
Rabu, 18 Desember 2013

Edward Snowden Hero or Traitor?

Edward Snowden could be considered a traitor by his country, but for the citizens of the world he was a hero who opened the eyes of all the people that all internet activity all of us, whether encrypted or not both can be monitored by the NSA. Actually, the general public does not need to be too concerned about the NSA because the body does not have enough resources to take care of people and interests lay and focus more on strategic activities such as counter-terrorism or spying on corporations or other countries that have strategic value to the country. That said, the only head of state that can not be tapped by the NSA is the Prime Minister of India because it does not have a mobile phone, let alone email.

That the security is a concern observers NSA exercise its action way tap and decrypt data being obtained. Instead of using the technology to penetrate encryption available and if this can indeed be done, of course, will contribute to the advancement of encryption techniques available. Instead NSA even use its authority to suppress enterprises encryption provider that the majority are in the United States to undermine the protection of encryption they really are strong and theoretically takes millions of years for decrypted with current computer. These enterprises are pressed to make peace between them so that when the encryption NSA sadapan data encrypted with that method, they were able to do the decryption to exploit security gaps that have been planted on purpose. Imagine if this security gap information falling into the hands of the wicked, encryption which has become a mainstay of consumer internet services and e-commerce service providers will be useless and all data that is almost impossible for the open decrypted only by doing exploits at gap deliberately cultivated by the security provider for the encryption itself. The possibility of this being one of the main factors Google and Yahoo are scrambling to leave encryption 1014 bits and hastily shifted to 2048 bit encryption in 2014 to protect their data traffic services.

Aside from the less commendable action NSA, documents leaked by Snowden also provide information that Australian spy Indonesian president, first lady and 10 top officials of the country. Actually it is common knowledge that the embassy is a spying center for each country. And the Indonesian government seems to be quite upset and asked Australia to explain this incident / apology. 

Actually, how important is an apology from the Australian government? Is the apology and promise not to do this in the future will solve the problem?

First of all, the authors find it rather difficult to expect that there are countries that promised not to spy on other countries, but they have a secret service. One of the main tasks is the secret service to spy on other countries and that the state promised not to spy on means he must disband the secret service and all relevant agencies where this is not possible because it would weaken the country from enemy spy activity. Can be ascertained, until whenever, mutual spying activities will still take place. Want to or not. Because of this attitude can best be taken by the government of Indonesia is following the advice Ebiet G Ade, Introspection into. Are policies that we've done so far can prevent us from spying on or even facilitate spying activities.

For example, Lenovo businesses and several other companies to buy Blackberry foundered not because it does not match the price proposed by the Blackberry, but because it was not sanctioned by the Canadian government, because they fear that if foreign companies dominate the Blackberry network that serves so many communication would harm the interests of the Canadian government nationwide. This should open our eyes that Blackberry data center in Canada and all the communication and exchange of data through the Blackberry network can certainly be accessed by Blackberry and they are inevitably subject to government pressure the domicile of the company.

One country that seems to be aware and conscious conduct domestic policies precise enough to avoid data leakage and high dependence on the global Internet network that in fact the majority backbonenya through the United States is China. Internet services are popular in the world such as Facebook, Twitter, Global, Line, Ebay and Yahoo underserved places in China were replaced by similar local services such as Qzone, Tencent Weibo, Sina Weibo, and Renren Pengyou. Even on the way China could spawn a lot of world-class products such as WeChat is widely used by the messaging fans.

What happened in Indonesia is the opposite. Three of Indonesia's largest telecommunications service providers the majority of shares are held by foreign investors. We are proud to be regarded as one of the largest users of Facebook and Twitter, we are proud to be the nation's consumer market is becoming one of the biggest Blackberry. Indonesian Internet backbone access both fiber optic and satellite generally must pass through Singapore.

However, we do not lose heart. Although in general, developed countries dominate the technology, but with the openness of the Internet is a lot of surprising things that can be done by developing countries that are theoretically less of resources and access to technology. 

Some things that prove this is China's ability to host successful in her own home. In the military world, Iran is technologically less than the United States is able to take over the high-tech U.S. drone aircraft that pass through its airspace (which is officially claimed to be damaged by the United States).

Indonesia has the resources are reliable, but the sad part is many of Indonesia's best resource even less appreciated in his country and should instead look for a bite of rice abroad. If we want to go forward, try to introspection into and do the strategic anticipation of this moment. Be angry, horn 3 times also allowed, burn flags may also not one country of origin. But do not just mad course, the more important is the strategic action and cleverly done to recapture the critical sectors in order to gain control on data access. Do not let the police or the Indonesian government had to beg just to get to the RIM Blackberry access the data from the corrupt and criminal. 

Remember, donkeys never fall on the same hole.

Sumber :

Jumat, 29 November 2013

4 Facts About Cyber War ​​Hacker Indonesia Vs Australia!

4 Facts Perang Cyber ​​Hacker Indonesia Vs Australia

When the dignity trampled country, in the blink of nationalism within a group was disturbed. It also seems that fueled courage Indonesian hacker group forward into battle all-out cyber attack a number of sites from Australia.

