
Kamis, 24 November 2016

How to Solve the Problem (fix) errors "Windows Script Host access is disabled on this machine.."

In this post, I will share about how to solve the problem (fix) errors on the windows. If you experience an error "Windows Script Host access is disabled on this machine. Contact your administrator for more details.", Here's how to fix it.

Pada postingan kali ini, saya akan berbagi tentang bagaimana mengatasi masalah (memperbaiki) error pada windows. Jika anda mengalami error "Windows Script Host access is disabled on this machine. Contact your administrator for more details.", inilah cara untuk memperbaikinya.

Windows Script Host (WSH) is a Microsoft technology that provides scripting capabilities such as batch files, but includes more features. The script can be run directly from the desktop by double-clicking a script file, or from the command prompt (CMD). The cause of this error is usually due to a virus that disables HTML WSH system. Let's discuss how to correct the error on this one.

Windows Script Host (WSH) adalah teknologi Microsoft yang menyediakan kemampuan scripting seperti file batch, tetapi mencakup lebih banyak fitur. Script tersebut dapat dijalankan langsung dari desktop dengan mengklik dua kali file script , atau dari command prompt (CMD). Penyebab error ini biasanya karena adanya virus HTML yang menonaktifkan sistem WSH.  Mari kita bahas cara perbaiki error yang satu ini.

1. Click the Start Menu, then type regedit.exe in the search box. Then select regedit.exe .
Klik Start Menu, lalu ketik regedit.exe pada kotak pencarian. Lalu pilih regedit.exe.

2. Once entered into the Registry Editor, navigate to the directory : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings.
Setelah masuk ke Registry Editor, arahkan ke direktori : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings.

3. Right-click and select New, select again DWORD (32-bit Value).
Klik kanan lalu pilih New, pilih lagi DWORD (32-bit Value).

4. Name / rename her to Enabled.
Beri nama/ ganti nama-nya menjadi Enabled.

5. Double-click on Enabled, then replace in the Value data is changed to 1 to reactivate the WSH system. Click OK.
Double klik pada Enabled, lalu ganti pada bagian Value data diubah menjadi 1 untuk mengaktifkan kembali sistem WSH. Klik OK.

6. Finish, the final step is to restart your PC / computer.
Selesai, langkah terakhirnya adalah dengan Restart PC/komputer.

So, hopefully this information can help you troubleshoot this PC. Thanks and good luck ..
Sekian, semoga informasi ini dapat membantu anda mengatasi masalah PC ini. Terima kasih dan selamat mencoba..

Selasa, 14 Juni 2016

Transformers : The Last Knight , " The story of the return of the Monster" Megatron " and fight 2 Rival : " Bumblebee vs. Barricade " .

You a fan of the Transformers movie ?
I dedicate this article is especially for you fans of the Transformers movie , specifically I collected from various sources , I hope you like it.

Transformers: The Last Knight is a science fiction movie made based on the Transformers toy products produced by Hasbro Studios. Film Transformers: The Last Knight a cinema movie series "Transformers" with the final sequel was made in 2014 with the title "Transformers: Age of Extinction".

It is estimated that the series Transformers: The Last Knight will be the last film of the Transformers movie directed by Michael Bay. As in the previous Transformers series, Industrial Light & amp; Magic (ILM) was responsible for giving a touch of the primary visual effects for Transformers: The Last Knight, Transformers 5 will begin production in the summer of this year in the city of Detroit, USA. Michael Bay will direct the film based on a script written by the creator of the story of Iron Man (2008), Art Marcum and Matt Holloway, and Ken Nolan, known as the creator of the scenario the film Black Hawk Down (2001). In addition to Carmichael, the star of Nickelodeon Isabela Moner, also reportedly in talks to play the female lead named Izabella. The character was portrayed as a tomboyish girl who's smart and great at the orphanage. He considers the Transformer robot small as only friend who then took him to meet with Cade Yeager (Mark Wahlberg). Transformers 5 back to continue the story of Cade along with the Autobots, led by Optimus Prime. But for this fifth series, where a robot that can transform into truck was rumored to be an enigma. On the other hand, emerged the new figure named Unicorn who plan to destroy the Earth. Film Transformers: The Last Knight re-produced by Steven Spielberg is scheduled to be aired in US theaters starting on June 23, 2017 to come.

