
Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

Captain Czi (Anm.) Pierre Andreas Tendean, Indonesian Hero: " Living for Indonesia, the Dead (also) for Indonesia"

If the entertainment world you know the song "Hidup Untukmu, Mati Tanpamu", a song by Noah diyanyikan Band, in the real world the story of the history of Indonesia noted the "Living For Indonesia, the Dead (also) for Indonesia". They are freedom fighters and the Indonesian revolution that we now know as the hero of the nation.

For now I compiled an article about Captain Czi (Anm.) Pierre Andreas Tendean, a son of the nation who devoted life and death for Indonesia, hopefully be an inspiration and role model for the youth of Indonesia to be "Living For Indonesia, the Dead (also) for Indonesia ".

Early life

Captain Czi (Anm.) Andreas Tendean Pierre (born in Jakarta, February 21, 1939, Tendean is the son of AL Tendean of Minahasa and Indo (Eurasian) mother Cornet ME Dutch and French descent but he speaks fluent Java. He has an older sister, Mitze Farre, and sister, Rooswidiati. Tendean father was a physician and held posts at hospitals in Jakarta, Tasikmalaya, Cisarua, Magelang and Semarang. To reduce the burden of his family, the young Pierre actively cultivating wasteland around her home with cassava, cassava, papaya and vegetables.

Tendean received his primary level in schools Magelang and middle and high schools in Semarang. Tendean SMP Negeri 1 school in Semarang, which once stood on Jl. Pemuda 134 Semarang  but is now used as an office Department of Education and Culture of Central Java Province. Captain Pierre aspiration to become a military officer grew while he was in his final year at high school B Semarang.

Wish after completing primary school is to attend the National Military Academy (Indonesia: National Military Academy). Yet, his parents wanted him to become a doctor or an engineer like his father. Compromise is for Pierre to attend the Army's engineering academy (Indonesia: Army Technical Academy (ATEKAD)), which he started in 1958.

If there is inter-college sports competitions, Pierre often enter the basketball team. This made him popular with many students who are watching. Pierre is the aide of AH Nasution. During this period there was an expression of the student who gets a lecture from Mr. Nas (AH Nasution), "Nasution our ears, but our eyes to his aide (Pierre Tendean)". As popular as that Pierre Tendean among women. When I became a cadet captain Pierre always the center of attention of teenage girls, and he earned the nickname "Robert Wagner of Panorama" by teenage girls Bandung.

While on duty in the field, a woman named Rukmini Chaimin managed to fall cinta.Mereka Pierre plans to marry in 1965 and the wedding should be held in November was canceled due to the death of Pierre month earlier. Reportedly the relationship between Pierre and Rukmini opposed by his family.

ATEKAD graduates in 1961 joined the corps Genie (now Corps of Engineers) and two years of junior positions under former Vice President Try Sutrisno.

Military Career

Tendean receive field experience while in college when he was shipped to the West Sumatera with fellow cadets to participate in a military operation named 'Sapta Marga. "At the moment it is Tendean Corporal and assigned Army Corps of Engineers (Indonesia: Combat Engineers). In 1962, Tendean ATEKAD and graduated from Second Lieutenant (Indonesian: Second Lieutenant (Second Lieutenant) Czi). His first assignment was as a platoon commander in the 2nd Battalion of the Corps of Engineers in Military Command Region 2 (Indonesian: Combat Engineers Battalion Platoon Commander 2nd Military Region II (Danton Yon Zipur 2 / Dam II)). in Medan.

The following year, Tendean received intelligence training in Bogor and then assigned to the Army Intelligence Service Center (Indonesia: Department of the Army Intelligence Center (DIPIAD)). He was sent to the front lines during the confrontation with Malaysia which is known as "Dwikora", in which he led a group of volunteers performing some intelligence infiltration into Malaysia. Her face makes indo-Pierre easily alternating Indonesia - Singapore as intelligence to collect data. Approximately Pierre successfully infiltrated 6 times, the last one almost got him killed.

On 15 April 1965, was promoted to Lieutenant Tendean (Indonesia: First Lieutenant (First Lieutenant)) and was assigned as a personal assistant to Major General DR. Abdul Harris Nasution (Minister of Defence / Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces) at the Sukarno era. Pierre is the Adjutant General AH Nasution, the youngest, both age and his service as a military man.


On the morning of October 1, 1965, forces loyal to the G-30 came to the Major General DR. Abdul Harris Nasution (Minister of Defence / Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, Jl. Uma no. 40 Jakarta with the intent to kidnap him. Shot that woke Tendeandan he was arrested by soldiers who thought he was Nasution because it was home atmosphere dark, Nasution escaped jump the fence. Tendean brought to Crocodile Hole with six senior officers of the army. was shot dead and his body dumped into an old well with other deceased prisoners.

Actually, as of September 30 Pierre was handed his job to one of his colleagues, because the next day he was going to Semarang celebrate her mother's birthday which falls on October 1. But Pierre was kidnapped because Tendean trigger mistaken for AH Nasution, and he still killed even though it is known that he is not the General.

Abdul Harris Nasution escaped the kidnapping but his son, Ade Irma Suryani Nasution bullet killed. Pierre Tendean himself captured by a gang of kidnappers and killed at Crocodile Hole. He was kidnapped because thought is the Great General DR. AH Nasution.

Pierre Andreas Tendean appointed a national hero (Indonesia: Heroes of the Revolution) for their dedication and sacrifice for the nation on October 5, 1965 by President Soekarno. He was posthumously promoted to the rank of Captain (Indonesia: Captain Czi posthumously), and is buried at the Heroes Cemetery Kalibata (Indonesia: Kalibata Heroes Cemetery). He was only 26 years old.

Currently being planned about making a movie about Pierre Pierre Tendean the title.


Posted by John Gitoyo, S Pd. at 3/18/2013 03:38:00 PM

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