
Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013

Transformers 4 : New Autobot and Decepticon List Robot !

Transformers 4, although it will be released on June 27, 2014, but it always creates a feeling of great curiosity to the fandom.

Transformers 4 is mentioned as a start to a new trilogy. Wahlberg will be a single father and a fighter named Flynn Vincent where his relationship with a teenage daughter (played by Nicola Peltz) and her boyfriend Shane (Reynor) as the core of the story.

Although still not ascertained the truth I found a set soundtrack entitled: Transformers 4: Rise of the Predators, who has a resemblance to the story line that had been circulating. The story line that had been circulating is as follows:

Most people take the debris robots who died, at the battle of Transformers: Dark of the Moon. 
Meanwhile, the robots Autobots and Decepticons all but disappeared from the face of the planet.

However, a strong group of people, dodgy businessmen and scientists are trying to learn from the past and Transformer attack and push the boundaries of technology beyond what they can control.

Storyline follows Transformers 4: Rise of the Predators:   
01. Recall the past                                                                    
02. The Decepticons are up to something bad                                           
03. Cybertron                                                                           
04. A truce_ everything is fine                                                    
05. There is hope_ Optimus Prime returns                                                
06. The New Base                                                                      
07.Everything returns to normality send us                                             
08. Bringing together a new team                      
09. Peering in the museum                                 
10. A new team_ Autobots                                     
11. Predators are already here                               
12. Ready for battle                                          
13. The power of the predators                             
14.Following the desolacion_ there is still hope            
15.The cube_ the spark_ the array                          
16  The battle will decide everything                         
17. Predators and Galvatron surrender_ a new victory       
18  Message of Optimus_ and end titles 

Update Autobots figure :

Optimus Prime








Update Decepticon figure  :



Hot Rod / Rodimus 

Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

Let's Fight With My PC Defender 2013 V - 8R !

This article I will guide you how to use our program: My PC Defender 2013 V - 8R, hopefully can help you trouble if your computer is infected various types of computer threats.
Artikel saya ini akan membimbing anda bagaimana cara menggunakan program kami : My PC Defender 2013 V - 8R, semoga dapat membantu kesulitan anda jika komputer anda terserang aneka jenis ancaman komputer.

Before we discuss how to use the program My PC Defender 2013 V - 8R!, Before we remember some things related to threats that can damage the health of your computer.
Sebelum kita membahas cara menggunakan program My PC Defender 2013 V - 8R!, sebelumnya kita mengingat beberapa hal yang berkaitan dengan ancaman yang dapat mengganggu kesehatan komputer anda.

You need to know there are different types of programs that may harm your computer, malicious programs that threaten your computer commonly referred to as Malware. Malware (short for the English term: malicious software, which means that suspicious software is a computer program that was created with the intent and purpose of the creator and is a program that looks for weaknesses of the software.
Perlu anda tahu ada berbagai jenis program yang dapat mengancam kesehatan komputer anda, program jahat yang mengancam komputer anda biasa disebut sebagai Malware. Malware (singkatan dari istilah Bahasa Inggris: malicious software, yang berarti perangkat lunak yang mencurigakan adalah program komputer yang diciptakan dengan maksud dan tujuan tertentu dari penciptanya dan merupakan program yang mencari kelemahan dari software.

Malware can disturb us as a result of its creation goals.
Consequences thereof are:
  1. Impair the performance of our computer's operating system, the computer becomes very slow, often hangs or restarts.
  2. Malware attacks cause the computer hardware performance increases dramatically, thus indirectly undermine our computer's hardware
  3. Our confidential data falling to the people who are not eligible
  4. We're losing control of our computer's performance (our computer into a zombie)
  5. E-mail us filled with spam ads
  6. When browsing the internet we are disturbed by pop-up ads
  7. When browsing the internet frequently stray into porn sites, fake company websites
Akibat yang ditimbulkannya seandainya komputer anda terserang malware adalah :
  1. Merusak kinerja sistem operasi komputer kita, komputer menjadi sangat lambat, sering hang atau restart. 
  2. Serangan malware menyebabkan kinerja hardware komputer meningkat drastis, sehingga secara tidak langsung merusak peangkat keras komputer kita
  3. Data rahasia kita jatuh kepada orang yang tidak berhak
  4. Kita kehilangan kendali terhadap kinerja komputer kita (komputer kita menjadi zombie)
  5. E-mail kita penuh dengan spam iklan
  6. Saat browsing internet kita diganggu oleh pop-up iklan 
  7. Saat browsing internet sering nyasar ke situs porno, situs perusahaan palsu 

The following features of your computer is not healthy due to malware attacks:
  1. computer often stops working (hangs) or sudden restarts itself
  2. A long boot time
  3. Empty hard drive memory (hard disk free space) suddenly full.
  4. There were changes in the configuration settings of Microsoft Windows
  5. Computer hardware will work higher, which can cause faulty computer hardware.
  6. We're losing control of our computer's performance, many system devices that can not be accessed, eg Run, Folder Options, Task Manager, Search, Registry Editor.
  7. While it is on-line internet message appears frequently, a particular image.
  8. Internet connection / network to be slow
  9. Suddenly swelled internet bills
  10. File we suddenly lost / hidden (hiden), change the file extension.
  11. Our confidential data stolen and used by an unauthorized person
  12. E-mail us filled with spam ads
  13. When browsing the internet we are disturbed by pop-up ads
  14. When browsing the internet frequently stray into porn sites, fake company websites
  15. etc.
Berikut ciri komputer anda tidak sehat akibat serangan malware :
  1. Komputer sering berhenti bekerja (hang) atau  tiba-tiba restart sendiri
  2. Waktu booting menjadi lama
  3. Memory kosong hardisk (free space hard disk) tiba-tiba penuh.
  4. Terjadi perubahan setting konfigurasi Microsoft Windows
  5. Hardware komputer akan bekerja lebih tinggi, sehingga dapat menyebabkan perangkat keras komputer rusak. 
  6. Kita kehilangan kendali terhadap kinerja komputer kita, banyak perangkat system yang tidak dapat diakses, misal Run, Folder Option, Task Manager, Search, Registry Editor. 
  7. Ketika sedang on-line internet sering muncul pesan , gambar tertentu. 
  8. Koneksi internet/ jaringan menjadi lambat
  9. Tiba-tiba tagihan rekening internet membengkak
  10. File kita tiba-tiba hilang/ disembunyikan (hiden), berubah ekstensi filenya.
  11. Data rahasia kita dicuri dan digunakan oleh orang yang tidak berhak
  12. E-mail kita penuh dengan spam iklan
  13. Saat browsing internet kita diganggu oleh pop-up iklan 
  14. Saat browsing internet sering nyasar ke situs porno, situs perusahaan palsu
  15. dan lain-lain

How malware can spread and infect many computers to? Malware can spread and infect your computer healthy by:
  1. Media communications network, either a LAN network or the internet.
  2. Malware spreads via verbal communication 2 computers connected via a network (network) or the Internet.
  3. Physical access to a type of data storage media eg floppy disk, CD, USB flash memory or other data storage media.
  4. Malware spread via attachments (attachments) e-mails are ending up on e-mails that go into our computer.
  5. Media chat, we chat through regular exchange of files, files that we may receive certain malware infected.
  6. Security holes in the operating system or browser program, no program is perfect 100%, all programs have vulnerabilities (bugs) that can be used malware program. This security gap occurs in older programs / never updated, or the program is so widely used, so there are certain parties who deliberately seek to find security loopholes certain advantages.

