Aka malware malicious program has been rampant in the Android platform. Number of Android devices infected with malware in 2012, for example, 300 percent more than 2011.
Once installed, the malware operates clandestinely, steal user data, or using unlicensed internet quota.
These malicious programs use various methods to avoid detection of Android device users, including the hijacking another program.
Nevertheless, its presence can still be determined by observing certain symptoms. What is it? Here are five of them, as quoted from Read Write Web:
1. Battery life decreases. Android users who use the device normally and not doing a lot of that activity must know the range of the battery drain battery life of the phone.
If the battery life down for no apparent reason, there is likely to be the culprits malware. Examples such as adware, malware types that continuously send ads to users thus affecting the device's battery.
2. Dropped calls and nuisance calls. Malware can eavesdrop on conversations made with Android devices. When this is the case, can appear side effects such as nuisance calls or dropped call.
If the user is not sure the two problems caused by signal interference, there could be malware that seeks to tap into conversations or other suspicious activity.
3. Bloated phone bills. This is caused by malware thieves pulses with various techniques, such as sending an SMS to a premium rate number.
To avoid suspicion, some type of malware is just sending an SMS once a month. There is also automatically delete themselves once completed quickly deplete bill users.
Therefore, it is worth checking the phone bill to see if any suspicious spending. Who knew there was malware behind.
4. Data consumption rose abruptly. This one can also be caused by malware, similar to the above peculiarities phone bill. Upload or download pattern changes could be a sign that someone or something is utilizing the Internet connection on an Android device.
Installing the application of data quota gauges can indicate if a device has been infiltrated by malware, and prevent excess consumption data over the day-to-day use.
5. Decreased performance. Depending on the hardware specifications of the device in question, the malware can make the performance drops drastically. PC users have ever experienced heavyweight viral infection symptoms are certainly familiar with this one. Way can check by looking at the consumption of RAM or processor load is not fair.
Stay on guard
Respectively, the Android operating system is the most vulnerable malware version 2.3 (Gingerbread), 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich), and 4.1 (Jelly Bean). According to data from the Android Developer Dashboard, 88 percent of Android devices in circulation using three versions of this operating system.
When the Android device already plagued by malware, there are several actions that can be done. The first is to remove the application associated with the malware. If it still persist despite malware applications "parent" is removed, then the next can be done is to "factory reset" which will clear the device memory.
To improve security, a number of free security apps available in the Google Play Store. For office users, IT departments can help solve this problem before the dangerous malware company data.
General preventive measures that can be done is actually the type of permissions requested by any application Android. Many applications ask for permission to do dangerous things, even though not required. For that, read the permissions it requests carefully before clicking "accept".
Author: Oik Yusuf
Editor: Abrams Surya Hidayat
Source : http://tekno.kompas.com/.
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