
Sabtu, 19 April 2014

Why Malware often attacked Stopped in Android?

There is no doubt that the popularity of Android has made Google's mobile platform so favorite targets of cyber criminals. As an operating system (OS) is currently the most common mobile, Android has become the main target of cyber criminals (hackers).
Tak diragukan lagi bahwa popularitas Android telah membuat platform mobile besutan Google itu jadi target favorit penjahat cyber. Sebagai sistem operasi (OS) mobile terpopuler saat ini, Android telah menjadi sasaran utama para penjahat siber (hacker).

The latest report from security firm Kaspersky findings reveal the more astonishing, as many as 99.9 percent of new malware that appears in the first quarter of 2013 was designed to "roam" on Android devices.
Laporan terbaru dari firma keamanan Kaspersky mengungkap temuan yang lebih mencengangkan, yaitu sebanyak 99,9 persen malware baru yang muncul pada kuartal pertama 2013 dirancang untuk "berkeliaran" di perangkat Android.

As quoted from Mashable, the majority of malware including Trojan virus category. Types of trojans are most commonly found are SMS trojans (which steal money by sending messages to premium numbers) is responsible for 63.6 percent of the attacks.
Seperti dikutip dari Mashable, kebanyakan dari malware tersebut termasuk kategori virus trojan. Jenis trojan yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah SMS trojan (yang mencuri uang dengan mengirim pesan ke nomor premium) bertanggung jawab atas 63,6 persen serangan.

Kaspersky also reports that the number of mobile malware has increased dramatically at the beginning of this year. During the first three months of 2013 alone, the number of mobile malware have already equaled half of the total number recorded in 2012.
Kaspersky juga melaporkan bahwa jumlah malware mobile meningkat drastis pada awal tahun ini. Selama tiga bulan pertama 2013 saja, jumlah malware mobile sudah menyamai setengah dari jumlah keseluruhan yang tercatat sepanjang 2012.

Outside the world of mobile gadgets, trends malware injection method to shift towards the use of dangerous links that will infect a user's computer when clicked. As many as 91 percent of malware sent this way.
Di luar dunia gadget mobile, tren metode injeksi malware bergeser ke arah penggunaan tautan berbahaya yang akan menginfeksi komputer pengguna apabila diklik. Sebanyak 91 persen malware dikirim dengan cara ini.

In terms of country of origin of malware, the United States ranks first with 25.1 percent, followed by Russia and the Netherlands, each of which recorded 19.2 percent and 14.4 percent.
Dalam hal negara asal malware, Amerika Serikat menempati urutan pertama dengan 25,1 persen, diikuti Rusia dan Belanda, yang masing-masing mencatat 19,2 persen dan 14,4 persen. 

According to research conducted by Juniper Networks, approximately 92 percent of malicious programs (malware) mobile were detected specifically targeted to the OS made by Google this.
Menurut hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Juniper Networks, sekitar 92 persen program jahat (malware) mobile yang berhasil dideteksi secara spesifik ditargetkan kepada OS buatan Google ini.

In addition because of the high number of devices in circulation, there is one other reason why cyber criminals like to attack Android. Apparently, there are still many users of Android has yet to update the OS to the latest version. This is the reason Android is so popular malware approached.
Selain karena tingginya jumlah perangkat yang beredar, ada satu alasan lain mengapa penjahat siber gemar menyerang Android. Ternyata, masih banyak pengguna Android ternyata belum meng-update OS ke versi yang terbaru. Inilah alasan Android begitu digemari dihampiri malware.

This month alone, according to Juniper, there are only about 4 percent of users are using the latest version of the OS. The rest are still using the old OS, such as Ice Cream Sandwich and Gingerbread.
Bulan ini saja, masih menurut Juniper, baru ada sekitar 4 persen pengguna yang menggunakan OS versi terbaru. Sisanya masih menggunakan OS lama, seperti Ice Cream Sandwich dan Gingerbread.

Google's latest OS is usually armed with more sophisticated security systems. The Internet giant is also a lot of close security holes found in previous versions. Well, without using the latest version of the OS, then the  older Android users are more susceptible to attack.
Google biasanya mempersenjatai OS terbaru dengan sistem keamanan yang lebih canggih. Perusahaan raksasa internet tersebut juga banyak menutup celah keamanan yang ditemukan di versi sebelumnya. Nah, tanpa menggunakan OS versi terbaru, maka pengguna Android lawas lebih rentan terkena serangan.

Even so,  it does not mean another 100 percent secure OS . Quoted from Cnet, Wednesday (06/26/2013), Juniper warns other OS can be exploited, including Apple iOS.
Meskipun begitu, bukan berarti OS lain 100 persen aman. Dikutip dari Cnet, Rabu (26/6/2013), Juniper memperingatkan OS lain pun bisa dieksploitasi, termasuk iOS buatan Apple.

"In theory, exploits for iOS has been demonstrated, as well as methods to infiltrate malicious apps iOS App Store. However, cyber criminals have to avoid Apple products in support of the" green pastures "that Android has to offer," wrote Juniper.
"Secara teori, eksploitasi untuk iOS telah didemonstrasikan, begitu juga dengan metode aplikasi jahat menyusup ke iOS App Store. Namun, penjahat siber telah menghindari produk Apple sebagai dukungan terhadap "padang rumput hijau" yang ditawarkan Android," tulis Juniper.

The majority of mobile malware attacks occurs via SMS Trojan, the "flatter" the victim to send a text message to a number that has been assigned the villain. Approximately 48 percent of attacks occur through this kind of SMS, 29 percent through the install fake, and 19 percent comes from Spy Trojan malware.
Mayoritas serangan malware mobile terjadi via SMS Trojan, yang "merayu" korbannya untuk mengirimkan pesan teks ke nomor yang sudah ditetapkan si penjahat. Sekitar 48 persen serangan terjadi melalui SMS semacam ini, 29 persen melalui install palsu, dan 19 persen berasal dari Trojan Spy malware.

The most widely replicated application is Google Play, Skype, Adobe Flash, and Angry Birds.
Aplikasi yang paling banyak ditiru adalah Google Play, Skype, Adobe Flash, dan Angry Birds.

Furthermore, Juniper explained that the number of mobile malware threats increased sharply in 2013, when compared to last year. Mobile malware grew 614 percent from March 2012 to March 2013. Percentage of the mean, there are 276 259 malicious applications found on the 1-year period.
Lebih lanjut, Juniper menjelaskan bahwa jumlah ancaman malware mobile di tahun 2013 meningkat tajam, jika dibandingkan tahun lalu. Malware mobile tumbuh 614 persen dari Maret 2012 ke Maret 2013. Persentase tersebut berarti, ada 276.259 aplikasi berbahaya yang ditemukan pada kurun waktu 1 tahun tersebut.

In 2012, the increase in malicious attacks only increased 155 percent from 2011.
Pada tahun 2012, peningkatan serangan berbahaya hanya meningkat 155 persen dari tahun 2011.


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