Bagaimana malware dapat menyebar dan menginfeksi ke banyak komputer ? Malware dapat menyebar dan menginfeksi komputer sehat melalui : 
  1. Media komunikasi jaringan, baik jaringan LAN maupun internet.
  2. Malware menyebar melalui komunikasi verbal 2 komputer yang terhubung melalui  jaringan (network) atau Internet.
  3. Akses secara fisik suatu jenis media penyimpan data misal floopy disk, CD, USB Flash memory atau media penyimpan data lain.
  4. Malware menyebar melalui lampiran (attachment) e-mail yang terikut pada e-mail yang masuk ke komputer kita.
  5. Media chating, lewat chatting kita biasa tukar-menukar file, bisa saja file yang kita terima terinfeksi malware tertentu.
  6. Celah keamanan pada sistem operasi atau program browser kita, Tidak ada program yang sempurna 100 %, semua program memiliki celah keamanan (bug) yang bisa dimanfaatkan program malware. Celah keamanan ini terjadi pada program lama / tidak pernah di update, atau program tersebut begitu banyak digunakan orang, sehingga ada pihak-pihak tertentu yang sengaja mencari celah keamanan untuk mencari keuntungan tertentu.

Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013

Free Download and Use : My PC Defender 2013 V - 6.8R Build August 17, 2013

Program Name               : My PC Defender 2013 V - 6.8R Build August 17, 2013  
Code Name                     : Venam II
Author                              : e-library mediasoft
Build Date                        : August 17, 2013 (Revised August 19, 2013 )  
Release Date                  : August 19, 2013
e-mail                              : e.library.mediasoft @
Blog                                 :
Facebook                        :  e-library mediasoft, Yohanes  Gitoyo

My PC Defender New Features :
  1. New engine and new update software (update : August 19, 2013).
  2. Supported Operating Systems Microsoft Windows 64-bit (available on My PC Defender 2013 Advanced Professional Version)
  3. Stealth system integration with SFX technology
  4. 11 system optimization tool and the latest spyware and malware destroyer of new (update: August 19, 2013)
  5. Flamer/ Skywiper and Stuknet Trojan Removal
  6. Tool newest destroyer rootkit (which can not be destroyed by any anti-virus)
  7. Fixed Bug   
  8. Fixed bad link 
  9. Rebuild other object in the new pocked 
  10. Portable engine up to 90 % software include CD working in optimalize temporary file mode 
  11. Destruction of malware from the computer boot process, with a Bootable Antivirus Dr Web Live CD build August 18, 2013    .
  12. Program-based CD / DVD without installation process, be read only, so it is not possible in the block / in any type of malware infection.
  13. Destroy: viruses, worms, trojans, exploits, dialers, spyware, hijackers, adware, rogue.
  14. Program Microsoft Office 2007 substitute alternative (free) Libre Office 4.1.0
  15. Interface controls access to the Microsoft Windows operating system (without a wizard)
  16. Setting the computer as necessary to speed up computer performance
  17. Various alternatives best weapon destruction various types of viruses and malware
  18. Anti-virus with the ultimate portable crusher setting the highest
  19. Free for personal / home use / profit institution / business use.

Fitur Baru My PC Defender :
  1. Di dukung dengan mesin penghancur terbaru (update :  19 Agustus 2013).
  2. Mendukung Sistem Operasi  Microsoft Windows 64 bit (khusus My PC Defender 2013 Versi Advanced Profesional)
  3. Penerapan teknologi stealth terintegrasi dengan teknologi  SFX
  4. 11 tool optimasi sistem dan penghancur spyware dan malware terbaru (update :  19 Agustus 2013)
  5. Flamer/ Skywiper and Stuknet Trojan Removal
  6. Tool terbaru penghancur rootkit (yang tidak dapat dihancurkan oleh anti virus manapun)
  7. Perbaikan beberapa bug   
  8. Perbaikan beberapa bad link 
  9. Pembaharuan pemaketan beberapa obyek  
  10. Mesin Portabel hingga 90 % program di dalam  CD dan optimalisasi kinerja program dalam temporary file mode 
  11. Penghancuran malware dari proses boot komputer, dengan Dr Antivirus Bootable Web Live CD  build 18 Agustus 2013.
  12. Program berbasis CD / DVD tanpa proses instalasi, jadi baca saja (read only), jadi tidak mungkin di blok / di setiap jenis infeksi malware.
  13. Hancurkan: virus, worm, trojan, eksploitasi, dialer, spyware, hijackers, adware, rogue .
  14. Program Microsoft Office 2007 pengganti alternatif (gratis) Libre Office 4.1.0
  15. Antarmuka mengontrol akses ke sistem operasi Microsoft Windows (tanpa wizard)
  16. Mengatur komputer yang diperlukan untuk mempercepat kinerja komputer
  17. Berbagai alternatif jenis penghancuran senjata terbaik berbagai virus dan malware
  18. Anti-virus dengan crusher portabel utama pengaturan tertinggi
  19. Gratis untuk penggunaan pribadi / rumah menggunakan / laba lembaga / bisnis


Currently you're using a My PC Defender 2013 Interface, an interface that helps you to destroy various malicious software (malware), securing and controlling your computer if your computer is currently impaired virus attacks, spyware, worms, trojans, exploits, rootkits, etc. other.
Saat Anda menggunakan Antarmuka My PC Defender 2013, sebuah antarmuka yang membantu Anda untuk menghancurkan berbagai perangkat lunak berbahaya (malware), mengamankan dan mengendalikan komputer Anda jika komputer Anda saat ini terganggu serangan virus, spyware, worm, trojan, eksploitasi, rootkit, dll lainnya.

My PC Defender 2013, an "integrated suite for defend and destroy other malware", a powerful integrated tool to combat against various types of malware attacks, complete with tool setting and performance optimization of your computer. In other words My PC Defender 2013 is a war machine that is integrated to protect your computer.
My PC Defender 2013, sebuah "suite terintegrasi untuk mempertahankan dan menghancurkan malware lainnya", alat terintegrasi yang kuat untuk memerangi terhadap berbagai jenis serangan malware, lengkap dengan pengaturan alat dan optimasi kinerja komputer Anda. Dengan kata lain My PC Defender 2013 adalah mesin perang yang terintegrasi untuk melindungi komputer Anda.
This file can you get in *. Iso you can burn a DVD, because to maintain and to prevent any infected files inside a computer virus that may be attacking your computer.
File ini bisa Anda dapatkan di *. Iso Anda dapat membakar DVD, karena untuk mempertahankan dan untuk mencegah file yang terinfeksi di dalam sebuah virus komputer yang dapat menyerang komputer Anda.
This tool may be useful to make your computer to keep it in the best condition to support your performance.
Alat ini mungkin berguna untuk membuat komputer Anda agar tetap dalam kondisi terbaik untuk mendukung kinerja Anda.

