
Senin, 06 Januari 2014

Millions of visitors Got Malware Attacks!!

Be careful if you visit site, because recently there are two Internet security institutions reported that Yahoo's ad server turned out to distribute malware. malware distribution is done by certain parties who hijack Yahoo's online advertising network for their personal interests . This finding revealed by Fox IT, a security firm based in the Netherlands in their blogs.

Blog created on Friday (01/03/2014) then the writing that users who visit will accept bids from ad that some harm. Rather than display advertising as usual, the server reported it send "exploit kits" that can attack the weaknesses of Java and install several different malware. reports have been acted upon Yahoo, and the company said that such attacks stretcher does not attack the Mac and mobile users. Yahoo users in North America also reported to be attacked by this malware. "It was not clear who was behind the attack, but the motive is clear, namely financial," said Fox IT as reported by The Washington Post, Saturday (04/01/2014). During the last week emerging reports home page visitors against malware. This malicious software that can retrieve information from a computer database.

Launch the Daily Mail, Monday, January 6, 2014, an online security company, Fix It, which is based in the Netherlands, said the entry slit of malware to the user's computer is through advertising that Yahoo sites.

"When people visit and click on the banner ads on and already infiltrated malware, then the malware will automatically attack the visitor's computer. Few ads on has been identified as malicious advertising," Fix It wrote, on her official blog.

Fix It estimates that there are about 27,000 visitors exposed to malware attacks Yahoo in every hour. 

"Some of the most affected countries malware from Yahoo is Romanian, English, and French. However, we have not been able to identify who the malware spreaders," said Fox It.

Fox It also reveals how to prevent the introduction of malware into the computer. That is by blocking the IP address of the store ads dangerous malware.

It is estimated that the malware comes from advertising on the site started to spread on December 30, 2013.

Yahoo has issued a statement on its website related to the spread of malware. The company has taken serious steps to address the security and monitoring issues.

"We recently have identified the ads that are designed to spread malware to multiple users. We immediately remove these ads, and continuously monitor and block the spread of malware identified advertisements," Yahoo said. Malware that attacks the weaknesses of the Java programming language as a reminder for the application developers that there is still a threat in Java. During this time the Java language is made ​​to look more appealing web interface, but began distressed by the use of Flash and JavaScript. Plugin Java is becoming obsolete by the web developer, there's not much more to add modifiers tamper. Because there are no security patches, so Java became easy targets for hackers. One precaution is to mnon-enable (disable) Java (not JavaScript) in your browser.


  1. , Monday, January 6, 2014, 11:00 pm. 
  2. , Monday, January 6, 2014, 13:16 pm.

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