Return of the Monster Megatron.

megatron new
Megatron, Transformers: The Last Knight

The evil character in the movie Transformers: The Last Knight finally revealed. It was announced by the producer and director Michael Bay. on Tuesday (31/5), through Instagramnya account. He said if the process of production of the fifth series of the Transformers franchise will start in the near future and be the last one for him. Directed 13 Hours (2016) also shared the latest teaser showing the new face of the old enemy Optimus Prime cs. Yes, he was Megatron redesigned and confirmed again after death and changes in Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011) and Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014). "It's starting. Production of this week. Megatron back. #transformers #Decepticons #, "wrote the official Instagram Bay in Transformers by pinning the title" the battle is coming. #transformers ".

Video : "Video from filming "Transformers: The Last Knight"

After a brief filming in Cuba some time ago, Transformers: The Last Knight planned to resume shooting in Detroit this weekend. Last week, Transformers has also released a teaser that shows documents from the US State Department says "I come to you on May 31," through Morse code.

Acts fight two rivals: Bumblebee vs. Barricade

Transformer 5 to bring something new in some cars, such as the appearance of Bumblebee that was released for the 2016 Chevrolet Camaro that looks more sporty and aggressive and aerodynamic with the installation of fancy set of wheels HRE. For his latest film "Transformers: The Last Knight", output of Chevrolet cars that look more cool with the new design.

Chevrolet Camaro 2016 alias Bumblebee

Reporting from, the look of Bumblebee was first leaked by the director, Michael Bay through chirp on his Twitter account. Design of the new Bumblebee can be seen on the front that looks different. "Bee has returned," wrote Michael in its caption. "It's getting the best out of the car's Camaro special ordered. #transformers." 

Mustang Saleen S281E alias Barricade

Meanwhile on the other occasion the actor Josh Duhamel, who plays the character of William Lennox revealed a police car used in the movie 'Transformers The Last Knight' in his Twitter account. Cars 'Barricade' is ready to go back to 'bad cop' in the movie 'Transformers The Last Knight'.

"I guess we have to get rid of this bad policy," wrote Josh Duhamel in the caption accompanying the new Barricade photo on his Twitter account.

Barricade was first released in the first Transformers movie was produced 2007. In that movie, Barricade is also involved in the fight with Bumblebee or Chevrolet Camaro.

Now Barricade will be present again in the movie 'Transformers The Last Knight' is scheduled to release on June 23, 2017.

Barricade still use the car Ford Mustang Saleen. Just like Bumblebee, Mustang Saleen in the latest Transformers movie has also been updated. Like its predecessor, the new Mustang is still taking on the role as a police vehicle with the installation of bull bar is great in the front fender and bumper stickers that read 'to Punish and Enslave' emblazoned on the rear fenders. To give the impression of fierce new version of Barricade, the painting is done using the color black dominates body. Plus the installation of a new vented hood and large spotlights to the A-pillar.

In addition to using the latest version of the car, the Mustang is equipped again with a body kit, large hood and rear wing.

Profile movie Transformers: The Last Knight briefly:

  • Directed by  Michael Bay
  • Produced by: Don Murphy, Tom DeSanto, Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Akiva Goldsman
  • Ditulis oleh : Art Marcum, Matt Holloway, Ken Nolan
  • Developed based products Transformers by Hasbro
  • Dibintangi : Mark Wahlberg, Isabela Moner, Josh Duhamel, Jerrod Carmichael, Anthony Hopkins
  • Filmmaking: Jonathan Sela
  • Production Companies Hasbro Studios
  • Di Bonaventura Pictures
  • Distributed by: Paramount Pictures
  • Release Date: June 23, 2017 (United States) in the format in RealD 3D, IMAX 3D and 2D.
  • Builder Country: United States, English


  • Human actors.