ISO Files DVD Program My PC Defender 2013 V - 6.8R Build August 17, 2013  (Total Size 989 Mb), we divide it in 21 part, get download all part with Internet Download Manager.

mypcdefenderv68r.part01.rar, 48.829 Kb

mypcdefenderv68r.part02.rar, 48.829 Kb

mypcdefenderv68r.part03.rar, 48.829 Kb

mypcdefenderv68r.part04.rar, 48.829 Kb

mypcdefenderv68r.part05.rar, 48.829 Kb

mypcdefenderv68r.part06.rar, 48.829 Kb

mypcdefenderv68r.part07.rar, 48.829 Kb

mypcdefenderv68r.part08.rar, 48.829 Kb

mypcdefenderv68r.part09.rar, 48.829 Kb

mypcdefenderv68r.part10.rar, 48.829 Kb

mypcdefenderv68r.part11.rar, 48.829 Kb

mypcdefenderv68r.part12.rar, 48.829 Kb

mypcdefenderv68r.part13.rar, 48.829 Kb

mypcdefenderv68r.part14.rar, 48.829 Kb

mypcdefenderv68r.part15.rar, 48.829 Kb

mypcdefenderv68r.part16.rar, 48.829 Kb

mypcdefenderv68r.part17.rar, 48.829 Kb

mypcdefenderv68r.part18.rar, 48.829 Kb

mypcdefenderv68r.part19.rar, 48.829 Kb

mypcdefenderv68r.part20.rar, 48.829 Kb

mypcdefenderv68r.part21.rar, 31. 862 Kb

Senin, 19 Agustus 2013

Coming Soon : "My PC Defender" 2013 V - 6.8R, Build August 17, 2013

Commemorate the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia to the 68th, we launched the "My PC Defender" 2013 V - 6.8R, Build August 17​​, 2013, following the download links we provide.
Memperingati Hari Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia yang ke-68, kami meluncurkan Program "My PC Defender" 2013 V - 6.8R, Build August 17, 2013, link download kami berikan menyusul.

Digital Fighter Aliance wallpaper 1024x 768 pixel.

Minggu, 18 Agustus 2013

Indonesian War of Independence 1945-1949

The Indonesian National Revolution or Indonesian War of Independence was an armed conflict and diplomatic struggle between Indonesia and the Dutch Empire, and an internal social revolution. It took place between Indonesia's declaration of independence in 1945 and the Netherlands' recognition of Indonesia's independence in 1949.

One of the largest revolutions of the twentieth century, the struggle lasted for over four years and involved sporadic but bloody armed conflict, internal Indonesian political and communal upheavals, and two major international diplomatic interventions. Dutch forces were not able to prevail over the Indonesians, but were strong enough to resist being expelled. Although Dutch forces could control the towns and cities in Republican heartlands on Java and Sumatra, they could not control villages and the countryside. Thus, the Republic of Indonesia ultimately prevailed as much through international diplomacy as it did through Indonesian determination in the armed conflicts on Java and other islands.

The revolution destroyed the colonial administration of the Dutch East Indies which had ruled from the other side of the world. It also significantly changed racial castes, as well as reducing the power of many of the local rulers (raja). It did not significantly improve the economic or political fortune of the majority of the population, though a few Indonesians were able to gain a larger role in commerce.


In accordance with the Vienna treaty in 1942, the allies agreed to restore the territories now occupied by the Japanese in their respective colonies owner when the Japanese were driven from the area of ​​occupation.

Towards the end of the war, in 1945, some parts of Indonesia has been dominated by allied troops. Australian army unit had landed troops in Makassar and Banjarmasin, Balikpapan, while Australia has been occupied by Japan declared surrender before defeat. While Morotai Island and West Irian jointly controlled by units of the Australian and United States troops under the command of General Douglas MacArthur, Commander of Southwest Asia (South West Pacific Area Command / SWPAC).

After the war, the Australian Army responsible for Kalimantan and eastern Indonesia, the Philippines and the United States dominate the British army in the form of command SEAC (South East Asia Command) is responsible for India, Burma, Ceylon, Malaya, Sumatra, Java, and Indochina. SEAC with the commander of Lord Mountbatten as Supreme Allied Command in charge of Southeast Asia Tentera disarm the Japanese troops and take care of the return of prisoners of war and civilian detainees allies (Recovered Allied Prisoners of War and Internees / RAPWI).

Dutch landing represented NICA

By Civil Affairs Agreement, on August 23, 1945 English with Dutch troops landed in Sabang, Aceh. 15 September 1945, British troops arrive as Allied representative in Jakarta, accompanied by Dr. Charles van der Plas, the Dutch representative to the Allies. The presence of the Allied armies, diboncengi NICA (Netherland Indies Civil Administration - Dutch civil administration), led by Dr. Hubertus J van Mook, he prepared to open negotiations on the basis of radio speech 1942 Queen Wilhelmina (statkundige concepti or conception of the state), but he announced that he would not talk to Soekarno who he considers has teamed up with the Japanese. Queen Wilhemina's speech confirms that in the future will be formed a commonwealth that among its members are the Netherlands and the Dutch East Indies, under the leadership of the Dutch queen.

The battle against the Allies and NICA.

There are many battles that occurred at the time of entry of the Allies and NICA to Indonesia, who was recently declared its independence.

Battles that occur include: (click the link for readmore)
  1. November 10 incident, in Surabaya and surrounding.
  2. Palagan.Ambarawa Theater, in the area Ambarawa, Semarang and surrounding areas.
  3. Guerrilla Struggle General Sudirman, covering Central Java and East Java
  4. Bandung Ocean of Fire, in Bandung and the surrounding area.
  5. Battle of Medan Area, Medan and surrounding area.
  6. Margarana battle, in Bali
  7. General Offensive March 1, 1949, in Yogyakarta
  8. Battle of Five Days Five Nights, in Palembang
  9. Battle of Five Days, in Semarang
To find out more history of the war of independence of Indonesia from the year 1945-1949, please read the following link:

Real Facts About Indonesia Things You Should Know!

Today, on August 17, 2013, our country "Indonesia" 68-year-old. There is pride in ourselves, our nation stands on the struggle between life and death by our heroes in expelling the invaders who have led our nation suffered for 350 years!
Hari ini tanggal 17 Agustus 2013, negara kami "Indonesia" berusia 68 tahun. Ada kebanggaan dalam diri kami, bangsa kami berdiri atas perjuangan antara hidup dan mati oleh para pahlawan kami dalam mengusir para penjajah yang telah menyebabkan bangsa kami menderita selama 350 tahun !

