
Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013

Akamai: Cyber Rated Attacks Originating from Indonesia, Indonesia beat China and America!!

Cyber ​​attacks originating from Indonesia continue to soar. From the latest Akamai report, the position of Indonesia is the country most committed cyber attacks.

Launch PC Magazine, October 17, 2013, in the second quarter of 2013, Akamai noted cyber attacks of 175 countries in the world. 

As a result, Indonesia emerged as the most frequent hacking server, with 38 percent of the total attacks in the cyber world. That number jumped from the first quarter of 2013, amounting to 21 per cent.

In the second place there is China earlier in the first quarter in the first position. Number of cyber attacks in the Bamboo Curtain country as much as 33 percent, down one percent from the first quarter of this year.

Then, the third position was achieved by the United States. Total cyber attack originating from the superpower declined from 8.3 percent in the first quarter to 6.9 percent in the second quarter of 2013.

Average of cyber attacks carried out over the attack on port 443 (HTTPS) and port 80 (WWW). Both the first and second position are often the target of cyber attacks.

However, recent reports Akamai is not necessarily valid, because it could not be ascertained whether the cyber attack actually originated from Indonesia. Because, this research used a sample IP address, which actually could have been done by hackers from outside Indonesia Indonesia that utilizes an IP address.

In its report, Akamai also released Web connectivity and speed in several states. Hong Kong became a country with the fastest Internet access speeds in the world.

The highest speed Internet access in Hong Kong penetrate 65.1 Mbps, followed by South Korea with a speed of 53.3 Mbps. Japan occupied the third rank with a speed of 48 Mbps. While the United States are not the top 10, the highest its Internet speed is only 8.7 Mbps. 

What about Indonesia? 
Still very behind. Its maximum speed of 11.3 Mbps Internet. While the average speed 1.7 Mbps, still below the average world internet speed of 3.3 Mbps.

Author : Muhammad Chandrataruna, Tommy Adi Wibowo
Source :, Jum'at, 18 Oktober 2013, 16:18 WIB.

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