Photo that you see above is a beautiful woman from Indonesia photo effect without Photoshop or any other image processing software, they are members of KOWAD.
Kowad stands for Women Army Corps. With another name "" WANODYA PURUSOTTAMA "which means WARRIOR WOMEN MAIN. Kowad is Indonesian woman who has met some requirements so that it can be a soldier sworn to the Army, diamana to nenjadi a Kowad have to go through several stages of selection such as Health, Kesemaptaan, MI , Physico, Keswa and Postur.Tidak all women in Indonesia could join the military, because it is not as easy to be kowad us back your hand.
Kowad stands for Women Army Corps. With another name "" WANODYA PURUSOTTAMA "which means WARRIOR WOMEN MAIN. Kowad is Indonesian woman who has met some requirements so that it can be a soldier sworn to the Army, diamana to nenjadi a Kowad have to go through several stages of selection such as Health, Kesemaptaan, MI , Physico, Keswa and Postur.Tidak all women in Indonesia could join the military, because it is not as easy to be kowad us back your hand.
With the motto: "Bukan Mawar Penghias Taman Tetapi Melati Pagar Bangsa" (No Roses But Jasmine Garden Fence Saver Nations)" , Kowad women serve as commissioned military force in certain areas of assignment that requires precision, persistence, patience, and maternal characteristics. This motto is not interpreted literally based on the context of the sentence but the allegory that has meaning that Kowad not work as a decorator working environment but is a personality Virago, well-behaved noble, clean heart, honest, have high survival attitude, responsible and uphold full of feminine nature and devotion to country and nation of Indonesia. with s fixed emboyan their native women.
Signaling KOWAD:
Signaling KOWAD:
- "While regular military women,
- "Although women still military":
- "It will be hot cracked, not bad going to rain".
Formation history.
Formation of Women's Army Corps (Kowad) inspired by the outcome of the struggle of Indonesian Women Warriors participate uphold the independence of Indonesia and the efforts of leaders to gain advancement for women. For 1959 the Personnel Assistant 3 Colonel Dr. purpose. Sumarno convey his ideas about the use of military force women to certain areas of assignment that requires precision, persistence, patience, and maternal qualities which nature more women to achieve organizational affiliation.
Formation of Women's Army Corps (Kowad) inspired by the outcome of the struggle of Indonesian Women Warriors participate uphold the independence of Indonesia and the efforts of leaders to gain advancement for women. For 1959 the Personnel Assistant 3 Colonel Dr. purpose. Sumarno convey his ideas about the use of military force women to certain areas of assignment that requires precision, persistence, patience, and maternal qualities which nature more women to achieve organizational affiliation.
As the realization of the formation Kowad No.1056/12/1960 Army Commander issued Decree dated December 21, 1960, Women's Army Corps was born. Although Kowad enacted on December 21, 1960, but set Kowad Day on December 22. This designation is intended as on December 22, 1938 was held the First Women's Congress known Mother's Day, because Mother's Day is an honor for Indonesia as a homemaker mother, the mother and the mother of the nation, the birth Kowad expected as the pride of the mother.
Kowad Age Now.
Kowad Age Now.
Kowad now advanced age, they are more Kowad role of previous generations, and now they are almost in line with the Army Men, the duties and responsibilities may even be more. following their action:
Women TNI (Kowad) were included in the assignment of the UN peacekeeping mission in southern Lebanon. Join in the contingent Garuda Indonesia in 2009-2010 that a peacekeeping mission UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Forces In Lebanon).
Kowad now be more exist to form a Group Band. Srisena band formed in 2006 in Kodiklat Army. Starting from the get-togethers and know have talent in music, they finally agreed to form a band. The band consists of Sergeant Major Srisena Dwi Haryanti personnel Pusdikpom unity (vocals), Sergeant personnel Risni Pusdikpom (vocals), Rachel personnel sergeant unity Pusdikkowad (keyboards), Sergeant Vera Widyanti personnel Pusdikkowad (melody), Sergeant Linda Okstrina personnel Kodiklat unity (bass), Renata Serda Marbun Kodiklat personnel (rhythm), and Sergeant Nova personnel Pomdam III / Siliwangi (drums). Since forming Srisena've won a lot of various inter-military competition and also fill in folk entertainment events.
Srisena Band
Kowad still women who can waddle like a fashion model on the catwalk, in Semarang, Central Java, some members of the Women's Army Corps (Kowad) in action on the catwalk at a mall.
And of course there are many actions that they certainly can not I write it all here.
Syarat Pendaftaran KOWAD 2013.
You are interested in being Kowad?
Here are some things you should know before signing up, especially you ladies you have the original, not the imitation kayak in comedians. The procedures and requirements that must be met are as follows:
General Requirements:
Here are some things you should know before signing up, especially you ladies you have the original, not the imitation kayak in comedians. The procedures and requirements that must be met are as follows:
General Requirements:
- Citizen of the Republic of Indonesia.