Yes! We are proud of our nation, Indonesia was established with drops of blood and bone of our heroes, instead of granting independence, or the help of other nations.
Ya ! Kami bangga akan bangsa kami, Indonesia didirikan dengan tetesan darah dan tulang para pahlawan kami, bukan dari pemberian kemerdekaan, atau bantuan bangsa lain.

On this occasion, let me introduce Indonesia as a big country. Great country? Yes, our country has thousands of islands, has a sea area of millions of miles, has a population of millions, and various types of product assortments wealth of natural resources.
Pada kesempatan ini ijinkan saya memperkenalkan Indonesia sebagai negara besar. Negara besar ? ya, negara kami memiliki ribuan pulau, memiliki wilayah laut jutaan mil, memiliki jutaan penduduk, dan aneka jenis kekayaan aneka produk sumber daya alam.

 One thing that makes us upset, you just get to know the country of Bali alone, you ask: "Indonesia is located near Bali?". We answer "no" Bali including parts of our country Indonesia. Hopefully by reading this article you can get to know our country Indonesia.
Satu hal yang membuat kami kecewa, negara anda hanya mengenal Pulau Bali saja, anda bertanya : "Indonesia terletak di dekat Bali?". Kami menjawab "tidak" Bali termasuk bagian wilayah negara kami Indonesia. Semoga dengan membaca artikel ini anda dapat mengenal negara kami Indonesia.

Indonesia has many beautiful sights in addition to bali, Indonesia has various kinds of arts and culture beautiful than Bali. Indonesia is rich in natural resources, human resources, culture and art resources.
Indonesia memiliki banyak obyek wisata indah selain bali, Indonesia memiliki aneka jenis seni budaya yang indah selain bali. Indonesia sangat kaya akan sumber daya alam, sumber daya manusia, sumber daya seni budaya.

Republic of Indonesia abbreviated RI or Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia, which is crossed by the equator and located between Asia and Australia and between the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Astronomically, Indonesia is located at coordinates 6 ° N - 11 ° 08'LS and from 95 ° 'E - 141 ° 45'BT and is located between two continents, Asia and Australia / Oceania.
Republik Indonesia disingkat RI atau Indonesia adalah negara di Asia Tenggara, yang dilintasi garis khatulistiwa dan berada di antara benua Asia dan Australia serta antara Samudra Pasifik dan Samudra Hindia. Secara astronomis, Indonesia terletak pada koordinat 6°LU - 11°08'LS dan dari 95°'BT - 141°45'BT serta terletak di antara dua benua yaitu benua Asia dan benua Australia/Oseania.  

Indonesia's territory extends along 3.977 mile between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Indonesia's land area is 1,922,570 km ² and 3,257,483 km ² vast waters. Boundaries of the archipelago of Indonesia measured using the territorial sea: 12 nautical miles and an exclusive economic zone: 200 nautical miles. Geographically, Indonesia is bordered by:
  1. Negara Malaysia to the north along the 1,782 km border, Singapore, the Philippines, and the South China Sea
  2. South of Australia, Timor Leste, and Indonesia Ocean
  3. West Ocean Indonesia
  4. State of Papua New Guinea to the east along the 820 km border, Timor Leste, and the Pacific Ocean
Wilayah Indonesia terbentang sepanjang 3.977 mil di antara Samudra Hindia dan Samudra Pasifik. Luas daratan Indonesia adalah 1.922.570 km² dan luas perairannya 3.257.483 km².  Batas wilayah Indonesia diukur dari kepulauan dengan menggunakan territorial laut : 12 mil laut serta zona ekonomi eksklusif : 200 mil laut. Secara geografis Indonesia berbatasan dengan : 
  1. Utara Negara Malaysia dengan perbatasan sepanjang 1.782 km, Singapura, Filipina, dan Laut Cina Selatan
  2. Selatan Negara Australia, Timor Leste, dan Samudra Indonesia
  3. Barat Samudra Indonesia
  4. Timur Negara Papua Nugini dengan perbatasan sepanjang 820 km, Timor Leste, dan Samudra Pasifik   

Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world, therefore it is also called the archipelago. Nusantara is a term used to describe the islands stretching from Sumatra to Papua. This word was first recorded in Middle Javanese literature (12th century to 16th) to describe the state concept espoused Majapahit. After being forgotten, in the early 20th century the term was revived by Ki Hajar Dewantara as one of the alternative names for an independent state progressors Dutch East Indies that have not materialized. When the use of the name "Indonesia" (meaning Indian Islands) is approved for use for the idea, said the archipelago continues to be used as a synonym for the Indonesian archipelago. In this latter sense, is equivalent to the Archipelago Malay Archipelago (Malay Archipelago), a term popular in the late 19th century until the early 20th century, particularly in the English language literature. This understanding until now used in Indonesia.
Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia  oleh karena itu ia disebut juga sebagai Nusantara. Nusantara merupakan istilah yang dipakai untuk menggambarkan wilayah kepulauan yang membentang dari Sumatera sampai Papua. Kata ini tercatat pertama kali dalam literatur berbahasa Jawa Pertengahan (abad ke-12 hingga ke-16) untuk menggambarkan konsep kenegaraan yang dianut Majapahit. Setelah sempat terlupakan, pada awal abad ke-20 istilah ini dihidupkan kembali oleh Ki Hajar Dewantara sebagai salah satu nama alternatif untuk negara merdeka pelanjut Hindia-Belanda yang belum terwujud. Ketika penggunaan nama "Indonesia" (berarti Kepulauan Hindia) disetujui untuk dipakai untuk ide itu, kata Nusantara tetap dipakai sebagai sinonim untuk kepulauan Indonesia. Dalam pengertian terakhir ini, Nusantara merupakan padanan bagi Kepulauan Melayu (Malay Archipelago), suatu istilah yang populer pada akhir abad ke-19 sampai awal abad ke-20, terutama dalam literatur berbahasa Inggris. Pengertian ini sampai sekarang dipakai di Indonesia.

