SmadAV is a local Antivirus unpaid devoted to overcome viruses are widespread local and foreign tourists in Indonesia. Antivirus has a free and paid version after it was a donationware.
To date Antivirus SMADAV can run the operating system: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows XP x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64.
SmadAV works in conjunction with almost all international antivirus. When combined, SmadAV will protect your computer from the local and international anti-virus that will protect your computer from virus locally (Indonesia) and the whole international virus.
Development History SmadAV
SmadAV name is taken from the name of the school stands Nafarin Zainuddin, SMADA (SMA 2) in Palangkaraya in Central Kalimantan, while AV stands for antivirus.
STC Nafarin alias Zainuddin aka Zai, is the inventor of the local anti SmadAV Medium Public School students 2 Pahandut Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan class XI IA 1 SmadAV created in 2006, not because he created Smadav love alma mater, but since the beginning (incidentally ) he knows Visual Basic in computer labs SMAN-2 Palangkaraya in about mid-2006. Then Zainuddin Nafarin start trying to learn, and a few months after it was born SmadAV v1.0. But because of his work in the following math Olympics, eventually developing SmadAV postponed until completed in 2008. Smadav first created in Palangkaraya, but the location is a lot more development takes place in the Jogjakarta area due to busy studying at the Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Zainuddin himself did not come from Java, Zainuddin own original of Amuntai, South Kalimantan, and he speaks fluent row. Zainuddin living in a suburb of Palangkaraya, precisely in the area of swamp forest. But now the forest has been destroyed in large part by fires that might accidental fires by humans, shady forests that used to now look no further.
To date Antivirus SMADAV can run the operating system: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows XP x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64.
Development History SmadAV
SmadAV name is taken from the name of the school stands Nafarin Zainuddin, SMADA (SMA 2) in Palangkaraya in Central Kalimantan, while AV stands for antivirus.
Zainuddin himself did not come from Java, Zainuddin own original of Amuntai, South Kalimantan, and he speaks fluent row. Zainuddin living in a suburb of Palangkaraya, precisely in the area of swamp forest. But now the forest has been destroyed in large part by fires that might accidental fires by humans, shady forests that used to now look no further.
SmadAV started Zainuddin developed since October 2006 (when it was still in class XI Zainuddin Nafarin or 2 SMA). Since there are some friends who asked Zainuddin to clean computer from local viruses are annoying, but Zainuddin itself is still quite common on local virus that time. There are 2 that was irritating here, the first local virus itself. Second, Zainuddin Nafarin should come to their homes Nafarin Zainuddin friends to "help" clean up local viruses on their computers manually. Because of this would have to be willing to be friends Zainuddin fixed Nafarin helped and Zainuddin Nafarin do not bother anymore, since SmadAV Zainuddin start developing applications.
Zainuddin Nafarin named Zainuddin Nafarin SmadAV because SMA is SMAN-2 Palangkaraya, commonly called SMADA. So, SmadAV = SMADA + AV (Antivirus SMADA). Why should SMADA? Because Zainuddin Nafarin just starting to learn programming since the beginning of class XI (since Zainuddin Nafarin find Visual Basic in the lab SMADA) and even got a new Nafarin Zainuddin computer while mid-grade X.
Zainuddin Nafarin develop SmadAV since October 2006, and finally stopped in the month of May 2007 and just started again now. Zainuddin due in May 2007 will follow the Provincial Mathematics Olympiad time. And he thought for a while he had to concentrate first Olympics. But because Zainuddin (accidental) escape again to the national level, would not want Zainuddin fixed concentration at the Olympics until the end of October 2007.
After the Olympics ended, again Zainuddin still think has not been possible to re-develop SmadAV, because at that time Zainuddin return must be prepared to face the national exam (because he was sitting in class XII). Zainuddin think early on, he must be prepared to learn the bitter end, because it not only to face the UN (the number 6 subjects) but also the University Entrance Test. After it was all over, and (thankfully) Zainuddin acceptable at GMU in the Department of Mathematics, Zainuddin Nafarin think when it is time to develop more SmadAV. Although now Zainuddin Nafarin is a student and only child boarding, Zainuddin Nafarin will try to develop the maximum possible SmadAV.
License of Use.
SmadAV Antivirus is a free software licensed to SmadAV Free, and to a limited circle belisensi paid for SmadAV Pro.
What are the advantages compared SmadAV Pro Smadav Free?
SmadAV Pro has many additional features that do not exist in SmadAV Free, the following are additional features that you would get at SmadAV Pro: Automatic Update Online, Faster Scanning, Exception List, Maximize / Resize, Change Color Theme, Admin Password, and License Use of Profit. You must be a donor to get SmadAV Pro. Note: SmadAV Free & Pro has the same detection capabilities. The difference is only on the auto-update feature and other additional features.

