
Senin, 12 Agustus 2013

Beware of "Malware" Attacking Your Android !

Explosion in the number of users of Android-based devices in recent times apparently accompanied by things that are less good. Android device users apparently increasing impact on the increasing number of threats to Google's mobile operating system is.

According to the mobile security company NQ, as quoted from Ubergizmo, Tuesday (16/04/2013), the number of Android devices infected with malware increased by 300 percent from 2011 to 2012.

Number of Android devices that are exposed to malicious programs in 2011 reached 10.8 million. Meanwhile, in 2012, found no increase in NQ to 32.8 million Android devices.

In total, there is a 163 percent increase in malware in all devices in the year 2012 when compared to the previous year.

In addition, NQ also found that 95 percent of malware detected on a mobile device apparently made ​​specifically for Android devices. The discovery seemed to want to show that the Android platform is now a primary target of cyber criminals.

NQ also reveal the three countries with the highest malware infections in Android. The three countries are China, India, and Russia.

The attack occurred in China with 25.5 percent, India with a value of 19.4 percent, and Russia with a 17.9 percent rate.

To avoid the threat of malware attacks on Android devices, NQ suggested for each user to download or run applications from sources that are obvious, such as Google Play Store and Amazon App Store. Update the operating system is also highly recommended.

Author: Deliusno
Editor : Tri Wahono

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