Indonesia has 13 487 large and small islands, about 6,000 of which are uninhabited, which spread around the equator, which gives tropical weather. Indonesia consists of five large islands, namely:
  1. Java with an area of ​​132.107 km ²
  2. Sumatera with an area of ​​473 606 km ²
  3. Kalimantan with an area of ​​539 460 km ²
  4. Sulawesi, with an area of ​​189 216 km ²
  5. and Papua with an area of ​​421,981 km ²
Indonesia memiliki 13.487 pulau besar dan kecil, sekitar 6.000 di antaranya tidak berpenghuni, yang menyebar disekitar khatulistiwa, yang memberikan cuaca tropis. Indonesia terdiri dari 5 pulau besar, yaitu:
  1. Jawa dengan luas 132.107 km²
  2. Sumatera dengan luas 473.606 km²
  3. Kalimantan dengan luas 539.460 km²
  4. Sulawesi dengan luas 189.216 km² 
  5. dan Papua dengan luas 421.981 km²   

With a population of 237 million in 2010, Indonesia is the fourth most populous nation in the world. Is the most populous island of Java, where half the Indonesian population reside. Previously, the population census in 2000, Indonesia has a population of about 206 million, and has a population estimated at 222 million in 2006. 130 million (over 50%) live on the island of Java, which is at once the most populous island of the island where the capital Jakarta is located.
Dengan populasi sebesar 237 juta jiwa pada tahun 2010, Indonesia adalah negara berpenduduk terbesar keempat di dunia. Pulau terpadat penduduknya adalah pulau Jawa, dimana setengah populasi Indonesia bermukim. Sebelumnya, sensus penduduk 2000, Indonesia memiliki populasi sekitar 206 juta, dan diperkirakan pada tahun 2006 berpenduduk 222 juta. 130 juta (lebih dari 50%) tinggal di Pulau Jawa yang merupakan pulau berpenduduk terbanyak sekaligus pulau dimana ibukota Jakarta berada. 

Most (95%) population of Indonesia is the Austronesian people, and there are also tribal groups of Melanesia, Polynesia and Micronesia, especially in eastern Indonesia. Many Indonesian people who claim to be part of a specific ethnic group, which is divided by language and region of origin, such as Javanese, Sundanese, Madurese, Batak, and Minangkabau.
Sebagian besar (95%) penduduk Indonesia adalah Bangsa Austronesia, dan terdapat juga kelompok-kelompok suku Melanesia, Polinesia, dan Mikronesia terutama di Indonesia bagian Timur. Banyak penduduk Indonesia yang menyatakan dirinya sebagai bagian dari kelompok suku yang lebih spesifik, yang dibagi menurut bahasa dan asal daerah, misalnya Jawa, Sunda, Madura, Batak, dan Minangkabau.

Besides that there are also a number of minority migrants of whom are ethnic Chinese, Indian, and Arabic. They have long come to the country through trade since the 8th century AD and settled into parts of the archipelago. In Indonesia there are about 4 million population is ethnic Chinese. This figure varies because only in 1930 and 2000, the government conducted a census to classify Indonesian society into tribes and descendants.
Selain itu juga ada penduduk pendatang yang jumlahnya minoritas di antaranya adalah etnis Tionghoa, India, dan Arab. Mereka sudah lama datang ke Nusantara melalui perdagangan sejak abad ke 8 M dan menetap menjadi bagian dari Nusantara. Di Indonesia terdapat sekitar 4 juta populasi etnis Tionghoa. Angka ini berbeda-beda karena hanya pada tahun 1930 dan 2000 pemerintah melakukan sensus dengan menggolong-golongkan masyarakat Indonesia ke dalam suku bangsa dan keturunannya.

Islam is the majority religion that is embraced by an estimated 85.2% of Indonesia's population, making Indonesia the country with a Muslim population highest in the world. The rest are Protestants (8.9%), Catholic (3%), Hinduism (1.8%), Buddhists (0.8%), and others (0.3%). In addition to these religions, the Indonesian government also officially recognized Confucianism.
Islam adalah agama mayoritas yang dipeluk oleh sekitar 85,2% penduduk Indonesia, yang menjadikan Indonesia negara dengan penduduk muslim terbanyak di dunia. Sisanya beragama Protestan (8,9%), Katolik (3%), Hindu (1,8%), Buddha (0,8%), dan lain-lain (0,3%). Selain agama-agama tersebut, pemerintah Indonesia juga secara resmi mengakui Konghucu.

Division Administrative Region. Pembagian Wilayah Administratif.

Indonesia currently consists of 34 provinces, five of which have a different status. Province is divided into 403 districts and 98 cities are divided into districts and again into sub-districts, villages, village, village, villages, pekon, or other terms that are accommodated by the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government.
Indonesia saat ini terdiri dari 34 provinsi, lima di antaranya memiliki status yang berbeda. Provinsi dibagi menjadi 403 kabupaten dan 98 kota yang dibagi lagi menjadi kecamatan dan lagi menjadi kelurahan, desa, gampong, kampung, nagari, pekon, atau istilah lain yang diakomodasi oleh Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah.

Each province has a provincial parliament and the governor, while the district has a district legislature and regents; later the town has a mayor and the City Council, all of them elected directly by the people through elections and elections. However there is no parliament in Jakarta district or city, because the District Administration and the City Administration in Jakarta is not autonomous.
Tiap provinsi memiliki DPRD Provinsi dan gubernur; sementara kabupaten memiliki DPRD Kabupaten dan bupati; kemudian kota memiliki DPRD Kota dan wali kota; semuanya dipilih langsung oleh rakyat melalui Pemilu dan Pilkada. Bagaimanapun di Jakarta tidak terdapat DPR Kabupaten atau Kota, karena Kabupaten Administrasi dan Kota Administrasi di Jakarta bukanlah daerah otonom.

Province of Aceh, Yogyakarta Special Region, West Papua, and Papua has the privilege of legislatures larger and higher degree of autonomy than other provinces . For example, Aceh has the right to form its own legal system: in 2003, began to establish Sharia law in Aceh. Get the status of Yogyakarta Special Region in recognition of the important role in supporting Indonesian Yogyakarta during the Revolution. Province of Papua, formerly called Irian Jaya, received special autonomy status in 2001. Jakarta is the country's special capital region. Portuguese Timor was incorporated into Indonesia and into the province of East Timor in 1979-1999, which later split into the State through the East Timor referendum.
Provinsi Aceh, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Papua Barat, dan Papua memiliki hak istimewa legislatur yang lebih besar dan tingkat otonomi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan provinsi lainnya. Contohnya, Aceh berhak membentuk sistem legal sendiri; pada tahun 2003, Aceh mulai menetapkan hukum Syariah. Yogyakarta mendapatkan status Daerah Istimewa sebagai pengakuan terhadap peran penting Yogyakarta dalam mendukung Indonesia selama Revolusi. Provinsi Papua, sebelumnya disebut Irian Jaya, mendapat status otonomi khusus tahun 2001. DKI Jakarta, adalah daerah khusus ibukota negara. Timor Portugis digabungkan ke dalam wilayah Indonesia dan menjadi provinsi Timor Timur pada 1979–1999, yang kemudian memisahkan diri melalui referendum menjadi Negara Timor Leste.