SmadAV indeed require operational costs, research, hosting, and many other costs. So it is not possible to rely only Smadav Smadav Free to grow. SmadAV Pro is also the difference is not too much to ask Smadav Free Zainuddin Nafarin Benediction and a little donation (If you find it so SmadAV move forward.
SmadAV created with Visual Basic
SmadAV created using Visual Basic, not using Delphi, C / C + + or even assemby. Why? From the beginning Zainuddin Nafarin already focused on Visual Basic and will also take a long time if you have to convert Source Code SmadAV (more than 10000 lines) of the Visual Basic programming language to another. In addition to its re Zainuddin Nafarin must learn new programming languages, Zainuddin Nafarin also here just alone and do not have much time to develop SmadAV, because Zainuddin Nafarin must also fulfill Zainuddin Nafarin to college and get a high IP.
Excess use Visual Basic, SmadAV becomes easier and faster to develop than other programming language that is more complicated and much less Assembly SmadAV Exe File size smaller than Delphi.
The drawback using Visual Basic, SmadAV MSVBVM60.DLL actual need is always there in the Windows Platform system. "If the file is deleted by virus", automatic SmadAV and all the other Visual Basic applications can not be run on that computer. But this can be overcome by downloading MSVBVM60.DLL and put a folder with SmadAV. So no problem. SmadAV never used a database for VBS Virus detection, all total with heuristics alone.
Logo SmadAV

Release SmadAV
Release SmadAV division, namely:
- Small Revision: rev.X.0.0 so rev 8.0.1 (revised periodically in a matter of days)
- Ordinary Revision: rev. X.0 so rev. 8.1 (typically 2 weeks)
- Major Revision: rev.X.5 so rev. 9.0 (usually 2 months)
- SmadAV v1.0
- SmadAV v1.7
- SmadAV v2.3
- Smadav 2008 Rev 3.2
- Smadav 2008 Rev 3.4
- Smadav 2008 Rev 3.5
- Smadav 2008 Rev 3.6
- Smadav 2008 Rev 3.8
- SmadAV 2009 Rev 1.0
- Smadav 2009 Rev 3.8
- Smadav 2009 Rev 4.1
- Smadav 2009 Rev 4.3
- Smadav 2009 Rev 5.1
- Smadav 2009 Rev 5.2
- Smadav 2009 Rev 6.0
- Smadav 2009 Rev 6.2
- Smadav 2009 Rev 6.4
- Smadav 2009 Rev 7.0
- Smadav 2009 Rev 7.1
- Smadav 2009 Rev 7.2
- Smadav 2009 Rev 7.3
- Smadav 2009 Rev 7.4
- Smadav 2009 Rev 7.5
- Smadav 2010 Rev 8.0
- Smadav 2010 Rev 8.1
- Smadav 2010 Rev 8.2
- Smadav 2010 Rev 8.3
- Smadav 2011 Rev 8.4
- Smadav 2011 Rev 8.5
- Smadav 2011 Rev 8.6
- Smadav 2011 Rev 8.7
- Smadav 2011 Rev 8.8
- Smadav 2012 Rev 8.9
- Smadav 2012 Rev 9.0
- Smadav 2012 Rev 9.1
- SmadAV 2013 Rev 9.2
- SmadAV 2013 Rev 9.3
- SmadAV 2013 Rev 9.4
- SmadAV 2013 Rev 9.5
- SmadAV 2014 Rev 9.6
- SmadAV 2014 Rev 9.7
- SmadAV 2014 Rev 9.8, release August 23, 2014.
We do not prevent anyone who wants to criticize Smadav, because Smadav very open and still needs a lot of improvement. Also note that the program is not Smadav commercial / profit, SmadAV made for research and application of science Computer Science. So there is no reason to put the interests of our more self / group rather than the application of the science of Computer Science itself. We are more dedicated to the application Smadav Computer Science and scientific research in Indonesia.
Office SmadAV

SmadAV has no official office. SmadAV fruit is the result of the work of the hands of Gajah Mada University students residing in Yogyakarta. While all team members are volunteers who gathered online.
Forum SmadAV
Forum SmadAV made by mas kambeeng dated March 23, 2009. So, on March 23, 2012 forum Smadav even 3 years old. The initial purpose of the establishment of this forum is to provide users and asked questions through the forum. Forum SmadAV also available for users who want to report bugs, suggestions / criticism for SmadAV. In August 2011, the forum SmadAV recorded 69,923 registered users. Data source: Statistics Center SmadAV Forum.