Starting with the issue of wiretaps conducted against the Australian embassy in the countries of Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. Australia issues espionage war spread to the digital realm in cyberspace that makes hackers Indonesia and Australia facing position.

Although the hacker group Anonymous denies they ever Australian counterattack to sites in Indonesia. But the issue of cyber warfare between the two countries continue to roll. This condition is clouded by tapping the unfolding of a number of Australian state officials, including President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY).

Here are 4 interesting facts you need to know related to cyber war between hackers Indonesia vs Australia:

1. Australia espionage revealed by The Sydney Morning Herald

4 Facts Perang Cyber ​​Hacker Indonesia Vs Australia

Acts of cyber war between hackers Indonesia Vs Australia begins when the daily The Sydney Morning Herald reported that a number of Australian Embassy located in the Southeast Asia region involved tapping led U.S. intelligence agencies (NSA).

This would make state government who are victims of furious tapping and take decisive action, including Indonesia. Between Page reported that on Friday (11/01/2013), the Foreign Ministry summoned ambassadors Autralia directly for further questioning this espionage-related issues.

Even on Wednesday (11/20/2013), President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) shows his frustration and give a strong reaction. SBY is not currently assess the inter-tap his era as the era of the Cold War past. Eyeing each other and tapping the country today, according to SBY, is not ethical anymore.

2. Indonesian Anonymous # OpAustralia title, uprooted hundreds of sites Australia

4 Facts Perang Cyber ​​Hacker Indonesia Vs Australia

In retaliation for alleged espionage carried out by the Australian Embassy, ​​the group Anonymous of Indonesia, through the Twitter account @ anon_indonesia Australia announced a list of hundreds of websites that claimed they had managed to plow.

Most sites that are victims of hacking is the site advertising and lower class business that is not too popular in Australia and is expected to be randomly selected.

Berenti not stop there, camp Anonymous hacktivist Indonesia echoes the advanced attack codenamed # OpAustralia war (Operation Australia). The attack reportedly assisted by Anonymous Australian camp also condemned acts of espionage.

They are also the # OpAustralia reportedly initiated with the aim of cyber attacks that could do more focused on Australian government websites, not websites belonging to innocent civilians.

The main target of hacker attacks Indonesian takeover of websites focused on Autralia Intelligence Agency are addressed in And the site also had to be made down to a few moments by the Anonymous group of Indonesia.

3. Played off rumors hacker Malaysia

4 Facts Perang Cyber ​​Hacker Indonesia Vs Australia

After successfully attacking a number of websites with a password Australian war # OpAutralia, social media universe crowded with starting the movement # OpMalaysia solicitation.

# OpMalaysia movement itself lively appear in your Twitter timeline and Facebook after it was rumored that the hacker from Malaysia is the main mastermind group Anonymous dispute between Indonesia and Australia. They are considered to have pitting both sides.

Previously, the site reportedly Angkasa Pura and Garuda Indonesia had been hacked (hacking) and lose a number of key corporate data. It was reported that the Australian Anonymous was responsible for the attack.

But lately the rumor emerged that the Malaysian hackers hacking mastermind who became two important sites of the Indonesian air transportation.

Page Hacker News even published a video Anonymous Australian official statements which explicitly stated that the perpetrators of cyber attacks Indonesia is not a party to them.

4. Anonymous threatens to attack Australia Indonesia

4 Facts Perang Cyber ​​Hacker Indonesia Vs Australia

Cyber ​​war between hackers Indonesia and Australia heats up. This is compounded by the emergence of a video containing threats uploaded via YouTube recently.

In the video Anonymous Australia said in a statement cyber war and threatened to tear ngabrik some famous Indonesian sites.

Some target is site,,, and Portal online media were also being targeted, such as the site,,, and several other sites.

Author: Adhi Maulana 
Source:, 20 November 2013 19:00 pm.

Here's How the NSA intercepts 50,000 Computer Network!

U.S. National Security Agency or the National Security Agency (NSA) has infected more than 50,000 computers worldwide network with a malicious program, some sort of virus, which is designed to steal important information. 

This news spread through the most recent documents uncovered by Edward Snowden, a former NSA employee.

Documents created in 2012, it describes how the NSA collects information worldwide. In operation, the NSA using Computer Network Exploitation (CNE) to spread and install malicious programs to 50,000 computer networks.

In a telecommunications network operator Belgacom Belgian named, discovered a malicious program in September 2013. The malicious program was infiltrated by British intelligence services, Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ).

According to media reports the Dutch NRC, based on documents Snowden, GCHQ over the last few years has been tapped telephone and data traffic Belgacom customers.

The spread of malicious programs by the NSA conducted by a special department called Tailored Access Operations (TAO). According to public sources, TAO employs more than a thousand hackers.

More recently, the Washington Post also published an article about the NSA cyber-TAO operations. Apparently, the NSA did sibernya operation since 1998. 

NSA-TSO operations to neighboring countries also launched the U.S., such as Venezuela and Brazil. Malicious programs installed in the computer network of the country can remain active for years without being detected. He can be turned on, turned off, and controlled remotely.