34 provinces in Indonesia and its capital:
34 Provinsi di Indonesia dan ibukotanya :
  1. Aceh - Banda Aceh
  2. Sumatera Utara - Medan
  3. Sumatera Barat - Padang
  4. Riau - Pekanbaru
  5. Kepulauan Riau - Tanjungpinang
  6. Jambi - Jambi
  7. Sumatera Selatan - Palembang
  8. Kepulauan Bangka Belitung - Pangkal Pinang
  9. Bengkulu - Bengkulu
  10. Lampung - Bandar Lampung
  11. Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta
  12. Banten - Serang
  13. Jawa Barat - Bandung
  14. Jawa Tengah - Semarang
  15. Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta - Yogyakarta
  16. Jawa Timur - Surabaya
  17. Bali - Denpasar
  18. Nusa Tenggara Barat - Mataram
  19. Nusa Tenggara Timur - Kupang
  20. Kalimantan Barat - Pontianak
  21. Kalimantan Tengah - Palangka Raya
  22. Kalimantan Selatan - Banjarmasin
  23. Kalimantan Timur - Samarinda
  24. Kalimantan Utara - Tanjung Selor
  25. Sulawesi Utara - Manado
  26. Gorontalo - Gorontalo
  27. Sulawesi Tengah - Palu
  28. Sulawesi Barat - Mamuju
  29. Sulawesi Selatan - Makassar
  30. Sulawesi Tenggara - Kendari
  31. Maluku - Ambon
  32. Maluku Utara - Sofifi
  33. Papua Barat - Manokwari
  34. Papua - Jayapura

Indonesian word etymology.
Etimologi Kata Indonesia.

The word "Indonesia" is derived from the Latin word Indus, which means "the Indian" and nesos Greek word meaning "island". So, the word means the territory of the Indian Indonesian islands, or archipelago located in the Indian, which suggests that the name was formed long before Indonesia became a sovereign state.
Kata "Indonesia" berasal dari kata dalam bahasa Latin yaitu Indus yang berarti "Hindia" dan kata dalam bahasa Yunani nesos yang berarti "pulau". Jadi, kata Indonesia berarti wilayah Hindia kepulauan, atau kepulauan yang berada di Hindia, yang menunjukkan bahwa nama ini terbentuk jauh sebelum Indonesia menjadi negara berdaulat.
In 1850, George Earl, a British ethnologist, proposed the terms initially Indunesia and Malayunesia for residents "Indian Archipelago or the Malay Archipelago". Disciples of Earl, James Richardson Logan, used Indonesia as a synonym of the word India Islands. However, Dutch academics writing in East Indies Dutch media did not use the word Indonesia, but the term:
  1. Malay Archipelago (Maleische Archipel);
  2. Dutch East Indies (Nederlandsch Oost Indië), or
  3. Indies (Indië); East (de Oost);
  4. Insulinde (this term was introduced in 1860 in the novel Max Havelaar (1859), written by Multatuli, the criticism against Dutch colonialism).
Pada tahun 1850, George Earl, seorang etnolog berkebangsaan Inggris, awalnya mengusulkan istilah Indunesia dan Malayunesia untuk penduduk "Kepulauan Hindia atau Kepulauan Melayu". Murid dari Earl, James Richardson Logan, menggunakan kata Indonesia sebagai sinonim dari Kepulauan India. Namun, penulisan akademik Belanda di media Hindia-Belanda tidak menggunakan kata Indonesia, tetapi istilah :  
  1. Kepulauan Melayu (Maleische Archipel);
  2. Hindia Timur Belanda (Nederlandsch Oost Indië), atau
  3. Hindia (Indië); Timur (de Oost);
  4. Insulinde (istilah ini diperkenalkan tahun 1860 dalam novel Max Havelaar (1859), ditulis oleh Multatuli, mengenai kritik terhadap kolonialisme Belanda).
Since 1900, the name Indonesia became more common in academic circles outside the Netherlands, and Indonesian nationalist groups adopted it for political expression. Adolf Bastian of the University of Berlin to popularize this name through the book Rodel oder die Inseln des Malayischen Archipels, 1884-1894. The first Indonesian scholar to use it Suardi is Suryaningrat (Ki Hajar Dewantara), when he established a press bureau in the Netherlands with the name Indonesisch Press Bureau in 1913.
Sejak tahun 1900, nama Indonesia menjadi lebih umum pada lingkungan akademik di luar Belanda, dan golongan nasionalis Indonesia menggunakannya untuk ekspresi politik. Adolf Bastian dari Universitas Berlin memasyarakatkan nama ini melalui buku Indonesien oder die Inseln des Malayischen Archipels, 1884–1894. Pelajar Indonesia pertama yang menggunakannya ialah Suwardi Suryaningrat (Ki Hajar Dewantara), yaitu ketika ia mendirikan kantor berita di Belanda yang bernama Indonesisch Pers Bureau pada tahun 1913.


Relics of Homo erectus fossils, anthropologists who also dubbed the "Java Man", suggests that the Indonesian archipelago was inhabited two million to 500,000 years ago.
Peninggalan fosil-fosil Homo erectus, yang oleh antropolog juga dijuluki "Manusia Jawa", menimbulkan dugaan bahwa kepulauan Indonesia telah mulai berpenghuni pada antara dua juta sampai 500.000 tahun yang lalu.

Austronesian peoples, who form the majority of the modern population, migrated to South East Asia from Taiwan. They arrived around 2000 BC, and caused Melanesians who have no first there pushed into areas far eastern archipelago. Conditions ideal place for agriculture, and control of rice cultivation since at least the 8th century BC, causing many villages, towns, and small kingdoms grow well in the first century AD.
Bangsa Austronesia, yang membentuk mayoritas penduduk pada saat ini, bermigrasi ke Asia Tenggara dari Taiwan. Mereka tiba di sekitar 2000 SM, dan menyebabkan bangsa Melanesia yang telah ada lebih dahulu di sana terdesak ke wilayah-wilayah yang jauh di timur kepulauan. Kondisi tempat yang ideal bagi pertanian, dan penguasaan atas cara bercocok tanam padi setidaknya sejak abad ke-8 SM, menyebabkan banyak perkampungan, kota, dan kerajaan-kerajaan kecil tumbuh berkembang dengan baik pada abad pertama masehi.

In addition, Indonesia is located in the international sea trade routes between islands, cruise lines have become between India and China for centuries. Indonesia's history has subsequently experienced a lot of the influence of the trading activity.
Selain itu, Indonesia yang terletak di jalur perdagangan laut internasional dan antar pulau, telah menjadi jalur pelayaran antara India dan Cina selama beberapa abad. Sejarah Indonesia selanjutnya mengalami banyak sekali pengaruh dari kegiatan perdagangan tersebut.