External server (International) tend to be cheaper than a local server (IIX). Especially for a very cheap Shared Hosting abroad. not wear Shared Hosting, but using VPS (Virtual Private Server) which is much more expensive and more stable for a sufficiently large forum. Currently there Daxa Server 2,500,000, -/bulan and Server and using Virtual Private Server at DreamHost, pay him between $ 50 - $ 100 per month or 500,000, - / month ( Rp6.000.000 - Rp12.000.000 per year). So can serve Smadaver the maximum possible speed.
Focus Development SmadAV.
SmadAV currently focused on the following four main functions:
1) additional protection for your computer, 100% compatible with other antivirus!
Most of the antivirus can not be installed together with other antivirus, it is because the antivirus is designed for primary protection on your computer. Unlike SmadAV, Smadav antivirus is a type that are designed as an additional protection, so 100% compatible and can work well although there has been another antivirus on your computer, in this case serves as a layer of defense SmadAV second. SmadAV has its own way (behavior, heuristic, and whitelisting) in detecting and cleaning viruses that will further enhance the security of the computer. Because the resource usage is very small SmadAV, SmadAV will not increase your computer's performance under heavy use. So, with a mix between SmadAV and antivirus protection that is installed on your computer will further strengthen the defense of your computer from virus infection.
2) Best USB Antivirus (Total Protection USB stick)
USB flash drive is one of the largest medium for spreading viruses in Indonesia. SmadAV have special technology for total prevention of virus that spreads via USB stick. Mission SmadAV is 100% no longer infectious virus from the flash. SmadAV have enough signatures of viruses that infect the flash, and has a special ability to detect new viruses in the flash though not in the database SmadAV. Not only is prevention, Smadav also able to clean up a virus that infects and restore virus hidden files in USB Flashdisk
3) Best for offline use (no need to update very often)
SmadAV very well be used for computers that rarely or even not connected to the internet. SmadAV do not need to update as often as any other antivirus that usually do updates per week and even per day. SmadAV usually only update once a month (monthly). SmadAV not overly dependent on the signature / virus database, but rather depends on the behavior detection techniques, heuristic, and whitelisting.
4) Cleaner and tools to clean the virus
SmadAV also able to clean the virus that has infected your computer and fix registry is modified by a virus. Other antivirals are usually not done cleaning the registry so that the computer has not returned to normal after cleaning the antivirus. Many supporting tools that are included in SmadAV as a weapon for cleaning viruses.
Note: Not all types of viruses can be cleaned Smadav, Smadav is still not able to clear the virus type penginfeksi programs or rootkit type (eg: virus Ramnit, Sality, Alman, Virut, etc..) Because this strain has blown most of your program files .
Our focus now is to thoroughly cleaning the virus types other than these two types (eg: virus WormShortcut, Cervical, MSO, Brontok, etc..)
Computer Security Key Features:
1. Process SmadAV
At Smadav clicked surreptitiously checking first (that is not to kill the virus) the state of your computer, if there is a virus going direct-kill SmadAV before the GUI (view) Smadav it appears. And this should be less than 3 seconds
2. File Cleaning
If it fails to do the cleaning Smadav, actual documents will not be deleted but quarantined, so they can restore (undelete) on the Quarantine tab.
There are several possible causes for cleaning files document fails (so it must be quarantined):
- File documents possessed (join) the body of the virus
- File documents hidden in a place that can not be reached smadav
3. Autorun.inf
Folder autorun.inf SmadAV serves to fend off the virus that makes autorun.inf file. Autorun.inf is only detected if any stick / Removable disk, not on the CD / DVD Drive. Zainuddin Nafarin computer itself is very often infected with Conficker because Zainuddin Nafarin often lax in researching in Lab SmadAV, Conficker infected computers often loose and Zainuddin Nafarin own, but still failed Conficker infects the flash by creating an autorun.inf file, because it is already locked by Smad -Lock.
autorun.inf virus is likely to be only duplicate themselves so similar to all the folders on the drive, including autorun.inf folder, so the virus will exe extension named autorun.inf.exe Recycler Folder in flash is 100% Virus Conficker. It should be noted that autorun.inf folder that has the attribute system + hidden so it will not confuse a novice user because most ordinary computer users do not display the file system + hidden. Only advanced computer users only from mostly hidden + file system, and they are mostly already know uses autorun.inf folder.
Keep in mind, Windows 7 was not using and ignoring the autorun.inf file on a removable disk. Actually autorun.inf on removable disk feature has been widely criticized by users of Windows XP because it is very dangerous and a very nice gap for the virus, Smadav just want to break the chain of virus, mostly in Indonesia spread via autorun.inf. So it is not recommended to remove autorun.inf folder SmadAV made.
