Drop of indigo, damaged milk. Diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Australia, the last few years so friendly, now the heat. Relationship was disrupted after the international media leaked the secret writing about the work of Edward Snowden Canberra spying Indonesia. Indonesia, which is often called the leaders of Australia as a close friend and strategic partner, of course, angered by the action of the intelligence.

List of Indonesian officials who are victims of wiretapping.
Not only makes the embassy in Jakarta as one post electronic espionage, Australia is also rumored to tap the phones of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and his wife and their officials in 2009.
Jakarta anger persists. Having recalled Ambassador to Australia RI, Nadjib Riphath Kesoema, from Canberra, President Yudhoyono expresses his anger over Australia's wiretapping scandal through private account on Twitter.
Joint U.S., Australian action was "very hurt strategic partnership with Indonesia, as a fellow democracy," the tweet straight from the SBY, which he also wrote in English.
In fact, due to the scandal, the Indonesian government is not just Mr Najib to call home, but also will, "Revisiting the agenda of a number of bilateral cooperation, due to Australia's treatment was painful," he continued SBY. Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa also said that the hacking scandal would reduce the degree of relationship between Indonesia and Australia.
Anger in Indonesia, which has not been satisfied with the explanation from Canberra about the hacking scandal that revealed Snowden, seems to continue. Prime Minister Tony Abbott just feel sorry for what happened to the rumored SBY about tapping the mass media, but he is not willing to apologize as demanded several parties, including the opposition in Australia.

Instead of apologizing, Abbott actually support anything that has been done previously and the current administration to continue to collect information for Australia's national interest. During Abbott and its officials have not formally apologize or give a satisfactory explanation to Indonesia about the wiretapping scandal, relations between the two countries will continue to strain.
Security Cooperation

The bilateral tensions could ultimately affect the strategic cooperation between Indonesia and Australia over the last close. Two factors are of serious concern is the security and cooperation in the field of economics. What are the two factors that have to strengthen relations between the two countries that could be directly affected?
Statements of security officials and politicians in Indonesia suggests that security cooperation Indonesia and Australia in the near future could be disrupted. In fact, Australia has been to make Indonesia as a strategic partner in counter-terrorism and human smuggling kerjasaman.
Australia since the Bali bombing terror greatly assisted by the Indonesian security forces operation in combating terrorist networks that threaten their citizens in Indonesia. For the problem of human trafficking also rely heavily Canberra Indonesia in stopping illegal immigrants from the Middle East who sailed to Australia.
However, Indonesian Police Chief, General Sutarman, already expressed their willingness to cease all cooperation programs with Australia if ordered by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. It was delivered Sutarman respond terkuaknya Australian intelligence intercepts done, Defense Signals Directorate (DSD).
"Police have cooperation with Australia, but if the President ordered stopped, will do," said Sutarman said after a meeting with the Chief of Police at National Police Headquarters Human Equation, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 19, 2013.
In the last ten years, since the Bali bombings, Indonesian security forces cooperation and Australia tackling terrorists running very closely. Australia supports the establishment and training Detachment 88 that managed to capture a lot of terrorists in Indonesia, including a trio of bombers in Bali in October 2002.
According to Sutarman, police cooperation with Australia today is in the form of equipment and supplies owned by the Police. These items is Jakarta Center for Law Enforcement (the Centre) located in Semarang. Trans-national crime prevention program, people smuggling, trafficking in persons, and terrorism, all of it supported by Australia.
Police and Australian Federal Police (AFP) also has a training program and support the Criminal Investigation and cyber crime lab DNA laboratory in Cipinang to disclosure cases. "The collaboration police to police cooperation. When asked to stop, we are ready to quit," he said.
Vice Chairman of Commission I of the House Defense and Foreign Affairs, Tubagus Hasanuddin, said Indonesia would not be paralyzed without the co-operation with Australia. In fact, according to Tubagus, Indonesia also has a 'trump card' to shake up Australia. In addition to stopping the supply of information to the Australian terrorist network, further Tubagus, Indonesia can no longer help Australia about handling illegal immigrants.
"If Indonesia is like that, he's desperate (Australia)," said the PDI-P politician.
The same was conveyed by Deputy Chairman of Commission I of the other, Ramadan Pohan. According to him, without Australia, Indonesia will continue to grow.
"Never once thought we sank without Australia. We can not be dictated while being harassed. They are facing refugees 15 thousand per year just at a loss, especially without any cooperation," he said.
A few days earlier, Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa also expressed the same thing after calling the Australian ambassador, Greg Moriarty, about the espionage scandal at the embassy. Asked what the Australian reply Indonesia, Natalegawa said, "One of them is certainly reviewing cooperation on exchange of information, even the exchange of intelligence information, particularly in response to the problem of human smuggling."
Businessman Optimistic