Under the influence of Hinduism and Buddhism, several kingdoms formed on the islands of Borneo, Sumatra, and Java since the 4th century until the 14th century.
  1. Kutai, is the oldest kingdom in the archipelago that stands in the 4th century in the Mahakam river in East Kalimantan. 
  2. In the western region of the island of Java, in the 4th century until the 7th century AD stand Tarumanegara kingdom. Tarumanagara government.
  3. Sundanese kingdom of the year 669 AD to 1579 AD
  4. In the 7th century Malay kingdoms emerged centered in Jambi, Sumatra. Beat Malay Srivijaya maritime empire and emerged as the most powerful in the nation.
  5. Under the influence of Srivijaya, between the 8th century and 10th dynasty Sailendra and Sanjaya kingdoms succeeded in developing a Java-based agriculture, with its historic relics such as Borobudur and Prambanan temples.
  6. At the end of the 13th century, the Majapahit stood at the east of the island of Java. Under the leadership of Mahapatih Gajah Mada, its influence stretched over much of Indonesia today, and is often called the "Golden Age" in Indonesian history.
Di bawah pengaruh agama Hindu dan Buddha, beberapa kerajaan terbentuk di pulau Kalimantan, Sumatera, dan Jawa sejak abad ke-4 hingga abad ke-14. 
  1. Kutai, merupakan kerajaan tertua di Nusantara yang berdiri pada abad ke-4 di hulu sungai Mahakam, Kalimantan Timur.
  2. Di wilayah barat pulau Jawa, pada abad ke-4 hingga abad ke-7 M berdiri kerajaan Tarumanegara. Pemerintahan Tarumanagara.
  3. Kerajaan Sunda dari tahun 669 M sampai 1579 M.
  4. Pada abad ke-7 muncul kerajaan Malayu yang berpusat di Jambi, Sumatera. Sriwijaya mengalahkan Malayu dan muncul sebagai kerajaan maritim yang paling perkasa di Nusantara.
  5. Di bawah pengaruh Sriwijaya, antara abad ke-8 dan ke-10 wangsa Syailendra dan Sanjaya berhasil mengembangkan kerajaan-kerajaan berbasis agrikultur di Jawa, dengan peninggalan bersejarahnya seperti candi Borobudur dan candi Prambanan.
  6. Di akhir abad ke-13, Majapahit berdiri di bagian timur pulau Jawa. Di bawah pimpinan mahapatih Gajah Mada, kekuasaannya meluas sampai hampir meliputi wilayah Indonesia kini; dan sering disebut "Zaman Keemasan" dalam sejarah Indonesia.
The arrival of Arab traders and Persia through Gujarat, India, and brought Islam. Besides Chinese sailors led by Admiral Cheng Ho (Zheng He) who are Muslim, also never stop in this region in the early 15th century. The merchants also spread Islam in several parts of the archipelago. Samudera Pasai, established in 1267, is the first Islamic kingdom in Indonesia.
Kedatangan pedagang-pedagang Arab dan Persia melalui Gujarat, India, kemudian membawa agama Islam. Selain itu pelaut-pelaut Tiongkok yang dipimpin oleh Laksamana Cheng Ho (Zheng He) yang beragama Islam, juga pernah menyinggahi wilayah ini pada awal abad ke-15. Para pedagang-pedagang ini juga menyebarkan agama Islam di beberapa wilayah Nusantara. Samudera Pasai yang berdiri pada tahun 1267, merupakan kerajaan Islam pertama di Indonesia.

Indonesian colonization era.

Indonesia Jaman Penjajahan.

Indonesia is also a country that was colonized by many European countries and also Asia, is due to Indonesia since ancient times is a country rich in abundant natural result, to make the European countries intend tempted to colonize and dominate the natural resources for revenue for the country.
Indonesia juga merupakan negara yang dijajah oleh banyak negara Eropa dan juga Asia, itu disebabkan Indonesia sejak zaman dahulu merupakan negara yang kaya akan hasil alamnya yang melimpah, hingga membuat negara-negara Eropa tergiur untuk menjajah dan bermaksud menguasai sumber daya alamnya untuk pemasukan bagi negaranya. 

When the Europeans arrived in the early 16th century, they found several kingdoms that they can easily be mastered in order to dominate the spice trade. Portuguese first landed at the two ports, namely the Kingdom of Sunda Banten and Sunda Kelapa, but can be evicted and moved eastwards and master Maluku. In the 17th century, the Dutch emerged as the strongest among the other European countries, the United Kingdom and Portugal beat (except for their colony, Portuguese Timor). At the time that Christianity came to Indonesia as one of the old imperialism mission known as 3G, that is Gold, Glory, and Gospel. Dutch controlled Indonesia as a colony until World War II, initially through the VOC, and later directly by the Dutch government since the beginning of the 19th century.
Ketika orang-orang Eropa datang pada awal abad ke-16, mereka menemukan beberapa kerajaan yang dengan mudah dapat mereka kuasai demi mendominasi perdagangan rempah-rempah. Portugis pertama kali mendarat di dua pelabuhan Kerajaan Sunda yaitu Banten dan Sunda Kelapa, tapi dapat diusir dan bergerak ke arah timur dan menguasai Maluku. Pada abad ke-17, Belanda muncul sebagai yang terkuat di antara negara-negara Eropa lainnya, mengalahkan Britania Raya dan Portugal (kecuali untuk koloni mereka, Timor Portugis). Pada masa itulah agama Kristen masuk ke Indonesia sebagai salah satu misi imperialisme lama yang dikenal sebagai 3G, yaitu Gold, Glory, and Gospel. Belanda menguasai Indonesia sebagai koloni hingga Perang Dunia II, awalnya melalui VOC, dan kemudian langsung oleh pemerintah Belanda sejak awal abad ke-19.

Countries that once colonized them are;
  1. Portuguese in 1509, only the Moluccas, and were driven on in 1595
  2. Spain in 1521, only North Sulawesi, but were repulsed by the year 1692.
  3. Netherlands in 1602, the whole of Indonesia.
  4. France is indirectly controlled Java in the period 1806-1811 due to the power of the Kingdom of the Netherlands defeated France. When Napoleon Bonaparte's brother Louis Bonaparte to the throne Netherlands in 1806, it will automatically fall into the hands of the Dutch colony of France. This period took place in the administration of Governor General Herman Willem Daendels in 1808 to 1811. Ended in 1811 when the British defeated the Dutch-French forces on the island of Java.
  5. England in 1811, since the signing of the capitulation Tungtang one of which contains the delivery of Java from the Netherlands to England, In 1814 London Convention on the contents perform the Dutch government in power back on British colonies in Indonesia. And new in 1816, the British government officially ended in Indonesia ..
  6. Japan in 1942, only 3.5 years, and ended in 1945, since the defeat of Japan to the Allies.
 Negara-negara yang pernah menjajah diantaranya adalah;
  1. Portugis pada tahun 1509, hanya Maluku, lalu berhasil diusir pada pada tahun 1595
  2. Spanyol pada tahun 1521, hanya Sulawesi Utara, tetapi berhasil diusir pada tahun 1692.
  3. Belanda pada tahun 1602, seluruh wilayah Indonesia.
  4. Perancis secara tidak langsung menguasai Jawa pada periode 1806-1811 karena Kerajaan Belanda takluk kepada kekuatan Perancis. Ketika Louis Bonaparte adik Napoleon Bonaparte naik takhta Belanda pada tahun 1806, maka secara otomatis jajahan Belanda jatuh ke tangan Perancis. Periode ini berlangsung pada pemerintahan Gubernur Jenderal Herman Willem Daendels pada tahun 1808-1811. Berakhir pada tahun 1811 ketika Inggris mengalahkan kekuatan Belanda-Perancis di pulau Jawa.
  5. Inggris pada tahun 1811, sejak ditandatanganinya Kapitulasi Tungtang yang salah satunya berisi penyerahan Pulau Jawa dari Belanda kepada Inggris, Pada tahun 1814 dilakukanlah Konvensi London yang isinya pemerintah Belanda berkuasa kembali atas wilayah jajahan Inggris di Indonesia. Lalu baru pada tahun 1816, pemerintahan Inggris di Indonesia secara resmi berakhir..
  6. Jepang pada tahun 1942, hanya 3,5 tahun, dan berakhir pada tahun 1945, sejak kekalahan Jepang kepada sekutu.
After the Pacific war ended in 1945, under pressure from youth organizations, Soekarno-Hatta proclaimed Indonesian independence on August 17, 1945.
Setelah perang Pasifik berakhir pada tahun 1945, di bawah tekanan organisasi pemuda, Soekarno-Hatta memproklamasikan kemerdekaan Indonesia pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945. 

