When the dignity trampled country, in the blink of nationalism within a group was disturbed. It also seems that fueled courage Indonesian hacker group forward into battle all-out cyber attack a number of sites from Australia.
Starting with the issue of wiretaps conducted against the Australian embassy in the countries of Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. Australia issues espionage war spread to the digital realm in cyberspace that makes hackers Indonesia and Australia facing position.
Although the hacker group Anonymous denies they ever Australian counterattack to sites in Indonesia. But the issue of cyber warfare between the two countries continue to roll. This condition is clouded by tapping the unfolding of a number of Australian state officials, including President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY).
Here are 4 interesting facts you need to know related to cyber war between hackers Indonesia vs Australia:
1. Australia espionage revealed by The Sydney Morning Herald

Acts of cyber war between hackers Indonesia Vs Australia begins when the daily The Sydney Morning Herald reported that a number of Australian Embassy located in the Southeast Asia region involved tapping led U.S. intelligence agencies (NSA).
This would make state government who are victims of furious tapping and take decisive action, including Indonesia. Between Page reported that on Friday (11/01/2013), the Foreign Ministry summoned ambassadors Autralia directly for further questioning this espionage-related issues.
Even on Wednesday (11/20/2013), President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) shows his frustration and give a strong reaction. SBY is not currently assess the inter-tap his era as the era of the Cold War past. Eyeing each other and tapping the country today, according to SBY, is not ethical anymore.
2. Indonesian Anonymous # OpAustralia title, uprooted hundreds of sites Australia

In retaliation for alleged espionage carried out by the Australian Embassy, the group Anonymous of Indonesia, through the Twitter account @ anon_indonesia Australia announced a list of hundreds of websites that claimed they had managed to plow.
Most sites that are victims of hacking is the site advertising and lower class business that is not too popular in Australia and is expected to be randomly selected.
Berenti not stop there, camp Anonymous hacktivist Indonesia echoes the advanced attack codenamed # OpAustralia war (Operation Australia). The attack reportedly assisted by Anonymous Australian camp also condemned acts of espionage.
They are also the # OpAustralia reportedly initiated with the aim of cyber attacks that could do more focused on Australian government websites, not websites belonging to innocent civilians.
The main target of hacker attacks Indonesian takeover of websites focused on Autralia Intelligence Agency are addressed in www.asio.gov.au. And the site also had to be made down to a few moments by the Anonymous group of Indonesia.
3. Played off rumors hacker Malaysia

After successfully attacking a number of websites with a password Australian war # OpAutralia, social media universe crowded with starting the movement # OpMalaysia solicitation.
# OpMalaysia movement itself lively appear in your Twitter timeline and Facebook after it was rumored that the hacker from Malaysia is the main mastermind group Anonymous dispute between Indonesia and Australia. They are considered to have pitting both sides.
Previously, the site reportedly Angkasa Pura and Garuda Indonesia had been hacked (hacking) and lose a number of key corporate data. It was reported that the Australian Anonymous was responsible for the attack.
But lately the rumor emerged that the Malaysian hackers hacking mastermind who became two important sites of the Indonesian air transportation.
Page Hacker News even published a video Anonymous Australian official statements which explicitly stated that the perpetrators of cyber attacks Indonesia is not a party to them.
4. Anonymous threatens to attack Australia Indonesia

Cyber war between hackers Indonesia and Australia heats up. This is compounded by the emergence of a video containing threats uploaded via YouTube recently.
In the video Anonymous Australia said in a statement cyber war and threatened to tear ngabrik some famous Indonesian sites.
Some target is www.indonesia.go.id site, www.kpk.go.id, www.garuda-indonesia.com, and www.polri.go.id. Portal online media were also being targeted, such as the site www.detik.com, www.viva.co.id, www.kaskus.co.id, and several other sites.
Author: Adhi Maulana
Source: http://tekno.liputan6.com/, 20 November 2013 19:00 pm.
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