Media NRC Dutchman try asking for clarification of the NSA. However, the NSA declined to comment. A spokesman for the U.S. government stated that any disclosure of confidential material could endanger U.S. national security.

Author: Aditya Panji 
Source: NRC, quoted from:, Monday, November 25, 2013, 12:19 pm  

Kamis, 21 November 2013

Australia VS RI, Strategic Cooperation Can Distracted, Strategic Cooperation Anything That?

Drop of indigo, damaged milk. Diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Australia, the last few years so friendly, now the heat. Relationship was disrupted after the international media leaked the secret writing about the work of Edward Snowden Canberra spying Indonesia. Indonesia, which is often called the leaders of Australia as a close friend and strategic partner, of course, angered by the action of the intelligence. 

List of Indonesian officials who are victims of wiretapping.

Not only makes the embassy in Jakarta as one post electronic espionage, Australia is also rumored to tap the phones of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and his wife and their officials in 2009. 
Jakarta anger persists. Having recalled Ambassador to Australia RI, Nadjib Riphath Kesoema, from Canberra, President Yudhoyono expresses his anger over Australia's wiretapping scandal through private account on Twitter.  

Joint U.S., Australian action was "very hurt strategic partnership with Indonesia, as a fellow democracy," the tweet straight from the SBY, which he also wrote in English.   

In fact, due to the scandal, the Indonesian government is not just Mr Najib to call home, but also will, "Revisiting the agenda of a number of bilateral cooperation, due to Australia's treatment was painful," he continued SBY. Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa also said that the hacking scandal would reduce the degree of relationship between Indonesia and Australia. 

Anger in Indonesia, which has not been satisfied with the explanation from Canberra about the hacking scandal that revealed Snowden, seems to continue. Prime Minister Tony Abbott just feel sorry for what happened to the rumored SBY about tapping the mass media, but he is not willing to apologize as demanded several parties, including the opposition in Australia. 

Instead of apologizing, Abbott actually support anything that has been done previously and the current administration to continue to collect information for Australia's national interest. During Abbott and its officials have not formally apologize or give a satisfactory explanation to Indonesia about the wiretapping scandal, relations between the two countries will continue to strain.

Security Cooperation

The bilateral tensions could ultimately affect the strategic cooperation between Indonesia and Australia over the last close. Two factors are of serious concern is the security and cooperation in the field of economics. What are the two factors that have to strengthen relations between the two countries that could be directly affected?

Statements of security officials and politicians in Indonesia suggests that security cooperation Indonesia and Australia in the near future could be disrupted. In fact, Australia has been to make Indonesia as a strategic partner in counter-terrorism and human smuggling kerjasaman. 

Australia since the Bali bombing terror greatly assisted by the Indonesian security forces operation in combating terrorist networks that threaten their citizens in Indonesia. For the problem of human trafficking also rely heavily Canberra Indonesia in stopping illegal immigrants from the Middle East who sailed to Australia. 

However, Indonesian Police Chief, General Sutarman, already expressed their willingness to cease all cooperation programs with Australia if ordered by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. It was delivered Sutarman respond terkuaknya Australian intelligence intercepts done, Defense Signals Directorate (DSD).

"Police have cooperation with Australia, but if the President ordered stopped, will do," said Sutarman said after a meeting with the Chief of Police at National Police Headquarters Human Equation, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 19, 2013. 

In the last ten years, since the Bali bombings, Indonesian security forces cooperation and Australia tackling terrorists running very closely. Australia supports the establishment and training Detachment 88 that managed to capture a lot of terrorists in Indonesia, including a trio of bombers in Bali in October 2002.   

According to Sutarman, police cooperation with Australia today is in the form of equipment and supplies owned by the Police. These items is Jakarta Center for Law Enforcement (the Centre) located in Semarang. Trans-national crime prevention program, people smuggling, trafficking in persons, and terrorism, all of it supported by Australia.

Police and Australian Federal Police (AFP) also has a training program and support the Criminal Investigation and cyber crime lab DNA laboratory in Cipinang to disclosure cases. "The collaboration police to police cooperation. When asked to stop, we are ready to quit," he said.

Vice Chairman of Commission I of the House Defense and Foreign Affairs, Tubagus Hasanuddin, said Indonesia would not be paralyzed without the co-operation with Australia. In fact, according to Tubagus, Indonesia also has a 'trump card' to shake up Australia. In addition to stopping the supply of information to the Australian terrorist network, further Tubagus, Indonesia can no longer help Australia about handling illegal immigrants.

"If Indonesia is like that, he's desperate (Australia)," said the PDI-P politician.

The same was conveyed by Deputy Chairman of Commission I of the other, Ramadan Pohan. According to him, without Australia, Indonesia will continue to grow.

"Never once thought we sank without Australia. We can not be dictated while being harassed. They are facing refugees 15 thousand per year just at a loss, especially without any cooperation," he said.

A few days earlier, Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa also expressed the same thing after calling the Australian ambassador, Greg Moriarty, about the espionage scandal at the embassy. Asked what the Australian reply Indonesia, Natalegawa said, "One of them is certainly reviewing cooperation on exchange of information, even the exchange of intelligence information, particularly in response to the problem of human smuggling."  