In an attempt to retake Indonesian, Dutch send their troops to the Army piggybacking NICA, which is only assigned to belong to disarm the Japanese troops. Bloody efforts to dampen Indonesia's independence movement was then known by the Dutch as a 'police action' (Politionele Actie) , or known by the people of Indonesia as a military aggression .
Dalam usaha untuk menguasai kembali Indonesia, Belanda mengirimkan pasukan mereka dengan membonceng Tentara NICA, yang sebenarnya hanya ditugaskan untuk melucuti senjata milik tentara Jepang. Usaha-usaha berdarah untuk meredam pergerakan kemerdekaan Indonesia ini kemudian dikenal oleh orang Belanda sebagai 'aksi kepolisian' (Politionele Actie), atau dikenal oleh orang Indonesia sebagai Agresi Militer.

Netherlands finally received the right for Indonesian independence on December 27, 1949 as a federal state called the Republic of Indonesia after strong pressure from the international community, especially the United States. Integral Natsir motion on August 17, 1950, calling for the return of the unitary Republic of Indonesia and the United States of Indonesia disband.
Belanda akhirnya menerima hak Indonesia untuk merdeka pada 27 Desember 1949 sebagai negara federal yang disebut Republik Indonesia Serikat setelah mendapat tekanan yang kuat dari kalangan internasional, terutama Amerika Serikat. Mosi Integral Natsir pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1950, menyerukan kembalinya negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia dan membubarkan Republik Indonesia Serikat. 

Source :

Senin, 12 Agustus 2013

Beware of "Malware" Attacking Your Android !

Explosion in the number of users of Android-based devices in recent times apparently accompanied by things that are less good. Android device users apparently increasing impact on the increasing number of threats to Google's mobile operating system is.

According to the mobile security company NQ, as quoted from Ubergizmo, Tuesday (16/04/2013), the number of Android devices infected with malware increased by 300 percent from 2011 to 2012.

Number of Android devices that are exposed to malicious programs in 2011 reached 10.8 million. Meanwhile, in 2012, found no increase in NQ to 32.8 million Android devices.

In total, there is a 163 percent increase in malware in all devices in the year 2012 when compared to the previous year.

In addition, NQ also found that 95 percent of malware detected on a mobile device apparently made ​​specifically for Android devices. The discovery seemed to want to show that the Android platform is now a primary target of cyber criminals.

NQ also reveal the three countries with the highest malware infections in Android. The three countries are China, India, and Russia.

The attack occurred in China with 25.5 percent, India with a value of 19.4 percent, and Russia with a 17.9 percent rate.

To avoid the threat of malware attacks on Android devices, NQ suggested for each user to download or run applications from sources that are obvious, such as Google Play Store and Amazon App Store. Update the operating system is also highly recommended.

Author: Deliusno
Editor : Tri Wahono

5 Symptoms of Android "Malware Poisoning"

Aka malware malicious program has been rampant in the Android platform. Number of Android devices infected with malware in 2012, for example, 300 percent more than 2011.

Once installed, the malware operates clandestinely, steal user data, or using unlicensed internet quota.

These malicious programs use various methods to avoid detection of Android device users, including the hijacking another program.

Nevertheless, its presence can still be determined by observing certain symptoms. What is it? Here are five of them, as quoted from Read Write Web:

1. Battery life decreases. Android users who use the device normally and not doing a lot of that activity must know the range of the battery drain battery life of the phone.

If the battery life down for no apparent reason, there is likely to be the culprits malware. Examples such as adware, malware types that continuously send ads to users thus affecting the device's battery.

2. Dropped calls and nuisance calls. Malware can eavesdrop on conversations made with Android devices. When this is the case, can appear side effects such as nuisance calls or dropped call.

If the user is not sure the two problems caused by signal interference, there could be malware that seeks to tap into conversations or other suspicious activity.

3. Bloated phone bills. This is caused by malware thieves pulses with various techniques, such as sending an SMS to a premium rate number.

To avoid suspicion, some type of malware is just sending an SMS once a month. There is also automatically delete themselves once completed quickly deplete bill users.

Therefore, it is worth checking the phone bill to see if any suspicious spending. Who knew there was malware behind.

4. Data consumption rose abruptly. This one can also be caused by malware, similar to the above peculiarities phone bill. Upload or download pattern changes could be a sign that someone or something is utilizing the Internet connection on an Android device.

Installing the application of data quota gauges can indicate if a device has been infiltrated by malware, and prevent excess consumption data over the day-to-day use.

5. Decreased performance. Depending on the hardware specifications of the device in question, the malware can make the performance drops drastically. PC users have ever experienced heavyweight viral infection symptoms are certainly familiar with this one. Way can check by looking at the consumption of RAM or processor load is not fair.

Stay on guard

Respectively, the Android operating system is the most vulnerable malware version 2.3 (Gingerbread), 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich), and 4.1 (Jelly Bean). According to data from the Android Developer Dashboard, 88 percent of Android devices in circulation using three versions of this operating system.

When the Android device already plagued by malware, there are several actions that can be done. The first is to remove the application associated with the malware. If it still persist despite malware applications "parent" is removed, then the next can be done is to "factory reset" which will clear the device memory.

To improve security, a number of free security apps available in the Google Play Store. For office users, IT departments can help solve this problem before the dangerous malware company data.

General preventive measures that can be done is actually the type of permissions requested by any application Android. Many applications ask for permission to do dangerous things, even though not required. For that, read the permissions it requests carefully before clicking "accept".

Author: Oik Yusuf
Editor: Abrams Surya Hidayat