputy Commander relates in, we also participated with her staying in the Military Educational Complex in remote villages, far from the touch of the technology.

Schooling in remote villages, much different from the experience of learning in the city of Jakarta. The new round my adaptation to blend with the style of life of the capital city of Jakarta has just begun as growing up to be a teenager. Teenagers are a bit stubborn like today when I saw my father again at school.

"Papah, I'm embarrassed with my friends when Papah come on to school!" Murmuring swept in front of my face.

My father was a taciturn just looked at me with her eyes soft. With a faint little voice she said: "Kaka Papah just want to check it ..."
A moment later the figure went towards the official car of the gallant Chevroletnya green.

At that time, I was too young to understand the intentions of the Father .... What is clear, I know that my father was really dear to me, just as embarrassed seen classmates that my father was a soldier, I often indifferent-indifferent or welcoming recognize the affection ...


Another time, when no one remembers, when it was booming shoe model "Mary Jane" Gosh brand black output. I ask whined to my father's shoe models. So although tired after work to go home, my father is still wearing full service drove me to the Pondok Indah (at that time, the only counter Gosh shoes that were located closest to my house in Pondok Indah Mall).

Me: "Oh, just wait in the car Papah please? Kaka could buy it myself, Pah!"

Papah: "Why brother? Papah want between Kaka ..."

Me: "No way! Papah stayed in the car ! , Kaka not want views people, because Papah wear military camouflage to the Mall, it's PIM (Pondok Indah Mall)..."

Papah: "......"

My father was a frightening willingness finally agreed to surrender his little girl who is stubborn.


On another occasion, one evening I saw my father parked his official car in front of the garage. Today is Tuesday, my father had just returned from training his troops in ground combat material. My brother and I ran to open the door, rushed at him. Both arms Dad hugged us both. Looks shirt that military camouflage mud-mud. Holding her nose, in unison we said:

"Iiiihh Papah dirty clothes, shoes, lots of mud ..."

He was silent for a moment, I see. The look on his face as if to hug us tight. While sitting, my father called my name and my brother's name, so he said:

"Kaka Vero and Ade Yola now grown, are smart ...
Kaka and Ade already understand what is cool and not,
Maybe Papah is included which is cool huh ...
Papah striped shirt was dirty and shabby, not pleasing to the eye
Not such a good clothes in television commercials,

But Papah like Kaka and Ade know, that:
This striped shirt who drove and accompanied Papah to raise your
With this camouflage shirt, Kaka and Ade can see the world
Unlimited world wide ...
This camouflage makes Kaka and Ade grow, develop and blossom into a beautiful flower ...

Papah wear this dress by the Patriarchs and Founder of Special Forces known as: Blood Flowing stripes.
Camouflage color combination of green and brown are also bright red like blood
Meaning: As long as blood is still flowing in the person of a soldier, during the same We stood loyal to the motherland ...

As a soldier loyal to the homeland and the nation,
Such is also Papah faithful to keep Kaka and Ade ...
It is you who have made this Papah proudly wore camouflage ...

Kaka faces and Ade are always sharpening knives Papah loyalty during this ...


We were silent for a moment. My brother and I were stunned. No more denial. We both hugged her tightly. All my feel mix here ...

My father was a soldier who had explain to me meaning of life
My father who is black jet,
That every day exposed to the scorching sun,
Which has been slammed by the attitude of the bone:
Faithful ...

The man standing in front of me with clothes and muddy boots are my dad just got a star Paksi Kartika Eka, an honors for his loyalty to serve for 20 years without a blemish to the army.

He was my father who started a teenager with his great love consistency.
He was my father who started the lessons of my youth with a philosophy called loyalty.
He was my father who formed that mental sublime values.

He is very, very dear father, without any ...


Since that day, no one word out of my mouth to deny his heart.
Hearts and I said politely to respect its existence.
He has be appeased all my hard nature.
He has be caused to bow all ideologies anehku innocence through his attitude.
He has the whole ego demolished my world with the innocence he said.

And just as the words 12 years ago to me, so my heart continues to reply to all his affection to me ...

Nisyeworu, the author and his father.

As long as blood is still flowing,
During that would beloved father ...
In me motion also said,
I dedicate this whole life was just for the sake of happiness ...

All things beautiful
All the sweetest thing
All of the most fragrant in this world,
My father would always I addressed the beloved ...

*) Caption :
  • KOPASSUS : Special Forces were shortened to Kopassus is part of the Main Command (KOTAMA) fighter owned by the Army, Indonesia.
  • papah : favorite calls for a father
  • kaka : a call for the oldest daughter's favorite

Sources: , 23 February 2009, cited from, translate and edited by e-library mediasoft.

Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

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