Businessman Optimistic

Meanwhile, trade and economic cooperation between Indonesia and Australia for a while this seemed not disturbed by tension as a result of this wiretapping scandal. The office of Indonesia's economy and business people hope that this problem can be resolved expeditiously without having to disrupt business climate between the two countries.  

"Economic relations between the two countries remains the way," said Coordinating Minister for the Economy Hatta Rajasa at the Parliament Building, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 19, 2013. According to him, the economic partnership should take proportionate, not to be constrained Loosening of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Australia.

However, Hatta emphasized the importance of Australia to explain what they did about tapping against state officials RI. "Trust us to friends, to neighbors, harmed by such mistrust. If Menseneg tapped, the president tapped, tapped close aide to the president, it was entered into the heart of government. This is very serious, "he said.

Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan issued a statement concurs. It asks Australia to Indonesia intercepts seriously addressed so as not to interfere with cooperation between the two countries in the economic sector. "Indonesia and Australia to establish contact in various sectors, among others, agriculture and livestock. All should be measured, "he said.

Participants conventions Democrat Party presidential candidate felt that wiretapping is a disturbing form of terrible betrayal interstate relations. "It should be followed strictly so that the front does not happen again," said Gita.

But Indonesia also have to think also of national economic interest. "For example, if there is thought to stop importing beef from Australia, have calculated how the effects on domestic beef prices in RI, and whether our meat enough to meet the needs of the national increase of 15 percent every year," said Gita. 

Chairman of the National Economic Committee (KEN), Chairul, argues that tapping action by Australia not disrupt the investment climate between the two countries. He considers this issue has more to do with political interests.

Withdrawal of Indonesian Ambassador of Australia, according to him, is the right step. It shows the government's decisive response to the problems. "It's actually a form of protest against the attitude of Australia, which are either hostile to Indonesia," he said.

He re-emphasized, regardless of political issues, such action will not affect the business and investment climate in Indonesia.

"In terms of investments and businesses that do not exist, I do not see it. But we must show strong political stance against this," he said.

For Australia, Indonesia is the 12th trading partner and export market to the 11th largest. In contrast, for Indonesia, Australia is the 9th largest trading partner and largest export market to 9. Accordingly, mutual investment between the two countries is relatively small.

Despite frequent chills in touch, know, Indonesia is the largest recipient country of Australia. In 1976-1979, Australia poured grant of AU $ 86 million for Indonesia. In the form of project aid, food aid, and training programs.

For this year alone, the allocation of Australian aid to Indonesia totaled Rp 5, 5 trillion, or AU $ 540 million. Sectors of the Australian education a top priority for Indonesia, as well as the health sector, infrastructure, social protection.

In addition, Australia is the number two country study for Indonesia, after the United States. The number of Indonesian studying in Australia in 1999 as many as 18 748 and 17 626 people in 2000. However, Australia is the only country that teach Indonesian in schools. As in New South Wales, and also at Monash University in Melbourne.

In the field of tourism, since the 70s, Indonesia has become a major destination for Australians. The main goal is Bali. So, Australia became an important source of tourists to Indonesia.

Author: Renna RA Kawilarang, Nila Chris Yulika, Arinto Tri Wibowo, R. Jihad Akbar, Erick Asia

Minggu, 10 November 2013

Introduce : My PC Defender 2014.

Today is November 10, 2013, our nation celebrated hero Indonesia, the day that we use to honor our current fighters repel invaders from Indonesia. On that day our ancestors struggled between life and death to defend the independence of Indonesia.
Hari ini tanggal 10 November 2013, kami Bangsa Indonesia merayakan hari pahlawan, hari yang kami gunakan untuk menghormati para pejuang kami saat mengusir penjajah dari Indonesia. Pada hari itu nenek moyang kami berjuang antara hidup dan mati untuk mempertahankan kemerdekaan Indonesia. 

We are now the proud grandson with the independence struggle of their results by creating sophisticated combat equipment "My PC Defender 2014" to free your computer from various types of malware that occupation must have been very detrimental to you.
Kini kami para cucunya dengan bangga mengisi kemerdekaan hasil perjuangan mereka dengan menciptakan peralatan tempur canggih "My PC Defender 2014" untuk membebaskan komputer anda dari penjajahan aneka jenis malware yang pasti sangat merugikan anda.

We dedicate our work to the heroes of our nation Indonesia and around the world for you. 
Please join us, we freed our computers from invaders, we eradicated them up by the roots, and eventually independence belongs to the whole world !
Karya kami ini kami dedikasikan untuk para pahlawan bangsa kami Indonesia dan untuk anda di seluruh dunia. Mari bergabung bersama kami, kita bebaskan komputer kita dari penjajah, kita basmi mereka sampai ke akar-akarnya, dan akhirnya kemerdekaan ini menjadi milik seluruh dunia.

Kamis, 07 November 2013

My PC Defender 2014 V-69 : 10 - 11 - 2013

From Indonesia, For The World
Free download and use, 
coming soon : 10 - 11 - 2013.

Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013

This is Evolution of the Autobots Transformers Movie 4: Age of Extiction.

Transformers Movie 4: Age of Extiction, it was released 7 months away, but as the fans did not hurt us to hunt for interesting information about the film. From various sources, here are some figures leaked robots that exist in the film Transformers 4: Age of Extiction.

1. Optimus Prime.


Transformers News: Re: Hasbro Press Event Coverage: First Images of Transformers: Age of Extinction Optimus Prime!

Optimus prime G1

Optimus Prime new car mode


Bumblebee prime mode

Bumblebee old car mode

Bumblebee new car mode




Senin, 28 Oktober 2013

Top 25 Antivirus 2013, update 16 October 2013.

Most antivirus vendors that run on a yearly update schedule wait until the fall to release the next year's version, just like car manufacturers. So, the "2014 models" appear in the fall of 2013. They're definitely rolling in; I've reviewed four that actually contain "2014" in the name. Four others come from vendors who've dropped the notion of adding a version or year number, but they're still the "(2014)" editions.

As new versions arrive, most of the same products retain their positions at the top of the heap. Here are the best from the current crop of antivirus products.

The Best Products

The antivirus field is huge; I currently track over forty products. In a field that big there's room for multiple products to earn the title of Editors' Choice.

Three products share the Editor's Choice honor for best overall antivirus: Bitdefender Antivirus Plus (2014)$39.95 at BitDefender, Norton AntiVirus (2014)$49.99 at Norton, and Webroot SecureAnywhere Antivirus 2013$29.99 at Webroot. (I expect the 2014 edition of Webroot's antivirus in a few weeks).

The Best Antivirus for 2013.

Best 2013 Security Suites

Bitdefender and Webroot both earned 6.6 points in my malware removal test, though they were tested with different sample sets. Norton, tested along with Bitdefender, slipped to 6.3 this time around, but its impressive multi-layered malware-fighting technology continues to impress.

Two free products also did well in testing. Ad-Aware Free Antivirus+ 10.5 detected 83 percent of the samples and earned 5.8 points; for a while that was the top score. AVG AntiVirus FREE 2014 detected fewer samples, 78 percent, but more thorough cleanup earned it an impressive 6.4 points. AVG and Ad-Aware are our current Editors' Choice products for free antivirus. The new Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition (2014) also fared well in testing. It matched the full Bitdefender antivirus's malware blocking score, and earned a decent 6.2 points for malware cleanup.

AV-Comparatives Malware Removal Chart

Our two free Editors' Choice products share the best malware blocking score, 9.4 points, among products tested using my current malware collection. Trend Micro Titanium Antivirus+ 2014$39.95 at Trend Micro and McAfee AntiVirus Plus 2014£18.50 at Amazon were close behind with 9.2 points. Tested with my previous malware collection, Webroot scored an impressive 9.9 of 10 possible points.

Interesting Variations

A full-scale antivirus tool both cleans up existing threats and keeps new attacks from getting a foothold. Sometimes, though, a counterattack by entrenched malware means you can't even install that hot-shot antivirus. In that case, a free removal-only tool can be a godsend. In my malware removal test, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.70 scored higher than any of the competition, paid or free. The well-known Malwarebytes is our Editors' Choice for free cleanup-only antivirus.

Of course, you do have to work to make sure your antivirus stays up to date, and you need to deal with any threats it reports. Or do you? In fact, once you install Daily Safety Check Home Edition you don't have to do a thing. Its managed antivirus will scan your system and block attacks, and it also ensures that you have all the latest security patches. If necessary, a support agent can remote-control your PC to clean up the worst infestations. All you need to do is view emailed safety reports. This unique service has earned Editors' Choice for consumer-side managed antivirus.

If ransomware or other malicious software has made it impossible to boot Windows, you need a solution that doesn't rely on Windows. When you boot from the hardware-based FixMeStick 2013$39.99 at Amazon, it automatically updates itself and runs a scan. All you need to do is click OK when it asks permission to clean up.

Newcomer Jumpshot is another interesting cleanup-only tool. It conceals a full-scale Linux-based bootable antivirus behind a user interface based on cartoon-style "minions" that handle tasks like wiping out malware, tuning system performance, and protecting your privacy. Jumpshot had the highest malware-removal score among products tested with my current malware collection, until it got edged out by Bitdefender.

Antivirus Tests.

Where did those scores come from? To test an antivirus product's ability to deal with existing malware infestations, I install it on twelve malware-infested virtual machines. After running the most comprehensive scan available, I check which threats the antivirus detected and note how well it cleaned them up. This article explains how I derive the scores in the chart that follows: How We Test Malware Removal.
  • Related Story Antivirus malware removal chart

Starting with the introduction of my new malware collection earlier this year, I've added a new metric to my malware removal charts, an ease of installation score. I base this score on how tough it is to install the product on my malware-infested systems. A product like Malwarebytes that installs on all twelve with little or no help from the vendor's tech support, well, that's a five-star performance. If tech support supplies ancillary tools like rescue disks or threat-specific removal tools that make installation possible, we're at four stars; Kaspersky is an example.

