More than 900 million Facebook users account a variety of attacks led to the emergence of Facebook users. Well as Koobface virus attacks, phishing attacks aimed at stealing credentials / account up victims up to the attack of the apps (Facebook app evil) which has many purposes, both to spread itself to as many Facebook contacts victims to deceive their victims with the issue Sopa-issue like the latest and last PIPA or techniques that deceive their victims as if Facebook account and threatened to steal the victim must run the Facebook apps that have been provided. In fact these apps to deceive their victims to request to all its contacts with the ultimate goal of filling the survey form has been prepared. Possibility it aims to obtain financial gain for the author of each survey is completed. (See figure 1)
Figure 1, the Security Verification Facebook is deceiving its victims to run malicious apps.
All of the above give harm to the victim, from the light-light loss just as ashamed for spreading malicious applications on your friends, loss of data / credentials that are potentially causing other losses including financial loss. According to the observations made by the author, there is a tendency that is often performed by Internet users today who would not want to be bombarded with many credentials. Credentials from Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo mail, Gmail, Internet Banking, Dropbox, and other Instagram. Anyway if you want to use the services of the new service would not want to create a new credentials. Actually the purpose of making these credentials are good, because service providers want to identify the user so as to distinguish with other users so as to provide better service. But this led to too many credentials to remember. Again overlaid advice from security experts who recommend changing passwords regularly on a regular basis. Can you imagine how many credentials that should be recalled and replaced frequently happens that even the owner of the credentials that will not forget the password and security practices even so have backfired. Its owner forgot the password : p. Therefore, many owners use the credentials of the master password for the entire account, supposing Master Key that can be used to open all the doors then a password is used for all credentials. This helps owners do not have to remember the credentials for credentials or have too much to carry a long list of passwords everywhere. But unfortunately if the password is known by the criminals succeed, then he will have access to all accounts. To that should be considered in advance of the beginning of how to handle so many credentials, how do we keep so well protected, but still comfortable and not have to bother carrying segambreng password everywhere. One solution that is safe and I use now is to use a password reminder program where we only have to remember one password password reminder program and the program will store and encrypt all your password data safely. In addition the process also automatically input the password or use the "cut" and "paste", so avoid the risk of being stolen by a keylogger.
If this is the previously mentioned pro-active action from the owner of the credentials, the actual provider of services such as Facebook are also aware of this problem and also proactively providing protection for its members, some of the facilities already provided by Facebook. Such as:
What if my Facebook account was stolen ?
If for some reason your Facebook account stolen and you do not have access to it. You can still do the recovery account. It is very important that you have to do is make sure you can get back to your email account if you join stolen (because it's very important not to use the same password for all your accounts, in particular email account). It's important to have full control over your email account and the authors suggest using an email account that has local contacts and not the recovery abroad, this can help you save on communications costs than have to call contacts abroad (in addition to language barriers and time zones different).
Please go to the site you'll get the picture http://www.facebook.com/help/identify.php?show_form=recover 2 below.
Figure 2, the process of identifying the stolen Facebook accounts
Enter one of the credentials required. Whether email, phone, address or facebook if you do not remember you can also enter your name and your friend's name and you will be taken to the next confirmation screen. From this step, one lesson to be learned by the owner of the account up is important to include some supporting credentials such as a phone number or know your Facebook username. Facebook user name can usually be obtained on your home screen after you login. If the name you have created a Facebook user, you can activate it by clicking the arrow next to the [Home] on the right top corner on the home screen and select [Account Settings] to open the menu "General Account Settings", then click the [Username] and select a username you want. Please remember that you can only select a single username and can not change it anymore.
After the identification process is successful, you will get a verification screen
Click [Reset Password] (Atur Ulang Kata Sandi) and you'll get the next screen where you need to enter a verification code will be sent to your email.
Actually, Facebook also provides a feature "Restoring Accounts Through Friends" if you do lose your email access. But please remember that this feature is not available for all of your Facebook account and there are certain requirements to use the feature. Infomrasi more details about this feature in the Indonesian language can be accessed from http://www.facebook.com/help/?page=228169557197326.
Prevention is better than cure.
If you happen to read this article and your Facebook account is still safe, the authors suggest to perform some security steps below to secure your Facebook account:
- Avoid using the same password especially your Facebook account and your main email account.
- Consider using a password reminder program.
- Use a local email as the primary credentials, if the account is stolen you still have local access provider to contact the account.
- Enable login notification of new devices. So every time a new device used to access your Facebook account, you will get notified either via email or SMS and can take precautions if your account is accessed from a device that does not belong to you.
- Activate Secure Browsing / https, it is important to prevent data theft, especially if you frequently access Facebook from public wifi.
- Of course, to support mail and text message notification you need to enable email and text message notification and the one thing you have to remember, monitor your emails and SMS on a regular basis.
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