Mark Wahlberg

Isabela Moner

Josh Duhamel

  1. Mark Wahlberg as Cade Yeager, a single father and a struggling inventor who helped Autobots during events Age of Extinction.
  2. Isabela Moner as Izabella, orphan tomboy, clever who grew up in an orphanage. 
  3. Josh Duhamel as Lt. Col. William Lennox, a human soldier who partnered with the Autobots before the events of Age of Extinction. 
  4. Jerrod Carmichael 
  5. Anthony Hopkins 

Optimus Prime

  • Robot transformer Autobots
Robot Autobots and Decepticon in the parking lot

The delegation robot car Autobots

Kill Count


  1. Optimus Prime, the Autobot leader who is looking for the truth about her Creator of the events of the previous film. 
  2. Bumblebee, Autobot who turns into a custom-built 2016 Chevrolet Camaro.
  3. Hound
  4. Kill Count

  • Robot transformer Decepticon

The delegation robot car Decepticon


VW Buss

  1. Megatron, the Decepticon leader who revived his consciousness downloaded into a man-made drone known as Galvatron in the Age of Extinction. 
  2.  Barricades, congratulations Decepticon of Dark of the Moon which turned into a police car Saleen S281E. 
  3. Wreck-Gar
  4. VW Buss

You are curious about the Transformers robot action?
Wait for their action one year again !!!

Writer : Yohanes Gitoyo, S Pd.
Source :

Jumat, 29 Januari 2016

Top 10 Adware / PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program) 2015

Ransomware malware may be king in 2015, but if you see the ranking of malware based on the number of incidents that occur every month became the ruler did not ransomware but Adware. 

Ransomware boleh menjadi raja malware di tahun 2015, tetapi jika melihat pemeringkatan malware berdasarkan jumlah insiden yang terjadi setiap bulan yang menjadi penguasa sama sekali bukan ransomware tetapi Adware. 

Adware as the name Advertising Software was originally created to communicate the product / service, but in its development more widely used for negative activities such as display ads by coercion or deception and controlled content such as feature adult content, inappropriate or even lead to the installation of malware. There is a new category of adware called PUP Potentially Unwanted Programs, as the name of the program is likely unintended by the computer user, but like the uninvited guest with no idea of ​​shame he would ride on your computer. The trick is to menginstalkan himself along with the popular freeware used by many computer users.

Adware sesuai namanya Advertising Software pada awalnya diciptakan untuk mengkomunikasikan produk / layanan, namun dalam perkembangannya lebih banyak dimanfaatkan untuk aktivitas negatif seperti menampilkan iklan dengan paksaan atau tipuan dan konten yang tidak terkontrol seperti menampilkan konten dewasa, tidak pantas atau malah mengarahkan pada instalasi malware. Ada kategori baru dari Adware yang disebut PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program), sesuai namanya program ini kemungkinan besar tidak diinginkan oleh pengguna komputer namun ibarat tamu tidak diundang dengan tidak tahu malunya ia akan menumpang di komputer anda. Caranya adalah dengan menginstalkan dirinya bersama dengan freeware populer yang banyak digunakan oleh pengguna komputer.

Adware, PUP Potentially Unwanted Program.