- Faith or fear of Almighty God.
- Faithful to the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945.
- Aged at least 18 years and the highest 22 years of education at the time of opening November 25th, 2013 for Wave II.
- Rohaniserta not healthy physically and bespectacled.
- Do not lose the right to be patriots are based on an injunction that has acquired permanent legal force.
- Does not have a criminal record issued in writing by the police (when the candidate has followed the examination of Psychology).
- Women are not a member / former soldiers / police or military PNS
- Graduates minimal SMP / Tsanawiyah or equivalent either public or private that equated / accredited.
- Has never been married and could not marry during the first education and 2 years after being inducted soldiers.
- Have a minimum height of 163 cm and has a weight balanced according to applicable regulations.
- Willing to undergo bond Dinas First (IDP) for 7 years.
- Willing to be placed throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
- There should be a letter of consent from a parent / guardian. For candidates who use guardian so filled with the appropriate information to be saints, namely: Mr. stepmother / sister / uncle / aunt to examine KTP parents / carers (TNI Commander Decree appropriate number Skep/57/II/2003 February 24th 2003). Parental consent letter that uses the trust can be set by local districts.
- Administration.
- Health.
- Physical.
- Interview.
- Psychology.
Additional Requirements
For those who already work:
Upon completion of the registration and reception this time I wave back TNI AD issued an announcement about acceptance KOWAD candidate TNI AD 2013 wave II.
- For those who graduated from other countries, must receive approval from the Kemendikbud.
- Not tattooed / pierced and tattooed ex / ex pierced ears or limbs other than that caused by the provision of religious / traditional.
For those who already work:
- Attach a letter of consent / permission from the head of service / office / agency concerned.
- Willing dismissed from employment status, if accepted into the Army Enlisted PK.
- Obey all laws corruption-free either directly or indirectly, and if proven to be violating the law as it is willing to not pass and or removed from Dikma if the breach is discovered later when the education first.
Upon completion of the registration and reception this time I wave back TNI AD issued an announcement about acceptance KOWAD candidate TNI AD 2013 wave II.
For those who have not signed up on the first wave you can sign up on the second wave.
Kowad Education Center in Lembang, Bandung, West Java, after the candidate has fulfilled the conditions specified Kowad they need through education diamana kowad candidates will be built and designed from civilian into military personal who completed their duties and should be ready to be placed anywhere, even if it's against the wishes and should be carried out with Cranky heart.
Education undertaken in Pusdik Kowad 99% similar to that implemented education from crawling army man, somersault, rolling, squatting street, binsik (morning, noon, afternoon, evening) fluctuations mountains, block resistance, shooting, crossing the torrent river very using only heavy bead of rope, meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) must be exhausted in the third count, to double by the closure of educational training and many more other activities.
Before becoming a member of Kowad, candidates must undergo a test Kowad Physical Freshness. Physical Freshness Test is followed by Petty Officer PK Kowad prospective participants before implementing kesemaptaan physical test candidates are required to attend health checks, for those who do not meet the required persaratan, prospective participants were excluded for bodily implement kesemaptaan. The tests were carried out in the Physical Freshness is Run with a time of 12 minutes, Chenning, Sit Up, Push Up 1 minute each and shuttle run as quickly as possible.
Tests Physical Freshness is one of the main requirements to become a soldier of the army. Besides the mental readiness, physical readiness then also have to be prepared in order to become a formidable army soldier who can support military duties in general and the Army in particular.
Those of you who are interested in the heroine's please visit:

Official Site :
Before becoming a member of Kowad, candidates must undergo a test Kowad Physical Freshness. Physical Freshness Test is followed by Petty Officer PK Kowad prospective participants before implementing kesemaptaan physical test candidates are required to attend health checks, for those who do not meet the required persaratan, prospective participants were excluded for bodily implement kesemaptaan. The tests were carried out in the Physical Freshness is Run with a time of 12 minutes, Chenning, Sit Up, Push Up 1 minute each and shuttle run as quickly as possible.
Tests Physical Freshness is one of the main requirements to become a soldier of the army. Besides the mental readiness, physical readiness then also have to be prepared in order to become a formidable army soldier who can support military duties in general and the Army in particular.
Those of you who are interested in the heroine's please visit:
Official Site :
Source :
- http://pusdikkowad.mil.id/
- http://www.kopassus.mil.id/
- http://www.kodiklat-tniad.mil.id/
- http://www.tniad.mil.id/index.php/satuan/kotama/kodam-jaya/test-kesegaran-jasmani-bagi-calon-prajurit-bintara-pk-kowad
- https://www.facebook.com/Keluarga.Besar.TNI.AD/
- http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korps_wanita_
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