
Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

Online malware Kaleidoscope 2012.

Despite the tendency to spread malware in 2012 has spread to new platforms such as OS and Android are experiencing an increase in the addition of the highest malware and beat OS Windows (although the total number of malware on Windows OS is still the most) and the advent of malware attacks targeting Facebook users as the number of users is more than 1 billion. Although Facebook help you find your old friends, but once familiar with Facebook ("friend" later) you do not forget there are two "friends" of old is no less powerful than Facebook, the first is your mailbox in 2012 is estimated at 3.3 billion mailboxes and no less great is the number of internet sites that Google Index reached more than 40 billion pages. (See figure 1)

Figure 1, the size of the Internet from the number of pages in Google's index

If in the world economic arena, the strength of America is still the number one in the world followed by China, Japan and Germany. And of the total number of China's Internet users, ranking first defeat America. However, the incidence of malware that infects websites position slightly shifted where America still ranks first with an infection rate of 42.03%, followed by Germany at position 2 with an infection rate of 7.3%, and China ranked third with 5.84% infection rate . But the 4-position is occupied by the Japanese economy turns taken by the Russians with an infection rate of 5.79% indicates that although the Russian economy ranks only 11 (UN version) but it seems criminal to site problems this country has more capabilities and be able to pass economic ranking . Interestingly, these sites are infected with malware Japan ranks was only 19. If the cause is due to see the language does not seem to matter as well as China and Korea who have a language with kanji still ranks high. Is it because of the implementation of security on sites in Japan are better than other countries, it is becoming an interesting phenomenon to study. (See figure 2)
Figure 2, the percentage of infected websites malicious code based on national origin.

If the internet site security management in Japan deserves thumbs up and follow, and what about Indonesia? For that we need to compare with other countries in Southeast Asia. (See table 2)
Table 2, the number of web pages infected with malware and Internet users in Southeast Asia, data

Anomalies in the number of sites infected with malicious code as happened in Russia and Japan in the world seems to occur also in Asean. Indonesia, which has the largest Internet user turned out as many as 55 million sites in Indonesia are plagued by malware penduduki only ranked 38th in the world with a percentage of 11.93% of the total infection infections or malware in Asean ranks third in Asean. Ranked first in Asean is not occupied by Filipinos but by Vietnam that records the number of sites infected with 5884 or 34.54% of the total infections in ASEAN and peaked at number 23 in the world ranking 3rd followed by Thailand which ranked 26th with a percentage of the world's infected sites by 30 , 05% as ASEAN or the number of infections by 5118 website. While the Philippines has a population of Internet users number 2 in Asean after Indonesia was only ranks 6 below Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia with a total of only 410 sites infected sites or 2.41% of the total infected site in Asean or 63 world ranking. Singapore and Malaysia respectively ranks 4 and 5 with a percentage of 11.67% rank infection and 9.14% or the 39 and 44 world ranking. To get an idea of ​​nasty malware that infects pages in Asean and pie charts, please refer to Figure 3 below:

Figure 3, Figure cakes percentage of malicious code that infects site in Asean

Any site that terinfeks and what type of infection?
If you are curious about what kind of malware that infect these sites and any site that in infection. According to observations Vaksincom generally malware that infects the umumnyadi domination by Trojan, Backdoor, Script, PHP Framer and malware. But there is a dangerous malware that infects html file and found to infect many sites in Indonesia, none other than the Ramnit.
The agency / firm malware infected very broad scope, from private companies, educational institutions (high school, university), large enterprises (conglomerates), government to mining companies that have the funds and resources mumpunipun not escape this malware infection. See figure 4 and 5.

Figure 4, one of the departments of the infected sites were detected Ramnit G Data Total Protection with Web technologies Protection

Figure 5, the world's departments Ramnit infected and trying to inject "svchost.exe" to the victim computer using VBScript.

Source :, Desember 4, 2012.

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