Adware , Potentially Unwanted Programs PUP
If we look at the statistics Malware Information Initiative MII given by G Data which gets data from G Data Antivirus user community around the world who are willing to participate and automatically transmit the data anonymously malware stopped by G Data . Adware is becoming evident that the rulers of the world and Indonesia malware stairs . ( see figure 1 )

Figure 1 , Adware / PUP is the amount of beating other malware category in 2015 and ruled the malware in 2015.
Gambar 1, Adware / PUP secara jumlah mengalahkan kategori malware lain di 2015 dan merajai tangga malware 2015

Jika kita melihat statistik Malware Information Initiative MII yang diberikan oleh G Data yang mendapatkan data dari komunitas pengguna antivirus G Data di seluruh dunia yang bersedia berpartisipasi dan secara otomatis mengirimkan secara anonim data malware yang dihentikan oleh G Data. Terbukti bahwa Adware memang menjadi penguasa tangga malware dunia dan Indonesia. (lihat gambar 1)

Dan Top 10 malware yang dihentikan mencakup 44,16 % dari total jenis malware yang memang sangat bnayak variannya. Adapun ke 10 Adware yang pelru di waspadai dan aksinya yang merugikan dapat di lihat pada uraian di bawah ini :
  • As for the king Adware is Script.Adware.DealPly.G that installs itself along with other freeware. DealPly (24.51%) itself is an add-on to your browser and it will try to show ads on every page of the site visited by the user of the computer.Adapun yang menjadi raja Adware adalah Script.Adware.DealPly.G yang menginstalkan dirinya bersama dengan freeware lain. DealPly (24,51 %) sendiri adalah add on pada peramban dan ia akan berusaha menampilkan iklan yang pada setiap halaman situs yang dikunjungi oleh pengguna komputer.
  • After DealPly, entrenched in 2 Script.Application.Plush.D which comes in the form of Javascript and instalkan by Gen.Adware.Plush.1 that in carrying out the action to inject the browser used to display advertisements and banner. Setelah DealPly, bercokol di peringkat 2 Script.Application.Plush.D yang datang dalam bentuk Javascript dan di instalkan oleh Gen.Adware.Plush.1 yang dalam menjalankan aksinya akan menginjeksikan peramban yang digunakan guna menampilkan iklan dan banner. 
  • Then Script.Adware.Vbates.A also like to be in instalkan PUP by other third party installer. In carrying out the action it will display alternative product advertising every time the computer user interested in doing online shopping. Lalu Script.Adware.Vbates.A juga seperti PUP yang akan di instalkan oleh installer pihak ketiga lain. Dalam menjalankan aksinya ia akan menampilkan iklan produk alternatif setiap kali pengguna komputer berminat melakukan belanja online.
  • Win32.Application.OpenCandy.G is an application that runs on Windows 32 bit and into the category of PUP since installs itself along with the popular freeware program such as PDF Reader, DVD Player, archiver and other programs. Opencandy will change your browser settings, browser and setting the initial site search engine being used. He will direct the victim to unwanted sites and displays pop-up in order to obtain financial gain. Win32.Application.OpenCandy.G adalah aplikasi yang berjalan di Windows 32 bit dan masuk ke dalam kategori PUP karena menginstalkan dirinya bersama dengan program freeware populer seperti PDF Reader, DVD Player, archiver dan program lainnya. Opencandy akan mengubah setelan peramban anda, situs awal peramban dan setelan mesin pencari yang sedang digunakan. Ia akan mengarahkan korbannya ke situs yang tidak diinginkan dan menampilkan iklan pop up guna mendapatkan keuntungan finansial.
  • Script.Spyware.Skrum.A is an add-on to Mozilla Firefox browser that will installs itself without permission. He would spy on users to report eperti Firefox add on what is used in the Firefox browser. Script.Spyware.Skrum.A adalah add on pada peramban Mozilla Firefox yang akan menginstalkan dirinya tanpa izin. Ia akan memata-matai pengguna Firefox eperti melaporkan add on apa saja yang digunakan pada peramban Firefox tersebut. 