All too often, getting antivirus protection installed on an infested system takes hours or days of back and forth with tech support. If after a super-lengthy process the product does get installed, that's worth two to three stars. If it totally can't install on one or more of the twelve systems, well, we're down to one star. That's not the bottom, though. Sometimes the cleanup process renders a test system completely unusable. A product that "kills" any test system beyond tech support's ability to fix gets zero stars. And yes, it does happen.

I also install each product on a clean test system and see how well it prevents infestation by the same collection of threats. Most antivirus tools wipe out a portion of the samples the moment I open the containing folder. I launch those that weren't killed on sight and observe just how far they get before the antivirus takes action. The article How We Test Malware Blocking explains in detail how I come up with the scores in the chart below.

  • Related Story Antivirus malware blocking chart

Independent antivirus testing labs have vastly more resources at hand than I do, so they can perform tests on a scale beyond what I can manage. At present I track results from AV-Comparatives, AV-Test, ICSA Labs, Virus Bulletin, and West Coast Labs. I hope to be adding tests from NSS Labs and Dennis Labs later this year. The chart below summarizes current results, and this article goes into more detail about how I interpret those results: How We Interpret Antivirus Lab Tests.

Note that only Bitdefender and Kaspersky Anti-Virus (2014)$23.42 at Amazon earn top scores across the board. To be fair, both Norton and Webroot argue that the current crop of tests don't match real-world circumstances well enough to properly evaluate their products.

  • Related Story Antivirus lab tests chart

Whatever your antivirus needs, one of the over forty tools listed here should do the job. Note that the blurbs that follow are not the full reviews; click on the title of each antivirus to get to the full reviews, which detail my testing. Also note that we'll be updating this roundup often, adding reviews of the new AV software as it rolls out this fall.

The chart below lists current suites, along with their prices and star rating in several security categories. Note that in a few cases the price listed for "3-pack" actually gets you more than three licenses.

The Best 2013 Security Suites.

A lot of different components must thoroughly mesh and work together well to make a security suite. Some suites are barely more than an antivirus plus firewall, while others include ever feature imaginable. In the very best suites, all components are equally effective, but a suite that's only good at a few security tasks can still be useful if its strong points match your needs.

The flood of 2014 suites is in full swing at present. I've reviewed eight with "2014" as part of the name, and several more are in the queue. Bitdefender, Webroot, Norton, and Kaspersky have dropped year and version numbers. To avoid confusion we're appending "(2014)" to those product names.

Notable Components.

The chart below summarizes our findings for three dozen current security suites, highlighting overall scores and category scores of 4.0 stars or better. It's easy to see that some products earned high scores in all or nearly all the categories, while others got just a few high scores.

Ad-Aware Pro Security 10.5 turned in average scores in most of our tests, but it proved quite effective at blocking malware attack on a clean system. G Data InternetSecurity 2014 likewise did its best work in the field of malware blocking.

ZoneAlarm Extreme Security 2013$44.95 at ZoneAlarm has perhaps the most complete parental control system of any suite, because its parental control component is a licensed version of the well-regarded Net Nanny. ZoneAlarm Free Antivirus + Firewall 2013 offers a bare minimum of suite components, but its firewall protection is top-notch.

Protection against fraudulent (phishing) sites is a primary component of the Privacy score. Because the actual phishing sites available on a given day are different from those on any other day, I rate antiphishing tools by comparing their detection rates with Norton's. Very few products come close to Norton's accuracy, but in recent tests both Bitdefender Internet Security (2014)$49.95 at BitDefender and Kaspersky Internet Security (2014)$79.95 at Kaspersky Lab North America | United Kingdom beat Norton, and Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security 2014$49.95 at Trend Micro came close.
Best security suites 2013-10

Our Top Choices

As you can see in the chart Norton Internet Security (2014) earned four stars or better in every category. If you're looking for a traditional security suite, with essential features like antivirus, firewall, antispam, parental control, and phishing protection, it's a great choice, and it's one of our Editors' Choice suites. If you need local/online backup and tuneup, consider Norton 360 (2014)$79.99 at Norton, also an Editors' Choice.
Norton 360 falls into the category I call a "mega-suite" because it offers so much more than the basics. With Bitdefender Total Security (2014)$69.95 at BitDefender you get even more security components, pretty much anything you can think of. It's another Editor's Choice for mega-suite.

Looking for the smallest, lightest protection available? The installer for Editors' Choice Webroot SecureAnywhere Complete (2014)$39.99 at Webroot would fit on a 3.5" diskette (if you could fine one). Its unusual antivirus component doesn't use virus signatures; rather, it detects threats by their behavior and other characteristics. Webroot omits spam filtering and parental control, two common suite features that aren't universally needed, but adds a very flexible online backup and sync utility along with password management powered by Editors' Choice LastPass.

Modern malware is tough. If it's gotten a foothold on your PC already, it may resist your attempts to install the security software that could eliminate it. Tech support will help, of course, and many vendors will eventually escalate to remote-control diagnosis and repair of your troubles. Comodo Internet Security Complete 2013, also an Editors' Choice, makes that top-tier level support the default. Call on Comodo's GeekBuddy service for help with absolutely any PC problem, including getting the product installed on an infested system.

