

  • Why do we need donations from you?
  • We need funds for operational costs to make and upload this program to the internet, the cost of maintenance and purchasing software and hardware to support our performance
  • We are in need of funds to use legal software in our computer
  • We work for you, we beg appreciated efforts
  • We want our institutions to develop more advanced

How do I donate?
  • Send your donation to account number in the name of Gitoyo follows:
Bank BTN: 00060-01 - 50 - 012568-9
Bank BRI: 0583 - 01-001557 - 53-1
  • Send sms no notification to telephone us on: 0888 487 780 5 or: 0881 958 7686 or e-mail to us.
  • We confirm to the bank, if your donation is logged in, we'll send software / DVD newest PC Defender.
  • We report the use of softcopy send your donation to your personal e-mail