  • Adware.BrowseFox.BU is a PUP that target browsers Internet Explorer and Google Chrome. He will installs itself as Add ons then initiate action such as changing the start page, and default search engine in the browser's security settings. When the browser is used it will inject Javascript to display ads that benefit him. Adware.BrowseFox.BU adalah PUP yang mengincar peramban Internet Explorer dan Google Chrome. Ia akan menginstalkan dirinya sebagai Add ons lalu memulai aksinya seperti mengubah start page, default search engine dan setting sekuriti pada peramban. Ketika peramban digunakan ia akan menginjeksikan Javascript guna menampilkan iklan yang menguntungkan dirinya.
  • Adware.Agent.PJT is a PUP that diinstalkan by Opencandy who will attempt to change the start page and search engine settings to display ads that benefit him. Furthermore he will attempt to control network traffic and is designed in such a way that's hard to kill (uninstall) of the computer. Some examples of software that contains Agent.PJT are: Market Research Helper, Smarter Power, Common Share, Mega Browse, Flip Jump, Bring Star, Smarter Power and Wise Enhance. Adware.Agent.PJT merupakan PUP yang diinstalkan oleh Opencandy yang akan berusaha mengubah start page dan settingan mesin pencari guna menampilkan iklan yang menguntungkan dirinya. Lebih jauh lagi ia akan berusaha mengontrol trafik jaringan dan di desain sedemikian rupa agar sulit dibasmi (uninstal) dari komputer. Beberapa contoh software yang mengandung Agent.PJT adalah : Market Research Helper, Smarter Power, Common Share, Mega Browse, Jump Flip, Bring Star, Smarter Power dan Wise Enhance.
  • Scareware is a type Win32.Adware.Iobit.A. He will scare the victim computer users by displaying false information as if the computer contains a lot of malware and tries to convince the victim to purchase malware homemade cleaners for cleaning of malware that does not actually exist. Win32.Adware.Iobit.A adalah jenis Scareware. Ia akan menakut-nakuti pengguna komputer korbannya dengan menampilkan informasi palsu seakan-akan komputer tersebut mengandung banyak malware dan mencoba meyakinkan korbannya untuk membeli pembersih malware buatannya untuk membersihkan malware yang sebenarnya tidak ada.
  • Win32.Application.OpenCandy.O is another variant of Opencandy included in the category of PUP and benefit financially from displaying pop-up ads that are not desirable. Like the other variants OpenCandy it will also change the setting of the search engines and the browser start page. Win32.Application.OpenCandy.O adalah varian lain dari Opencandy yang termasuk dalam kategori PUP dan mendapatkan keuntungan finansial dari menampilkan iklan pop up yang tidak diinginkan. Seperti varian OpenCandy lainnya ia juga akan mengubah setting mesin pencari dan halaman awal peramban.
  • Gen.Adware.BrowseFox.1 is a PUP that will ride another freeware for installs itself on the victim's computer. He will menyarukan himself as programs Market Research Helper, Swift Browse, Browser Helper, Common Share, Mega Browse, Special Box, Net Crawl, Clear Think, Jump Flip, Bring Star, Smarter Power, Wise Enhance, Enter Digital, Framed Display, Digi Help, Rock Turner and Infinet. He will installs itself as Add ons in three popular browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome. In addition he will also seek installs itself as a local proxy, services and drivers. Gen.Adware.BrowseFox.1 adalah PUP yang akan menumpang freeware lain guna menginstalkan dirinya pada komputer korban. Ia akan menyarukan dirinya sebagai program Market Research Helper, Swift Browse, Browser Helper, Common Share, Mega Browse, Special Box, Net Crawl, Clear Think, Jump Flip, Bring Star, Smarter Power, Wise Enhance, Enter Digital, Framed Display, Digi Help, Rock Turner dan Infinet. Ia akan menginstalkan dirinya sebagai Add ons pada tiga peramban populer seperti Internet Explorer, Firefox dan Google Chrome. Selain itu ia juga akan berusaha menginstalkan dirinya sebagai local proxy, services dan driver.

