
Sabtu, 11 Januari 2014

Best Antivirus Software 2014 Review in January, 2014

You do realize, don’t you, that even though Microsoft includes antivirus features in Windows, you are still supposed to buy antivirus software from third-party vendors? 

That’s right, Microsoft never meant for you to make do with Windows Defender. The only reason Windows includes virus protection is to take care of those folks who will never get around to installing a top antivirus product. Even though Microsoft continues to improve the security native to Windows with every release, Defender has not been able to register respectable scores in a battery of tests conducted by software testing lab AV-Test. The best virus protection product that rises to the top during performance testing is Bitdefender Antivirus Plus. Please visit our Learning Center for more articles about the best antivirus software .

Antivirus Software: What to Look For

The purpose of antivirus for PC products is to stop malware from entering and compromising your computer’s operating system. So one measure of success is how well your virus scanner can detect a threat in order to block it. A complicating factor, though, is that sometimes hackers send brand-new threats that have never been seen before and are unlike any family of threats whose genealogies are present in the best antivirus databases.

So just because the best antivirus products sometimes cannot stop malware from coming through, it doesn’t mean they are ineffective. Just as important as detecting and blocking a threat before it can enter is the ability to detect an already infiltrated threat that gives itself away as malicious because of its guilty behavior.

So antimalware software has two chances to protect you: once when the malware is attempting to gain entrance, and another time when it has a chance to quarantine and eradicate a threat that has successfully infiltrated the first line of defense. These, then, are the factors that contribute to whether any particular product will stand out in our antivirus reviews: Performance, features, and help and support.

There is an independent test lab named AV-Test that exposes antivirus software to malicious threat samples numbering in the tens of millions. Using a testbed consisting of hundreds of workstations networked to dozens of servers, AV-Test discovers how various security software products fare in terms of protection, repair and usability. These results are well-respected by the antivirus vendor community and by informed product users. 

With performance as the foundation of any antimalware product evaluation, it is then appropriate to consider which features you require and which features would simply be nice to have. Our review makes it easy for you to figure out whether any particular contestant protects you from phishing, or flags threats in email and instant messages, or recognizes when you insert a thumb drive so it can scan for threats. 

Help & Support
After you have a fix on the best antivirus software for you in terms of performance and features, then make yourself aware of how the software publisher supports its users. The best vendors are those that you can reach 24/7 via live online chat, telephone or email. There are vendors who are not reachable 24/7 and who don’t support online chat, so be aware of what you can live with before you purchase.

We delight in assisting you to identify the best antivirus software for your Windows computer. We want to be clear that the security that comes with Windows from Microsoft is not the best, and Microsoft itself has said over and over that it expects you to buy something better. When it comes to securing your computer and by extension your personal identity, the correct pre-emptive action is to buy antivirus software. Our fond hope is that our review quickly orients you toward something better than defender. 

Source :, January 2nd, 2014

Senin, 06 Januari 2014

Malware Could Send Data Stolen Without Internet!!!

Malware in Indonesian known as "malware" (English: malware, derived from the words malicious and software lakuran) is a software created to infiltrate or damage a computer system, server or computer network without permission (informed consent) from the owner. The expression is a general term used by computer experts to interpret a wide variety of software or software code that disrupt or disturb the performance of the computer.

Software is considered malware based on the perceived intent of the creator rather than based on certain characteristics. Malware includes computer viruses, computer worms, Trojan horse (Trojan horse), most of the root-kit (rootkit), the surveillance (spyware), the ads (adware) that takjujur, malicious software (crimeware) and other software that malicious and unwanted.

During this malicious code or malware is always in need of some sort of digital medium to be able to steal data from one device to be forwarded to another device, typically through a computer network and the Internet.

Then, if the computer is not connected to the network can be called "sterile" of the possibility of data theft?

Apparently not well. A group of researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute of Communications, Germany, proves that in fact malware can also steal data from a computer without the need of sound waves through a data connection.

As reported by Ars Technica, the researchers developed a prototype of malware that communicate and transmit data via a microphone and speakers. The trick is to send a high-frequency signal from the infected computer to another computer. 

Data transfer can only be done with a very low speed, which is 20 bits per second, but it was enough to send vital information quickly sort passwords. 

Moreover the range of shipping methods through the sound is quite extensive, reaching 65 feet or 20 meters. The distance can be extended to create a network of infected computers to relay the sound signals.

Malware is proved that the isolation of the internet and computer networks could no longer deemed sufficient to secure the device. "The concept of network-based voice signals make conventional security methods become useless because it usually does not consider the communication of audio," wrote a team of researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute in a report published in the Journal of Communications.

The team of researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute itself does not really make the malware, but only to prove the concept to raise awareness about the possibility of future attacks and how to combat that. One of the "antidote" suggested is to use audio filters that block high-frequency sound and audio analyzer.

Author: Joseph Oik 
Source: ArsTechnica, quoted from:, Friday, December 6, 2013, 8:23 pm.

Millions of visitors Got Malware Attacks!!

Be careful if you visit site, because recently there are two Internet security institutions reported that Yahoo's ad server turned out to distribute malware. malware distribution is done by certain parties who hijack Yahoo's online advertising network for their personal interests . This finding revealed by Fox IT, a security firm based in the Netherlands in their blogs.

Blog created on Friday (01/03/2014) then the writing that users who visit will accept bids from ad that some harm. Rather than display advertising as usual, the server reported it send "exploit kits" that can attack the weaknesses of Java and install several different malware. reports have been acted upon Yahoo, and the company said that such attacks stretcher does not attack the Mac and mobile users. Yahoo users in North America also reported to be attacked by this malware. "It was not clear who was behind the attack, but the motive is clear, namely financial," said Fox IT as reported by The Washington Post, Saturday (04/01/2014). During the last week emerging reports home page visitors against malware. This malicious software that can retrieve information from a computer database.

Launch the Daily Mail, Monday, January 6, 2014, an online security company, Fix It, which is based in the Netherlands, said the entry slit of malware to the user's computer is through advertising that Yahoo sites.

"When people visit and click on the banner ads on and already infiltrated malware, then the malware will automatically attack the visitor's computer. Few ads on has been identified as malicious advertising," Fix It wrote, on her official blog.

Fix It estimates that there are about 27,000 visitors exposed to malware attacks Yahoo in every hour. 

"Some of the most affected countries malware from Yahoo is Romanian, English, and French. However, we have not been able to identify who the malware spreaders," said Fox It.

Fox It also reveals how to prevent the introduction of malware into the computer. That is by blocking the IP address of the store ads dangerous malware.

It is estimated that the malware comes from advertising on the site started to spread on December 30, 2013.

Yahoo has issued a statement on its website related to the spread of malware. The company has taken serious steps to address the security and monitoring issues.

"We recently have identified the ads that are designed to spread malware to multiple users. We immediately remove these ads, and continuously monitor and block the spread of malware identified advertisements," Yahoo said. Malware that attacks the weaknesses of the Java programming language as a reminder for the application developers that there is still a threat in Java. During this time the Java language is made ​​to look more appealing web interface, but began distressed by the use of Flash and JavaScript. Plugin Java is becoming obsolete by the web developer, there's not much more to add modifiers tamper. Because there are no security patches, so Java became easy targets for hackers. One precaution is to mnon-enable (disable) Java (not JavaScript) in your browser.


  1. , Monday, January 6, 2014, 11:00 pm. 
  2. , Monday, January 6, 2014, 13:16 pm.