Until now, almost all the virus (99%) are not able to remove autorun.inf folder SmadAV.
Zainuddin Nafarin realized there was a counter with Smad-Lock though only a small fraction. But please understand that the mission is actually just Smadav to significantly reduce the spread of the virus in Indonesia, and eventually we will get a high security on computers in Indonesia, both for users online and offline, mostly in Indonesia. Folder Autorun.inf automatic stay but no confirmation before will be added shortly after the flash is not installed there will be users who are confused, you should note that when it is removed the autorun.inf folder there will be a notification from windows: "This autorun.inf is LOCKED by SMADAV to protect your Flash-Disk from virus infection. "
So, the mission is really just SmadAV to significantly reduce the spread of the virus in Indonesia, and eventually we will get a high security on computers in Indonesia, both for users online and offline, mostly in Indonesia.
4. Smad-Lock
Folder Smad-Lock Δ Δ can not be d-scan by SmadAV Rev. 4 and previous versions. This is because the path has Unicode character that is Δ. Similarly, the virus can not scan and infect files in it, because to make a program may enter this folder programmer must create code that supports Unicode characters so it must overhaul reset all the codes that do not support Unicode. SmadAV 2009 Rev. 5 has been re Rombak Nafarin Zainuddin and supports Unicode. Smad-Lock virtually impossible to be modified by a virus. Virus penginfeksi folder is duplicating themselves like all the folders it finds including autorun.inf folder owned by Smad-Lock. But the virus can not be penginfeksi folder into the folder "Smad-Lock Δ Δ" Smad-Lock Folder is reserved only for files opened with microsoft made programs, such as office, explorer, notepad, etc.. Only a few non-Microsoft program that can open the file in a folder Smad-Lock. SmadAV already provide adequate notification and records in the folder Smad-Lock in the Read Me file. Indeed, there are approximately 5% local virus can enter the folder Smad-Lock, but almost no one could infect documents in it
Very strong reasons to make Smad-Lock feature:
90% of the virus (the virus either locally or outside the virus) in Indonesia are now spreading through autorun.inf, so please say you use the features in the autorun.inf file but get ready because your autorun.inf file will be replace by the viral and Removable Disk will be infected. If you are more concerned with security, switch Smad-Lock (Autorun.inf), until now most viruses (99%) are not able to remove autorun.inf folder SmadAV.
As you know, Windows 7 is not using and ignoring the autorun.inf file on a removable disk. Actually autorun.inf on removable disk feature has been widely criticized by users of Windows XP because it is very dangerous and a very nice gap for the virus, Smadav just want to break the chain of virus, mostly in Indonesia spread via autorun.inf. So it is not recommended to remove autorun.inf folder SmadAV made.
SmadAV already provide adequate notification and records in the folder Smad-Lock in the Read Me file. More detailed technical notes may be added in the next revision in the Read Me file
The trick to ensure safe flash-disk (almost 100%) of the virus
- First Activate Smad-Lock in flash disk and insert all the files / folders into the folder "Smad-Lock Δ Δ"
- Folder Smad-Lock (Safe Smadav) it will have to be made manually via Tools-> Smad-Lock.
- Remember, do not ever change the name "Smad-Lock Δ Δ".
Is it possible that Smad-Lock penetrated virus?
Smad-Lock is still possible penetrated by a small virus. Viruses that (1) as a whole or (2) only some functions that support UNICODE path.
- For the first type, the virus which overall supports UNICODE, can even infect documents / files in a folder Smad-Lock, but until now I have not been there found a virus like this, especially in Indonesia which could infect documents (not executable), there is only alien virus that can infect the exe.
- For the second type of virus, only a partial function that supports UNICODE path, just be able to copy the file to the folder Smad-Lock, and most do not modify the other files that already exist in the folder Smad-Lock. Viruses of this type may be estimated less than 5% of the entire local virus spread in Indonesia.
5. Smad-RTP
Smad-RTP only prevent the execution of virus Explorer and flash. So there will be no registry if execution viral infections have been prevented. SmadAV not automatic scanning of all file activity on your computer, because this is a very light Smadav protection. So SmadAV will prevent you execute the virus file a moment when you open the folder through Explorer.
6. Registry
Smadav can always clean the registry it detects, if the difference is Forbidden String and string can not automatically correct and detected again despite being cleared, there may be a viral infection that constantly change to their original values.
7. Flashdisk
For example SmadAV in flash and infected and the user opens Smadav of the media, it Smadav warned that the file has been corrupted. There is no 100% security, but we have to try the best security possible.
SmadAV Link Download Antivirus Free Edition:
Download SmadAV Rev 2014. 9.8

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Source link for those of you who want to know more about Antivirus SmadAV:
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