Although in a number of infectious threats PUP / Adware defeat other threats such as Ransomware Trojans Internet Banking or SocialMalware, but the impact of the loss is usually not directly felt by the victims because it resulted in long-term losses that may not be realized by the victim, but in the level of losses in many cases not less great than the losses caused by the above three types of malware.
Meskipun secara per jumlah infeksi ancaman PUP / Adware mengalahkan ancaman lain seperti Ransomware, Trojan Internet Banking atau SocialMalware, namun dampak kerugiannya biasanya tidak langsung terasa oleh korbannya karena mengakibatkan kerugian jangka panjang yang kemungkinan tidak disadari oleh korbannya, namun secara tingkat kerugian dalam banyak kasus tidak kalah besar daripada kerugian yang diakibatkan oleh ketiga jenis malware di atas.

Typically, the primary targets are targeted by PUP / Adware is a benefit of the ads that appear. The trick is quite diverse, from displaying pop-up unwanted and annoying to change the results by featuring more advertisers benefit toolbar maker. In the long term, the loss on the transfer of information experienced by computer users could be higher than the savings of buying application security / antivirus that does not pair the toolbar.

Biasanya, target utama yang diincar oleh PUP / Adware adalah mendapatkan keuntungan dari iklan yang tampil. Caranya cukup beragam, dari menampilkan pop up yang tidak diinginkan dan menjengkelkan sampai dengan mengubah hasil pencarian dengan menampilkan lebih banyak pemasang iklan yang memberikan keuntungan pembuat toolbar. Dalam jangka panjang, kerugian atas pengalihan informasi yang yang dialami oleh pengguna komputer bisa lebih tinggi daripada penghematan membeli aplikasi sekuriti / antivirus yang tidak memasangkan toolbar.

Another danger is greater than the PUP / Adware This is a toolbar that redirect to malware infection, whether intentional in order to benefit financially from a user's computer toolbar or unintentional such as carelessness in the coding toolbar which resulted in another malicious program can control the user's system toolbar.
Bahaya lain yang lebih besar dari PUP / Adware ini adalah toolbar yang mengarahkan pada infeksi malware, baik disengaja demi mendapatkan keuntungan finansial dari komputer pengguna toolbar atau yang tidak disengaja seperti kecerobohan dalam coding toolbar yang mengakibatkan program jahat lain bisa menguasai sistem pengguna toolbar.

Unfortunately, the method PUP / Adware is actually used by some applications security as a business model to gain a large user base in order to obtain financial gain. The usual method is to provide a free security application and compensate these applications users are prompted to install the toolbar in their browsers. Some app makers go further, in addition to offering security applications, application developers offer other applications such as browsers / browser with claims the browser is better and faster, you can imagine, if you install the toolbar alone is categorized as hazardous because of the potential to change the results and redirect to sites that are less reliable, especially until you are using a browser that is issued by the company indicated techniques utilizing PUP / Adware, meaning that all data and internet activity you are in the hands of the manufacturer of the browser to be exploited.
Celakanya, metode PUP / Adware ini justru digunakan oleh beberapa aplikasi sekuriti sebagai model bisnis untuk mendapatkan basis pengguna yang besar guna mendapatkan keuntungan finansial. Metode yang biasa digunakan adalah dengan memberikan aplikasi sekuriti gratis dan kompensasi pengguna aplikasi tersebut diminta menginstal toolbar di perambannya. Beberapa pembuat aplikasi bergerak lebih jauh lagi, selain menawarkan aplikasi sekuriti, pembuat aplikasi menawarkan aplikasi lain seperti peramban / browser dengan klaim peramban tersebut lebih baik dan lebih cepat, anda bisa bayangkan, kalau menginstalkan toolbar saja sudah termasuk kategori berbahaya karena berpotensi mengubah hasil pencarian dan mengarahkan ke situs yang kurang terpercaya, apalagi sampai anda menggunakan peramban yang dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan yang terindikasi memanfaatkan teknik PUP / Adware, artinya semua data dan aktivitas internet anda berada di tangan perusahaan pembuat peramban tersebut untuk dieksploitasi.

Source :, December 17, 2015