Meanwhile, trade and economic cooperation between Indonesia and Australia for a while this seemed not disturbed by tension as a result of this wiretapping scandal. The office of Indonesia's economy and business people hope that this problem can be resolved expeditiously without having to disrupt business climate between the two countries.
"Economic relations between the two countries remains the way," said Coordinating Minister for the Economy Hatta Rajasa at the Parliament Building, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 19, 2013. According to him, the economic partnership should take proportionate, not to be constrained Loosening of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Australia.
However, Hatta emphasized the importance of Australia to explain what they did about tapping against state officials RI. "Trust us to friends, to neighbors, harmed by such mistrust. If Menseneg tapped, the president tapped, tapped close aide to the president, it was entered into the heart of government. This is very serious, "he said.
Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan issued a statement concurs. It asks Australia to Indonesia intercepts seriously addressed so as not to interfere with cooperation between the two countries in the economic sector. "Indonesia and Australia to establish contact in various sectors, among others, agriculture and livestock. All should be measured, "he said.
Participants conventions Democrat Party presidential candidate felt that wiretapping is a disturbing form of terrible betrayal interstate relations. "It should be followed strictly so that the front does not happen again," said Gita.
But Indonesia also have to think also of national economic interest. "For example, if there is thought to stop importing beef from Australia, have calculated how the effects on domestic beef prices in RI, and whether our meat enough to meet the needs of the national increase of 15 percent every year," said Gita.
Chairman of the National Economic Committee (KEN), Chairul, argues that tapping action by Australia not disrupt the investment climate between the two countries. He considers this issue has more to do with political interests.
Withdrawal of Indonesian Ambassador of Australia, according to him, is the right step. It shows the government's decisive response to the problems. "It's actually a form of protest against the attitude of Australia, which are either hostile to Indonesia," he said.
He re-emphasized, regardless of political issues, such action will not affect the business and investment climate in Indonesia.
"In terms of investments and businesses that do not exist, I do not see it. But we must show strong political stance against this," he said.
For Australia, Indonesia is the 12th trading partner and export market to the 11th largest. In contrast, for Indonesia, Australia is the 9th largest trading partner and largest export market to 9. Accordingly, mutual investment between the two countries is relatively small.
Despite frequent chills in touch, know, Indonesia is the largest recipient country of Australia. In 1976-1979, Australia poured grant of AU $ 86 million for Indonesia. In the form of project aid, food aid, and training programs.
For this year alone, the allocation of Australian aid to Indonesia totaled Rp 5, 5 trillion, or AU $ 540 million. Sectors of the Australian education a top priority for Indonesia, as well as the health sector, infrastructure, social protection.
In addition, Australia is the number two country study for Indonesia, after the United States. The number of Indonesian studying in Australia in 1999 as many as 18 748 and 17 626 people in 2000. However, Australia is the only country that teach Indonesian in schools. As in New South Wales, and also at Monash University in Melbourne.
In the field of tourism, since the 70s, Indonesia has become a major destination for Australians. The main goal is Bali. So, Australia became an important source of tourists to Indonesia.

Author: Renna RA Kawilarang, Nila Chris Yulika, Arinto Tri Wibowo, R. Jihad Akbar, Erick Asia
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