Make Your Choice.

You won't go wrong selecting one of our Editors' Choice suites. McAfee Internet Security 2014$39.99 at McAfee and Kaspersky Internet Security (2014)$79.95 at Kaspersky Lab North America | United Kingdom also proved impressive in testing. Click the links in the blurbs that follow to read our comprehensive reviews of all the current security suites.

Author : Neil J. Rubenking 
Source :, 16 October 2013.

Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013

Akamai: Cyber Rated Attacks Originating from Indonesia, Indonesia beat China and America!!

Cyber ​​attacks originating from Indonesia continue to soar. From the latest Akamai report, the position of Indonesia is the country most committed cyber attacks.

Launch PC Magazine, October 17, 2013, in the second quarter of 2013, Akamai noted cyber attacks of 175 countries in the world. 

As a result, Indonesia emerged as the most frequent hacking server, with 38 percent of the total attacks in the cyber world. That number jumped from the first quarter of 2013, amounting to 21 per cent.

In the second place there is China earlier in the first quarter in the first position. Number of cyber attacks in the Bamboo Curtain country as much as 33 percent, down one percent from the first quarter of this year.

Then, the third position was achieved by the United States. Total cyber attack originating from the superpower declined from 8.3 percent in the first quarter to 6.9 percent in the second quarter of 2013.

Average of cyber attacks carried out over the attack on port 443 (HTTPS) and port 80 (WWW). Both the first and second position are often the target of cyber attacks.

However, recent reports Akamai is not necessarily valid, because it could not be ascertained whether the cyber attack actually originated from Indonesia. Because, this research used a sample IP address, which actually could have been done by hackers from outside Indonesia Indonesia that utilizes an IP address.

In its report, Akamai also released Web connectivity and speed in several states. Hong Kong became a country with the fastest Internet access speeds in the world.

The highest speed Internet access in Hong Kong penetrate 65.1 Mbps, followed by South Korea with a speed of 53.3 Mbps. Japan occupied the third rank with a speed of 48 Mbps. While the United States are not the top 10, the highest its Internet speed is only 8.7 Mbps. 

What about Indonesia? 
Still very behind. Its maximum speed of 11.3 Mbps Internet. While the average speed 1.7 Mbps, still below the average world internet speed of 3.3 Mbps.

Author : Muhammad Chandrataruna, Tommy Adi Wibowo
Source :, Jum'at, 18 Oktober 2013, 16:18 WIB.

Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

KOWAD : They Are Super Woman from Indonesia !

Photo that you see above is a beautiful woman from Indonesia photo effect without Photoshop or any other image processing software, they are members of KOWAD.

Kowad stands for Women Army Corps. With another name "" WANODYA PURUSOTTAMA "which means WARRIOR WOMEN MAIN. Kowad is Indonesian woman who has met some requirements so that it can be a soldier sworn to the Army, diamana to nenjadi a Kowad have to go through several stages of selection such as Health, Kesemaptaan, MI , Physico, Keswa and Postur.Tidak all women in Indonesia could join the military, because it is not as easy to be kowad us back your hand.

With the motto: "Bukan Mawar Penghias Taman Tetapi Melati Pagar Bangsa" (No Roses But Jasmine Garden Fence Saver Nations)" , Kowad women serve as commissioned military force in certain areas of assignment that requires precision, persistence, patience, and maternal characteristics. This motto is not interpreted literally based on the context of the sentence but the allegory that has meaning that Kowad not work as a decorator working environment but is a personality Virago, well-behaved noble, clean heart, honest, have high survival attitude, responsible and uphold full of feminine nature and devotion to country and nation of Indonesia. with s fixed emboyan their native women.

Signaling KOWAD:
  1. "While regular military women,
  2. "Although women still military":
  3. "It will be hot cracked, not bad going to rain".

Formation history.

Formation of Women's Army Corps (Kowad) inspired by the outcome of the struggle of Indonesian Women Warriors participate uphold the independence of Indonesia and the efforts of leaders to gain advancement for women. For 1959 the Personnel Assistant 3 Colonel Dr. purpose. Sumarno convey his ideas about the use of military force women to certain areas of assignment that requires precision, persistence, patience, and maternal qualities which nature more women to achieve organizational affiliation.  






As the realization of the formation Kowad No.1056/12/1960 Army Commander issued Decree dated December 21, 1960, Women's Army Corps was born. Although Kowad enacted on December 21, 1960, but set Kowad Day on December 22. This designation is intended as on December 22, 1938 was held the First Women's Congress known Mother's Day, because Mother's Day is an honor for Indonesia as a homemaker mother, the mother and the mother of the nation, the birth Kowad expected as the pride of the mother.

Kowad Age Now.

Kowad now advanced age, they are more Kowad role of previous generations, and now they are almost in line with the Army Men, the duties and responsibilities may even be more. following their action:

Wan TNI di UNIFIL 2010 3

Women TNI (Kowad) were included in the assignment of the UN peacekeeping mission in southern Lebanon. Join in the contingent Garuda Indonesia in 2009-2010 that a peacekeeping mission UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Forces In Lebanon). 

Kowad now be more exist to form a Group Band. Srisena band formed in 2006 in Kodiklat Army. Starting from the get-togethers and know have talent in music, they finally agreed to form a band. The band consists of Sergeant Major Srisena Dwi Haryanti personnel Pusdikpom unity (vocals), Sergeant personnel Risni Pusdikpom (vocals), Rachel personnel sergeant unity Pusdikkowad (keyboards), Sergeant Vera Widyanti personnel Pusdikkowad (melody), Sergeant Linda Okstrina personnel Kodiklat unity (bass), Renata Serda Marbun Kodiklat personnel (rhythm), and Sergeant Nova personnel Pomdam III / Siliwangi (drums). Since forming Srisena've won a lot of various inter-military competition and also fill in folk entertainment events.

Srisena Band

Kowad still women who can waddle like a fashion model on the catwalk, in Semarang, Central Java, some members of the Women's Army Corps (Kowad) in action on the catwalk at a mall.

And of course there are many actions that they certainly can not I write it all here.

Syarat Pendaftaran KOWAD 2013.

You are interested in being Kowad?

Here are some things you should know before signing up, especially you ladies you have the original, not the imitation kayak in comedians. The procedures and requirements that must be met are as follows:

General Requirements:
  1. Citizen of the Republic of Indonesia.
  2. Faith or fear of Almighty God.
  3. Faithful to the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945.
  4. Aged at least 18 years and the highest 22 years of education at the time of opening November 25th, 2013 for Wave II.
  5. Rohaniserta not healthy physically and bespectacled.
  6. Do not lose the right to be patriots are based on an injunction that has acquired permanent legal force.
  7. Does not have a criminal record issued in writing by the police (when the candidate has followed the examination of Psychology).

Other Requirements:
  1. Women are not a member / former soldiers / police or military PNS
  2. Graduates minimal SMP / Tsanawiyah or equivalent either public or private that equated / accredited.
  3. Has never been married and could not marry during the first education and 2 years after being inducted soldiers.
  4. Have a minimum height of 163 cm and has a weight balanced according to applicable regulations.
  5. Willing to undergo bond Dinas First (IDP) for 7 years.
  6. Willing to be placed throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
  7. There should be a letter of consent from a parent / guardian. For candidates who use guardian so filled with the appropriate information to be saints, namely: Mr. stepmother / sister / uncle / aunt to examine KTP parents / carers (TNI Commander Decree appropriate number Skep/57/II/2003 February 24th 2003). Parental consent letter that uses the trust can be set by local districts.
            Should follow the inspection / testing conducted by the admissions committee that includes.:
            1. Administration.
            2. Health.
            3. Physical.
            4. Interview.
            5. Psychology.
                  Additional Requirements
                  1. For those who graduated from other countries, must receive approval from the Kemendikbud.
                  2. Not tattooed / pierced and tattooed ex / ex pierced ears or limbs other than that caused by the provision of religious / traditional.

                  For those who already work:
                  1. Attach a letter of consent / permission from the head of service / office / agency concerned.
                  2. Willing dismissed from employment status, if accepted into the Army Enlisted PK.
                  3. Obey all laws corruption-free either directly or indirectly, and if proven to be violating the law as it is willing to not pass and or removed from Dikma if the breach is discovered later when the education first.

                  Upon completion of the registration and reception this time I wave back TNI AD issued an announcement about acceptance KOWAD candidate TNI AD 2013 wave II.

                  For those who have not signed up on the first wave you can sign up on the second wave. 


                  Kowad Education Center in Lembang, Bandung, West Java, after the candidate has fulfilled the conditions specified Kowad they need through education diamana kowad candidates will be built and designed from civilian into military personal who completed their duties and should be ready to be placed anywhere, even if it's against the wishes and should be carried out with Cranky heart. 


                  Education undertaken in Pusdik Kowad 99% similar to that implemented education from crawling army man, somersault, rolling, squatting street, binsik (morning, noon, afternoon, evening) fluctuations mountains, block resistance, shooting, crossing the torrent river very using only heavy bead of rope, meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) must be exhausted in the third count, to double by the closure of educational training and many more other activities.

                  Before becoming a member of Kowad, candidates must undergo a test Kowad Physical Freshness. Physical Freshness Test is followed by Petty Officer PK Kowad prospective participants before implementing kesemaptaan physical test candidates are required to attend health checks, for those who do not meet the required persaratan, prospective participants were excluded for bodily implement kesemaptaan. The tests were carried out in the Physical Freshness is Run with a time of 12 minutes, Chenning, Sit Up, Push Up 1 minute each and shuttle run as quickly as possible.

                  Tests Physical Freshness is one of the main requirements to become a soldier of the army. Besides the mental readiness, physical readiness then also have to be prepared in order to become a formidable army soldier who can support military duties in general and the Army in particular.

                  Those of you who are interested in the heroine's please visit:

                  Official Site : 

                  Source : 